
teens and college

journey of a girl throughout her college life. how she made memories found love got broke made real friends and survived in every situation. and made it to the end

misslost · Teen
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20 Chs

Clash of Titans

umber pov:

"Is this class?" erfa said while giving a disgusted look towards the class.

what the hell this girl just entered and is showing attitude as if she is the queen or something what the hell she thinks she is? I also don't like our class as well because it's not that outstanding. but this is so damn rude and arrogant of her.

when imama saw that I hate everyone here look on her face she immediately said something into her ear. Of course, she would have told her to shut her damn mouth. and then she immediately changed her look and by her look I can tell that she was just pretending she was just throwing her first impression of I am a cool kid, and don't mess with me, I am the boss here this is my place so you all just get lost and I am gonna have all the light.

I could tell by her moves that she just wants all of us to be impressed by how she is and do whatever she wants.

now I want to mess with her I want to take her back to the grounds. I am gonna make sure about it. for the whole year, I am gonna have arguments with this girl I got that feeling from her that I can never be on good terms with this girl. that's a spicey thing in this college now I got more interest in being here. I love those k dramas in which the random girl messes up with the college-famous girl and the girl ends up as a heroine. WOW, THIS IS GOING TO BE INTERESTING!!

anyways end of the first lecture now it's our second lecture. our English teacher came and started giving his lecture and the more he speaks the more shades of color appeared on erfa's face. and now sir also took notice of it.

"Are you having any kind of problem understanding child?" he said smiling

"I did not understand anything," erfa said

"from the start?" he looked stunned.

"yes from the begging in fact I didn't understand anything about this college till now" she snapped out of her mouth.

" what you didn't understand about this college are you a level student," he asked

"yes I and imama came after doing A level" she said

"then what was the need of coming here then you would have stayed there we all would have had a peace," I said in a low tone that only sugar could listen to me. but I guess erfa also heard some part that she put glanced at me after it.

she further said" I have listened that students are bullied here and authority does not do anything about it"

"Who told you that, that's not true" sir seemed surprised

imama asked erfa not to say anything and asked sir to continue his lecture. "let me tell him an imama"

"sir some of the previous students told me that," she said

'no that can't be true or if any event like that happened authorities wouldn't have informed me about it if authorities would have known about it they would have done something." he further said " and I am responsible for my subject if you feel any kind of difficulty or problem then do ask"

he was about to start again when she further interrupted" I am not interested in the way you are teaching sir"

"What you are not getting," he asked

"like you are teaching English but you are explaining it in our national how I am gonna understand this why are we studying both languages," she said

"ok I have no problem teaching like that but some of your fellows will not understand it completely I need to tell them in the national language in order to let them in the lecture," sir said

what the hell do they think we are some illiterate people who cannot understand English and sir is favoring them?

it's not like we cannot understand when you will teach in complete English but I guess you forgot that there is a question in the board exam to translate the paragraph in the national language" I jumped in the middle of the conversation

"but I can't understand like that," erfa said

" then you should go and learn your national language first" I snapped

erfa looked back at my side and glared at me for a moment I glared her back and we both eyed each other. as if we were not in class and then would have killed each other but then sir's voice interrupted it.

"umber has a point we are actually here to get ready for boards. and we want to solve that question then we have to involve national language also while studying" sir was now my side.

"yes sir umber is right " zara said in my favor and I first time noticed that girl now I don't hate her as much that I did in the beginning. the whole class was speaking in my favor.

but muntaha seemed to be very impressed by the new girl " sir she is also right"

"child it's the system and we have to deal with it " he said

" ok end of the discussion I will do both ways I will first explain all parts in English and then will translate as well" sir found the solution and it was a tie between me and her.

and the whole lecture ended in this discussion and now was break time. muntaha was now out chasing their new fellows she found so interesting. its when I noticed that umber second was not at college today. she was absent

during break the whole class was inside the room discussing these rude fellows who just arrived while they were busy peacefully having lunch in the cafeteria.

"umber what you said was right" " what does she thinks of herself" "I hate them" and "I am telling you guys everyone is going to give them superiority" these were the comments people were giving when I heard zara say" if we don't like them then we should ignore them they are not that much value able that we are here discussing them"

MAN! I like this girl I loved this line. for the first time, I noticed her she was wearing a duppata over her head, her color was so white as milk and she seemed so soft that she might rip if you touch her, and she wore glasses she had a tiny figure and tiny hands as compared to me. a small face, tiny rose lips. she was so beautiful but had a lot of facial hair on her face.

the break ended lecture passed and it was now our lab lecture we went upstairs as the laboratory is on the third floor. I found zara on the way she came by my side and we talked the whole lesson and now I am kind of impressed by her she is NICE. sugar made our whats app group so I asked her to take Zara's number and add her to our peeps group.

Zara revealed that she had transferred to our college from another city and didn't know many people. We welcomed her with open arms, and she soon became an integral part of our group. With her lively spirit and adventurous nature, Zara brought a new energy to our dynamic.

Our group of friends was now complete – Sugar, Sumahiya, Maya, Zara, and me.

and this is how we had a new member to our group " ZARA"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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