

The world of Telius, much like our Earth. A single landmass divided into 5 kingdoms, each having their own specialty, magic, cold arts, songs, wisdom, destruction. Home to humans, dwarves, and elves. Calia, a girl living in the kingdom of magic, which was now fallen, after the great war, had never believed what the history books said. She always wanted to find the truth of the world. When a terrible incident happened to their family, separating her from her sister, she sought out to find her. But little did she know, this world was nothing like the one in the history books. A journey to restore homeland. Here's to justice, love, betrayal, friendship, and more importantly, adventure.

Sujashree_Roy · Fantasy
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11 Chs

8. A mother

Ei Pov:

It's been years since I used my elemental powers this way. These mages were so strong, I wonder why they did this type of work.

I slashed and blasted at the mages, knocking them down. Then I moved on to the next target. My vision swam, my breathing grew shallow. I'm getting tired. This has been going on for ages now. I think...this might be my last attack.

The mage looked up at me, his eyes glowing red. He raised his hand, and a ball of fire appeared in his palm. He threw it at me, and I barely managed to dodge it. This is not going to work, I need to use it.

My 'gift' was typically mind control. But it is a vast spectrum of things that can be done with mind control, but I could only do a selected few.

My gift was similar to my grandmother, unfortunately she died before I even accquired mine. My mother told us about it, and a lot more. Which was also the reason Cynthia ran away.

I can erase small moments, and use telepathy to some extent. But it takes a heavy toll on me just like our Grandma, she died to save us. And maybe I'll have to do that too. I closed my eyes and reached all of their minds. 7 of them, to be exact. I had never tried controlling multiple ones, and I knew erasing this event would cause the instant death of me, and I wasn't even sure if it would work. So I approached a different approach, which would buy us some time to run away.

I blasted a scream telepathically to all of them, a scream so loud it would make them pass out.

Their minds crumbled like sandpaper, leaving behind only pain. I heard them scream in pain. I felt my skin burn, and realized they were attacking me, but it was too weak.

"Endure it. Don't lose consciousness." I whispered to myself, feeling my muscles weaken, and my breath grow short. But I couldn't stop yet, not until they're immobilized. Taking sharp breaths, I tried to keep my hands seady.

The attacks were not reaching me anymore, I think it was Avicia who did something. I heard many explosions but didn't dare to lose concentration....until,

I heard a scream, not the mages' scream. A girl's scream, an all too familiar voice.


During all this I had completely forgotten about Calia, I had forgotten it was her birthday, her special day. And what does she see after coming her?

I immediately turned towards my right, to see my little girl, horrified and scared. God I had to protect her, she shouldn't be here now!

My brain went numb, unable to remember anything. It was then I noticed how hard I was panting.

"NO CALIE RU-" I stopped, gasping. It felt like my soul had been sucked out of me, and it burned, in my lower body. I started to feel lightheaded and dizzy. The ground under my feet seemed to be melting. I couldn't tell whether it was me or the ground or...something else, but I knew it wasn't good.

After I saw Calia, I had released the spell for that instant. And someone took that chance. I looked down, to see a metal hilt, of a knife.

I had been stabbed, and the knife was probably imbued with poison.

I felt the blood dripping from my neck down onto my clothes. The liquid made it harder to concentrate, but somehow, through all the pain I thought it strange the smell wasn't burning.

But my thoughts kept wandering back to my daughters, my little Calia, and Avicia.

Had I not let those men in, would this day be different? Would we be having a lovely lunch right now? Would I be telling them the story, the truth I've always wanted to tell?

If Cynthia were there, what would she do, If...we never left, where would we be..

If I were never a mother...

My brain went numb, I saw something glowing beside me but I couldn't even comprehend what was happening. I felt a sharp pain enveloping me, I knew it was time. To let it go.

I collapsed.