
Chapter 50

Andre walked through the kitchen entrance and held his arms out at his sides with excitement in his voice. "Well, isn't it my most cherished girls in one room, no less." He walked up to Victoria and kissed her on the cheek.

"Oh stop... You're making me blush." Victoria hit him on the chest, causing Andre to chuckle.

"What type of cookies are we baking this evening, hm?" Andre picked up Amelia and kissed her cheek. "My beautiful princess."

"You're silly, grandpa." Amelia giggled as she wiggled to be set down.

"I suppose I am." Andre smiled and set her back down.

"How are you?" Olivia smiled at him as she came back from putting the cookies in the oven.

"I've been good." Andre sighed and Victoria gave him a serious expression. "What? I have been."

"What he means to say is that he has been better. His health has taken a bit of a turn, I'm afraid." Victoria sighed as she sat down on a chair.

"Father?" Noah turned his attention to him in disbelief as his heart sank.