

The world of Telius, much like our Earth. A single landmass divided into 5 kingdoms, each having their own specialty, magic, cold arts, songs, wisdom, destruction. Home to humans, dwarves, and elves. Calia, a girl living in the kingdom of magic, which was now fallen, after the great war, had never believed what the history books said. She always wanted to find the truth of the world. When a terrible incident happened to their family, separating her from her sister, she sought out to find her. But little did she know, this world was nothing like the one in the history books. A journey to restore homeland. Here's to justice, love, betrayal, friendship, and more importantly, adventure.

Sujashree_Roy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

10. Revenge


In a distant warehouse:

The room was small, lit only by the glow of a single lamp and a few candles. The walls were painted white but it wasn't visible due to the lack of brightness. On each corner stood a man with a weapon in hand, ready for whatever their leader demanded of them. There were six figures in total, dressed in black cloaks and dark hoods, each staring at the centre of the room.

In the centre sat a man, a bulb hanging directly above his head. His hair was disheveled, his clothes bloodied, his face was wet with his tears. The light reflected a part of his upper face, it was Tefan Ash Brown.

Tefan was tied up and gagged, his nails were broken and his head was bleeding. A tall figure walked past him, in the shadows, carrying an axe. The man stopped for a moment, turning around to face him and scoffed.

"Taking loans, Selling your furniture, selling women, and now selling your own family. Even Hell sounds better than this." He sneered, his voice deep and hoarse. Walking towards him, his face was revealed in the light.

He was olive skinned, with black eyes, face framed by a mass of black hair that was almost white from the light reflecting off it. His arms were buffed and he had a menacing aura. He looked like he was in his 20s. He wore a black jacket, with black trousers and boots.

"Remove his gag", he ordered to one of the 3 subordinates.

One grabbed his chin and pulled it down so he could remove the gag. He took a deep breath before speaking, not wanting to lose his voice due to lack of air.

"Please don't kill me, take my wife, my children. M-my daughter Calia is around your age! She can be of use to you. J-just leave me alone"

Tefan pleaded, tears streaming down his face as he continued to beg the stranger to spare him.

Just a second later, a shriek came from Tefan, as he helplessly saw his fingers butchered . Blood was dripping from them as his hands were chopped open.

"Please! I SOLD YOU MY CHILDREN, LET ME GO!" The pain was unimaginable, each tear burned his wounds. The strange man tilted his head, squinting his eyes at him.

"Son of a bitch. You really thought I'd stoop that low? Take your wife? Your children?" He snorted as he kicked Tefan's leg and then turned on the spot, continuing toward the door, " Here I thought you'd changed."

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I GAVE YOU WHAT YOU NEED, WHY AM I STILL HERE!? PLEASE!" He screamed, thrashing against the ropes.

"You've got balls talking like that, considering your life is in our hands", a voice came...but it was not from that tall man. It was more calm and sharp, almost a charming tone.

From the shadows, another figure emerged. This man was a bit shorter than the previous, but he was definitely no less impressive. He had white hair, and piercing blue eyes. He wore an all white attire, with suit and pant, but with a black jacket.

A smile crossed his lips as he approached the pained man. He didn't look angry or sad, just intrigued.

"Alastair, how long do you plan on keeping this pathetic shit alive?" Tefan tried his best to keep his head raised, even though every breath stung him with agony. Alastair looked at him and laughed.

Tefan thrashed his body again, fighting against the ropes. His breathing quickened as he felt himself about to pass out from the effort, which only made the pain worse.

"WHAT. DID. I. EVER. DO TO Y-" His left arm was cut free and a knife was shoved into it, stopping his sentence before it could get further.

"What did you do to me? You RUINED my life, my family. Manwhore. You killed my " Alastair growled, raising his voice enough that it carried throughout the whole building. All five figures froze, and they watched as Alastair's eyes and nose flared, his breathing getting heavier by the second.

Tefan was visibly confused, "who?" He said, and it would turn out to be the last words he would ever say.

All six men rushed forward, and Alastair's grip on his blade tightened. With a mighty swing, a blade sliced through Tefan's chest, and he let out a cry as the wind was knocked out of him. His body fell onto the ground as blood pooled under him.

Alastair visibly trembled, tears forming in his eyes, as if he remembered a tragic memory. The other man approached from the shadows again, clasping his hands on Alastair's shoulders.

He hund his head down, nodding before he turned around. "Clean this up. And rest for today."

The others answered in unison "YES BOSS".

"Let's go Blake, we have another business in hand".


Back in Ei's house:

"I thought I told you all to keep them alive." Alastair hissed, checking Ei's vitals.

"She was too strong boss. And the girl, was even worse. She killed our men like nothing." He answered, afraid of what his fate was. He was the one survivor who fled.

The other subordinates were cleaning the house, and taking their dead and wounded out back to bury them.

"So how are we going to deal with the kids?" Blake questioned.

"Keep them alive of course, they are innocents. This one's breathing, I don't know about that one" He said bluntly, pointing at Calia and Avicia respectively.

"Hah, you can't be serious. That scum's blood runs through them. Get rid of them before they become a threat." Blake scoffed, flicking Calia's brown hair.

"I'll...think about it. Whatever, go now, I'll take care of them...later" Alastair sighed, rubbing his temples as he began to think.

"See you later young master. But, why are you hesitanting about them?" Blake inquired, standing up.

"They are kids."

"So were you"

"I'm fine though?"

"Are you?"
