
tempered in blood and bone

alexander campion, a student versed in robotics and his professor are working on something revolutionary, but it all goes wrong suddenly, and alexander ends up in a place far from home.

herohero · Fantasy
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22 Chs

the orders tests and 'fate'

Entering the shipyard was like entering a new world, it was so different from the serenity and clarity afforded by the dark draped tent, outside I was glared at by the youths crowding the tent, seems they didn't appreciate the blind favouritism, well no matter.

Moving on I looked around the rest of the shipyard finding both the 'ivory aquatic tower' and 'the deep oceanic tower' looking between the two I decided to check the 'ivory oceanic tower' first, due to its great acclaim, it was also the institution with the largest tent and a sizable drift of youths, however, these youths rarely managed to enter the tent, as the wall of guards blocked them, filtering out only the most suitable, they also had the most orderly system in line.

The way the system works, is they have created multiple sectioned of cueing arias, in these lines, the applicant will wait until there at the front, and when they reach the front a guard will check their paper, before either letting them through or sending them off.

As for the queue I was no exemption, having to wait like everyone else, the queue did not take long as they cycled through all the present youths, I was at the forefront of the cue in no time the guard looking through the paper, after reading he looked at me astonished before lifting the thick paper to the light, revealing something I hadn't noticed before, interweaved in the paper is an intricate pattern formed by intersecting lines of gold and silver, the pattern formed the image of a carp.

The man handed back the paper fawningly saying, "young master just answers a few short questions." he smiled ruefully "when choosing between unlimited might and unlimited knowledge, which do you choose" deliberating I replied, "power without knowledge is empty and knowledge without power is the path of a scholar, not a king."

the guard sighed saying "you know this question, it's made gauge personality, no matter what, you must say something unique. The tower believes in individuality, so on that note, you passed, regardless of the over questions, ill skip them, congratulations." he pointed at the nearest entrance to the tent "just head that way."

The tent's inside was well governed, with what looked like a foyer, I walked over to the receptionist manning the place, she asked for my papers reading through them she bowed,

"Mr Alexander, please go through door twelve, there you will find a man when entering make sure to bow, respectfully calling him proctor, his ranking within the tower is abnormally high, so make sure to not offend him. You may go now" after leaving the desk I walked through the tent, the place was oddly spacious, and I only met a few other applicants, most of which were walking with overflowing pride.

The door numbered thirteen was actually a deep hardwood door set up within the mammoth tent, opening it, it issued a squeaky groan alerting the familiar man inside, he was the one I saw whilst walking the other day, he had the same cane with the serpent, when he saw me, he gave me a bored look

"boy, you're the first one sent here, so you better say for a while to ease my etching boredom, even though I'm the most senior member of the tower here, I'm a disciple of the venerable tower master, just because master needs me to 'humble' and 'learn mundanity'. So, kid you must be quite extraordinary to be sent to me, show me your papers." he snacked the papers out of my hand reading them judgementally.

"Well, this is passable" despite the arrogance in his tone I got the impression that he wasn't that bad a person, and all his words were laced with elegance, despite their contents.

He looked over me saying, "well since you already passed the entrance test for the tent, il spare you the semantics, here sign here, and let me tell you from experience, the 'ivory aquatic tower' is the first most institution in this event for both power and resources, just remember that."

Speaking to him I felt an unconscious reverence swell within me, like I was facing an existence on a higher plain, compelled by this I bowed fully expressing myself fully "I will keep your words in mind proctor." he waved me out flipping something out his pocket, I heard him mutter "guess il train". I left the tent after signing the paper.

I re-entered the shipyard heading for 'the deep oceanic academy' its tent was smaller than the first two, with fewer people crowding around it, its colour was a deep cobalt blue, handing from mantles were banners, there were two main banners, these both held between them a whale and a shark, the banners were rather like tapestries, woven by expert hands.

Approaching the tent, I took out the papers folded into the inner pocket of my coat, after wading through the disorderly mob I reached the entrance, showing my paper I was instantly allowed to pass through, inside was a small corridor lining its draping walls was a row of partitions on each side.

Walking down I wasn't told where to go, each different partition had a plaque with a quote on it, none of them was named, all remaining anonymous.

Based on intuition I decided to enter one of the four empty rooms, looking through the quotes I entered the room of my favoured quote, it read 'humanity is built upon the shoulders of giants, and I stand so that I may surpass them' inside the small, confined anti-chamber was a curtain, I closed the flap on the entrance behind me entering through the curtains, inside was dark a single candle lighting the siting face of a cadaverous woman, her cheeks where gaunt her skin baggy, she was sitting cross-legged on the floor, as I approached her, she opened her eyes "you seem interesting, boy do you believe in fate, the divine, higher powers?" I answered right away feeling rather out of place, my response was carved from whimsical fancies, not wholly my own.

"fate is carved by the strong, divinity is grasped by them." she looked at me provocatively "no, no, your answer cannot contain, lies, boy." she lifted her arm flicking out the candle, "think deeper, what do you believe? What is strength for you."

sorry for the late upload. stones anybody.

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