
tempered in blood and bone

alexander campion, a student versed in robotics and his professor are working on something revolutionary, but it all goes wrong suddenly, and alexander ends up in a place far from home.

herohero · Fantasy
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22 Chs


"Okey, if they accept me ill consider accepting them." I laughed. As we continued talking the crowd grew denser, eventually, I saw, from the corner of my eye Evangeline approaching us, silently I warned toby by nudging him pointing stealthily at Evangeline, when she reached us, she inquired "so Tobias what ACADEMY are you going to join."

the enthesis on academy made one thing clear, their family must have some affiliation to an academy, or I'm just overthinking it, Toby answered dutifully "don't worry I've signed myself up for the 'lambent academy, for prosperous arcanists' and the 'judicial academy of the icy north' you can check with their teams if you don't believe me.

Also, my friend here was just telling me he met, you know who from the 'ivory aquatic tower' so please can you leave me to this." he winked at me, so I followed up "he called me reasonably talented." Evangeline looked at me dumfounded "from someone of his position, that is an incredible compliment, so does that mean you joining the 'ivory aquatic tower'." she smiled warmly "I heard it's good there "well since you two are getting on so well il leave you be. This might be the last time you see each other in a long time."

she left the last statement in passing before huddling back into the swarm.

An hour later a stage was erected from the ground, its design was simplistic, and it was made of packed mud, the method of its creation clearly linked to a form of mage craft, stepping onto a podium, behind the lectern was a decrepit looking man, he spoke in a booming voice despite his haggard appearance

"I speak here on behalf of you, all of you. You are the most promising youths on our continent, and although we may be, the smallest, some may say weakest continent we have something the others don't. They lack one integral thing that will be our future and their downfall, it's not unity, friendship, or anything so flimsy. It's our drive, you are our future, who will grow to not support our continent's order, but to destroy it. You who will replace the old must create something new something better, you the future are the only one capable of this. Mold your path with blood, sit upon a throne of bones, and do whatever it takes. Be the stronger you." He took a breath "go forth and thrive."

After concluding his speech, the elder turned, his long flowing beard arcing behind him, replacing him were various representatives of the organisations, institutions, eta, they spoke of the feats of their schools, listing reasons for their superiority.

It lasted a while before the electives came up to call out names of accepted youths.

The system was somewhat flawed as students could sign up for multiple academies, so the number accepted where not indicative of the number who attend, so what they do is at the end, they split into groups, then the applicant can go sign the contract and become an official student or member.

After listening to the preliminary schools, usually the weaker of the bunch 'the deep oceanic academy' came up, I was not accepted, as expected, then later the 'caliginous order of the frayed' came up, and both I and toby was accepted, in sequence, the 'ivory aquatic tower' came up, they too accepted me. They were the last to speak, on a side note, both the other academies toby requested to accept him.

I and toby simultaneously decided to band together and join the 'caliginous order of the frayed', however, we made sure to hide in the crowd, slowly but surely making our way towards their meeting point, we knew that Evangeline would have most likely received the news by now, that both of us were accepted into the order, and based on what I'd seen earlier, she would be little please by the fact.

And as we expected, she was waiting by the side, narrowed eyes pruning through everyone present, sadly she noticed us.

The second she spotted us; I felt a chill as the terrified toby latched onto my arm, pulling me bodily forward, Evangeline was swift, gaining on us. Apparently, she had always been abnormally strong for her age and stature, toby told me an anecdote earlier, he told me that a member of his family, his uncle had spotted her on the streets, looking around he found that her family could not afford her ravenous appetite, so they abandoned her.

Intrigued the uncle took her in adopting her at the age of two, just when toby was born, due to the closeness in age she was made his aide and tasked with looking after him.

All was well until they first realised how monstrous her appetite truly was, her hunger knew no end, and everything she ate was converted into strength, it was barbaric.

An archaic family with a brutish barbarian, it was plainly unfitting.

The only solitary problem was that the barbarian had learned to love the family, she was fiercely loyal. So, they kept her. She grew up to care for toby, which along with her fierce loyalty and brainwashing to hate the families' enemies, brought us to the current situation.

We just about entered the orders territory as she reached us, her outstretched arm tearing at my exposed back, but just as I was turning back expecting to be hit, flung across the stone ground, a hand caught Evangeline's.

The dark muscular hand belonged to, the same man from earlier, I really need to know his name, he's helped me out twice now, "excuse me young missy, but this." he pointed at a sign "grounds, is under the protection of the 'caliginous order of the frayed', passing this line without a sufficient reason, is an affront to the dignity of our order."

Evangeline looked up at the man with fear in her eyes, she reasoned "sir, please pay no mind, that boy there, is Tobias Archer, son of Victor Archer, affiliated with the archer house of the league. He has gone astray and will only bring peril to your order, he cannot be trusted to keep your secrecy."

she pointed at toby and the man released her arm, "I think you've made a mistake, our order has excepted him, we know his background, and he is welcome." he looked around calling out "guards please escort this lady off these premises." a group of guards quickly came, taking the protesting Evangeline away, as her back faded into the distance I used the chip to check how strong she really was.

Evangeline occupation: Tobias Achers protector bloodline: ordinary human, unknown (potent and powerful) physical state: optimum, no injuries, constantly burning energy compatible affinities: earth

Physical prowess- 8.5 physical potential- 18 vitality- 40.34 arcane reservoir- 00 nil arcane foundation- 00 nil arcane control- 00 nil

What breed of beast was.