
Teenage Desires

Hi, I'm Deborah Williams. My friends call me

Debbie. I'm fourteen and my birthday's coming up in

a bit. You're probably wondering what this story's all

about. I'll tell you.

Growing up as a child, I've always wanted just two

things. Ice-cream and Love – lol – but when I turned

thirteen, I've wanted more: latest fashion items, latest

phones, latest hairstyles, basically I want everything

a teenager could possibly want and believe me, when

I say being a teenager is not easy at all, especially

when you have a mum that hates everything you do.

You should know. You're a teenager or probably

have been and If you're not a teenager and haven't

been one, you shouldn't even be reading this – okay,

sorry, I swerved away from the main point I was

about to make.

Being a teenager isn't easy (okay, I've said that), I

want everything a teenager could possibly want

(Oops, I've said that too and there goes the point I

was about to make). Anyways, follow me on my

journey being an annoying teenager. You'll also meet

Jane, my crazy bestie. She may be older, but she's

smarter and way fun. Let's just say, she's a rebel. So,

join us…

Debbie yawned as she trudged down the stairs in her

rumpled pajamas, scattered hair and weary eyes. It

was a school day, but she just didn't feel like going.

Suddenly, she stopped halfway on the steps when she

saw Jane, cross bag over her delicate bosoms,

chewing cereals away at the dining table, chatting

with Riley, Debbie's mum. Not too late to turn away

right? Debbie slowly walked backwards, reversing

her steps, but then Jane turned to the stairs and let a

huge smile engulf her face. Busted.

"Debbs, how are ya? You look terrible and it's

seven fifteen. Why were you walking backwards?

Were you trying to hide from me?" Jane said all at

once without stopping for a second to catch her

breath. Jane was three years older than Debbie. Her

face was round which complimented dark green eyes.

She had straight, long dark hair, her nose was pointed

and well formed, her cheekbone was delicate and her

lips as though a sculptor had molded them. She had a

tempting physique and an average height.

"Yes. Yes I was." Debbie gave up as she

hurtled down the stairs to the dining table. "I'm not

going to school today." She said matter-of-factly as

she sat on one of the chairs.

"And why so, young lady?" Riley asked,

dressing up her three-year-old, zipping up his


"I'll tell you why Riley." Jane started, she

swallowed her cereal. "Today is the day boys ask

girls out to the prom coming up next week." She


"Don't you wanna go to prom Debbie? It'll be

your first." Riley had a huge smile on her face. The

playful little boy tried to run off, but Riley caught him

and held him in place and began rearranging his

collar. Ben was never one for staying put.

"No, I don't want to." Debbie groaned. "I don't

think it's necessary to have a date to prom or even go

to prom. I'd rather watch Netflix 'N Chill at home

that night. Besides, I think boys are icky."

Jane gasped, palm to her chest, eyes widened. Debbie

knew she had just said something really wrong and

was going to get a "Janetittude" as she often called it.

"Boys are not icky, okay? Haven't you seen

how Mark has been to me? He is the best. Boys are

sweet, loving, and romantic, they break your heart

once in a while, then you have to get back up and

move on…" She trailed off when she realized she was

giving the wrong motivation. "What I meant to say

was, you may…I mean, will meet the right guy. You

just have to take baby steps. Okay? Rome wasn't built

in a day. That's how I met Mark. A few failed

relationships, led me to him. But in your case, you

might just meet the right guy."

"It's just prom. Even if I wanted to go, I'm not

dating anybody." Debbie stood up and walked back

towards the stairs.

"Some relationships last, you know. But, I

don't want you doing any of that. You're still too

young." Riley spoke.

"Yea, right, mum." Debbie rolled her eyes.

"Keep rolling your eyes Deb, maybe you'll find

a brain back there." Riley got up from where she was

sitting holding Ben's hand.

"Mum!" Debbie was annoyed.

"Ohh, burn." Jane shoved cereals in her mouth,


"I'm off to school with this little mischief."

Riley said. "Say goodbye to your sisters." She told

him and he waved, giving a cute little smile. Riley

took Jane as her own child, since Jane's mum had

been her childhood friend up till this point.

"Bye-Bye" Jane mimicked a baby's voice and

watched Riley walk out the door with Debbie's little

brother. As soon as the door slammed shut, Jane

rushed towards Debbie and Debbie rushed up the


"Debbie! Get back here!" Jane yelled, chasing

her up the stairs. She was going to get Debbie to

school whether she liked it or not. Debbie got to her

room and was about to shut the door but Jane held it

and pushed it open.

"I'm not going to school." She protested,

running towards the other side of the room.

"Yes you are." Jane told her

"No, I'm not" She threw her a pillow.

"Yes you are" Jane caught the pillow and threw

it back.

"No, I'm not."

"Fine, if you don't come to school today, I'll

dump Cassie on you." Jane smiled impishly. Debbie


"You wouldn't."

"Oh, but I would. I'd tell the baby sitter to go

home for the day and leave Cassie with you." Jane

smiled mischievously. "You know I'd do it."

Cassie was Jane's baby sister. No more than nine

months old. She was like a crazier version of Jane.

She was "A monster baby" Jane's mum, Evie was

almost always at work so, she left Cassie with a maid

she hired and it seemed like Cassie loved the maid.

But with anyone else, Cassie was the worst. Burping,

crying, barfing, more crying, pooping, more barf,

more crying. No one could stand Cassie, not even

Jane. With that thought in mind, Debbie dashed out

of the room, into the shower, she knew Jane would do

it. Jane tittered.

"Yea, you better run."