
Tempest In the Land Of Seven Extuaries

Each desire requires sacrifice. And the worst of it all, a sacrifice from an agreement involving the devil from the dark side. Well, that’s what happened to Adanu Raksa. When he’s just a 6 years old kid, he had already been offered as a sacrifice to The Carrion Flower devil. He did manage to free himself from the devil’s grip. However, as he's been marked as the offering for the devil, he will always attract all the evil entities toward him every damn night. Wherever he goes, he brings disaster both for himself and the people around him. Is there any way to free himself from the curse? Or, should he live the rest of his life as an exile?

Ryt1r · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

The Price

After all, that shaman is having a good fighting skill unlike those forest demons and evil spirits. Due to his doubt, Adanu Raksa is starting to find it harder to handle him.


His mind begins to diverge, no longer able to concentrate because of all the worries and considerations.


"What's wrong? Don't tell me you lost the will to fight me?" the shaman taunts as he keeps waving his wooden staff.


However, the more he is cornering Adanu Raksa, the more Adanu Raksa is back to his peak concentration, triggering his instinct to survive.


He is still able to wound that shaman. However, everytime there's one evil spirit appears, the shaman eats it and gets refreshed.


"I can go on like this forever," says the shaman.


"I can just wait for the dawn come, and then, none of those evil spirits would come to this place," Adanu Raksa replies.


"You really think you can hold that long against me?"


And indeed, as Adanu Raksa is getting tired, the shaman begins to be able to land more blows on him. He pummels Adanu Raksa a few times, and then sends him back to the rock.


"See! In no time, I'll devour your soul and make myself even stronger," says the shaman as he grabs another evil spirit and swallows it.


"Is that why you fight using a staff, not a sword?" asks Adanu Raksa.


"So you get it, huh? All I need is to weaken you by keeping your body intact. I believe you have a more delicious soul than these girls. Because I know, your soul has been mixed with The Carrion Flower Devil's corrupted aura," the shaman replies.


Adanu Raksa tries his best to get back to his feet with a swaying posture. He brings his black Damascus short sword to his face, and oddly, that sword starts shivering slightly. And then, he starts whispering to the sword.


"Sorry, guys! Seems like I'm going to make you all suffer again like in the past. But I beg of you, please endure it a bit, and don't disturb my mind when I'm fighting him."


It attracts the shaman's attention a bit. He knows Adanu Raksa is speaking to someone, but he couldn't clearly hear what Adanu Raksa has just whispered.


"Seems like you are really starting to lose your mind, huh?" the shaman laughs.


But then, that laugh is suddenly stopped as he feels a sudden burst of suffocating killing aura from Adanu Raksa. It's just so short, and that aura is immediately vanished.


"What was that?" mumbles the shaman. "Did he just lose all his life force? That's weird."


A moment later, Adanu Raksa pulls out all of his inner energy and lets the sword absorbs everything. That sword is now engulfed by a dense white plasma. However, Adanu Raksa's body is now looking so weak because of it.


He is still standing with a bit of swaying posture. He walks slowly to the shaman with the sword is just pointing down to the ground.


"What is this now? You look like a dying man to me," the shaman sneers.


"Just keep talking while you still can," replies Adanu Raksa with a lifeless face.


As Adanu Raksa leaves that dark rock and gets illuminated by the crescent moon, only then the shaman sees the air around Adanu Raksa is swayed by somekind of strange aura.


However, finding how weak Adanu Raksa is, the shaman jumps high and sends a huge slam using his staff. Adanu Raksa blocks it with his sword.




At that instant, Adanu Raksa closes his eyes as if he is holding somekind of pressure in his mind.


"I beg of you, please endure it a bit longer," he mumbles.


And then, Adanu Raksa sends a counter, and able to cut the tip of the shaman's weapon. It is something that had never happened so far to that weird wooden staff.


The shaman sees another evil spirit approaching. And so he grabs it. He chews on that spirit, and then blows it to his wooden staff just as away to strengthen it with the devoured spirit energy.


"I see! That's how he makes his wooden staff so durable against sword," Adanu Raksa mutters to himself. "It's imbued by spirit energy."


The shaman begins sending more blows to Adanu Raksa over and over. And just like before, Adanu Raksa keeps getting pressure in his mind everytime he blocks the shaman's wooden staff.


He is back off from the shaman's attack as he closes his eyes by the pain he just recived in his head. He keeps hearing some scream in his head, the scream of the holly souls which reside in his sword.


"Please, endure it a bit."


"Running away now?" asks the shaman, before running so low toward him.


However, Adanu Raksa was back off only to create some space so he can aim for a counter. As the shaman sends a huge wave with his staff, Adanu Raksa parries it.


He simply lets the staff slide, and then he ducks down as he swifts his sword downward around the staff before sending an upward slash from below.


The sword cuts the shaman's hand. The staff and that hand are now floating in the air. And the next split second, Adanu Raksa's sword reaches the shaman's neck.




The shaman only hears a gust of wind, and his head is already floating in the air. Both the head and the body fall to the ground. Oddly, the severed part of his neck and his head are enguled by the flame.


"Aaargh. Damn you! How could a weak stroke like that can cut my head? It hurts, you damn whore! How comes I can feel the pain? There's no way a sword by mere young man can cut my head."


The shaman curses in agony. And Adanu Raksa, he is just staring at him with a stupid face.


"Fuck! How could you still be able to speak?"


"That's the difference between us! You are still too green to comprehend me," replies the shaman with an arrogant tone.


The body of the shaman backs to stand up, and grabs his head. He looks like trying to put back the head to the severed neck which is still engulfed by a strange flame.


"Shit, don't even think about it! There's no way I'll let you put that head back," grumbles Adanu Raksa, immdiately kicking the head away from the shaman's hand.




The head slips off and rolls on the ground. Adanu Raksa rushes so fast to the head, and kicks it so hard, making the head hits the rock. And again, Adanu Raksa kicks that head against the rock.


"Fuck you, human! How dare you humiliate me this way? Fuck you and your mother!!!"


"Shut up! You deserve it!"