
Teenager characteristics commonly observed

A child grown into teenager is like a baby plant raised upto a young plant .

In this age ,simply if we say an individual (girl /boy) is likely to have such kind of following characteristics and features(not in all but mostly):

<🌟 He/she feels like to fly in sky

There is is almost a free trial for one to enjoy and it is the right of every human to be happy of course.

Somewhere one is considered to be proud of him /her.

There is almost no tension or hurdle besides the purpose that one has to drill for one's future as a seed is sown for future tree .

Only concern is about the grades going up and down which sometimes causes anxiety ,but their are some Mr.Beans of the world that even don't care and that is not of course good for them.

There is everyone to choose a higher or lower goal of life for which he starts his journey of life ,as there is no any other responsibilty on a person in this age.

Some teenagers have a lot of friend ,but few have no friend at all ,but there are some who are ever cheated or dishurted by eveyone whom they propose to make friend,and at last they learn to be the "King and ruler" of their own.

#Me as teenager:

As far as I am concerned I prefer to be the Mr.Bean of my life .I thank to God that He blessedme with such a mind that never lets me down .

I ever feel happy with myself.e.g: making a coffee or a cup of tea for myself and enjoying music with myself own is really a fantastic thing to give time to yourself.

I talk to myself and consult myself in case of any worry.I only want only to share my happiness with me.

And I am certain about my merits and demerits in other words I have recognised myself to a lot.

Now,the advantage is that I can easily handle myself in front of other person whoever I meet .

It's very strange I know but we "Why always same ;Why not be the different of all"

#Every teenager is the most impressive personality for himself if he tries yo understand his ownself .

Because a great scholar says:


So,as a teenager we feel like ,

We are and we are always happy to be ,

A very fantastic thing to enjoy that short duration of 10 years is very lessonable and interesting too.

*2nd most interesting feature of teenager for which one is scolded is that he wants to be freed of any barrior bcz he somewhere feels ghat he is concretedly grown up.

It's very funny thing for parents and teachers to see him doing such things which they themselves had fone in that age.

He feels like the superhero replete with powers ,of course not the supernatural powers but of blackmailing parents ,willfullness,stubborn behaviour,disuse of their love ,getting his own way in any way .

He is somewhat very wrathful and takes actions like quarreling and lyncing.

Some teenagers are serious about goals of life and always focus on it without wasting time.

Their incentive is somewhat parents and sometimes someone's taunts act like ATP for ego replete persons and they finally reach goal.

Some times ones feel like to do what is not beneficial for one's future or following others destroys his life.

As it is said:

"Be yours and Be stronger"

To sum up characteristics of a teenager ,I would like to say that he is like IRON if freely left ,it rusts and dedicately polished it shines .And it is done only by the teenager himself with

a little cesoring of himself.