
Beginning Little

It was 4pm already and the day was getting dark, Merit wished the night would rush fast for she was expecting someone special the next day, someone she had waited patiently to see for so long.

" oh how i wish i can just change the hands of time and make things work faster" she'd thought to herself.

Gradually the night came, she closed up her shop and went back to the home she shared with her Foster family, (a family that she wasn't related to but was accepted into) two of her Aunties. As usual, she went through her routine of calculating the days sales and handing them over to her Aunty Lillian. The lady she stayed with.

Like Merit was made to know, Aunty Lillian had a fifteen year old son which she (Merit) was yet to meet. As rumor had it, Aunty Lillian had her son when she was still in highschool. The man, Alhaji Musa, who got her pregnant was said to be a man that had so many wives and lots if children. Young Lillian didn't want to be counted as one of the wives of Alhaji Musa, because she saw it as a disgrace to teenage and to her family. That's how she became a single Mother. Recently, Aunty Lillian had many guys in her life and doesn't want to end up with any of them, because she doesn't really trust them no matter what they do. For each man that she was with at a moment, he was her world -at least that's what she made them think - and the next moment belonged to the guy at that moment, due to this Many people called her names but she never cared.

"Merit! Merit!! Merit!! " Aunty Lillian screamed..

" Ma" Merit replied in a way that someone who was carried away would reply.

' Go, fetch some food in the kitchen, eat and proceed to take your bath' Lillian said.

'Yes Ma' Merit said as she hurriedly walk into the kitchen.

Life in Gidań sauru, wasn't actually fun neither was it exciting .In fact, it wasn't hygienic. Dirty water was on every ground one stepped on. Every corner had a Child whose parents didn't know their whereabouts, and a man bending down besides the road to wash his penis when it was time for the Muslim prayer.

In Gidań sauru, one had to pay #30 to pee and #50 to bath.

The bathrooms weren't always clean. Also 80% of the occupants were Muslims , and there was Discrimination by religion.

Most Of the Muslims were actually kind hearted and rest, they are just too mean.

On the day of her arrival to Gidań sauru, Merit wished she wasn't going to stay long, but she has stayed for 2months already .

Merit worked as a sales girl for Aunty Lillian. Aunty Lillian sold Recharge cards. Merit accepted to help Aunty Lillian because she'd have the opportunity to read her books and learn a lot from the people surrounding her.

Basically, her life was being surrounded by friends and well wishers.