
Teen Wolf: The Hybrid Pack

Drake Hale is a member of the Hale family, also known as the Hale pack. He is one of the two sons of the strongest alphas in the world. The twin brother of Derek Hale, a beta werewolf. The first born alpha to exist. And something more. Read as Drake learns how to control his powers, create his own pack, and discovers his past. This is the origin story of the, The Hybrid Pack. ×××××× English is not my first language so expect the worst you can do. Warning: Some chapters may trigger you because of it's cringiness and violence, so consider yourself warned. Disclaimer: This novel is a fan fiction of the original work, I don't own anything other than my OC characters. And the book cover is from google, I just edited it for a bit. Tips: Read the tags so you'll know what you're getting into. Tags: Reincarnation, Alternate Universe, Werewolf, Vampire, R-18, Harem, Incest, Shape Shifters, Supernatural, Romance.

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Chapter 3 - First Day ( 2 )

Drake and Derek is walking in the hall while the other teen stares at them.

However both of the Hale just ignore them, seemingly used to this treatment, and went to their lockers instead.

"Hey Derek do you know which class we're in?"

Drake ask as they put some of their stuff in the locker.

"You lost your timetable didn't you?"

"Umm.. what timetable?"

Faced with the question, Drake acted obliviously as he continue to place his stuff in the locker, it is because he really lost his own timetable.

"Here, I know this would've happen so I got an extra one."

Derek sigh in annoyance and handed a piece of paper to Drake.

"Aww thanks you're the best big brother in the whole world!"

Drake said exaggeratedly before he headed towards his classroom without waiting for Derek.

Arriving at a random room, Drake looked up and saw the classroom number, after double checking that this is the correct one, he went inside.

After entering, Drake saw the lively atmosphere that his new classmates were producing.

He also saw a few familiar faces, in which he nodded at, before he started to look for an available spot.

Once he found an available chair, at the back of the classroom, he went onto it and sat.

And after waiting for 15 minutes, the teacher comes in and started the homeroom class.

The first thing they did is to introduce themselves and say at least three of their hobbies.

"My name is Emilia Claise but you can call me Emily, some of my hobbies are..."

After a few more students Derek's turn came.

"My name is Derek Hale, I go by Derek, I like to play basketball, I also enjoy calisthenics and running or parkour."

Drake facepalm himself as his twin said the last part.

'Well I enjoy running too, even more when it's the full moon.'

Drake thought to himself as he looks at his brother.

"My name is Drake Hale, the twin brother of that idiot over there, you can call me Drake.

My hobbies are to play piano because I found sports boring, and I also enjoy calisthenics just like that idiot brother of mine."

Drake finished introducing himself, gaining a glare from Derek being called an idiot.

Meanwhile some girls blushed, as they thought to themselves about Drake playing a song just for them.

As for the boys?

Well, they ignore him as they preferred to hang out with Derek, who plays basketball like them and not some keys.


The class hours ended as the ring of the bell rang.

Drake is currently sitting on the bench as he watches his brother play with his new friends.

He is also listening to a calming piano music, as a way to busy himself.

His fingers would follow the keys of the piano as the music plays.

He then closed his eyes and imagined himself playing piano in front of many audience, at the moment.

But then, Derek, who's playing with his friends, got too excited that he put too much strength on his pass.

And so the basketball, which were unavailable to be received by Derek's teammate, went straight to Drake's direction.

However just as the ball is about to hit him, Drake opened his eyes and easily caught the ball in front of his face, one handedly.

"Be careful brother."

Drake said before he passed it back to Derek.

Derek smile weakly at Drake as he mumbles.

"I'm sorry."

Meanwhile the other people around the gym, who saw what happened, were amazed.

Drake's classmates thought that he hates sports because he's weak and a loser, but it seems like he really just find it boring.

Drake who heard Derek's apologies smiled and went back to his own world.


After the long day at school the Hale siblings finally returned home.

Laura hit Drake's head first before going up stairs and locking herself in her room.

Derek laugh at Drake's mistreatment and went to the kitchen for a snack.

Cora is currently sleeping, because she got too excited playing with her new friends, to the point that all of her energy were consumed.

Drake on the other hand went to the music room that he requested to be made, to play the music that he listened to earlier.

He sat on a chair and started playing the piano.

The melody and the tone is exactly like the music on the music box he had, and the piano sounded all around the house.

No one complained and everyone in the house just listened to the peaceful and calming music that Drake is playing.

However unbeknownst to him, the symbol on his back appeared once again and it would also glow on and off, just like earlier.

After a few hours of playing the piano, dinner time arrived and so Drake went downstairs to eat with his family.

"So how's the school?"

Talia asked her children after they finished.

"It's fine, nothing new."

Laura said before taking a sip on her orange juice.

"Derek lost control of his strength earlier when playing basketball and almost hit me with the ball, if it went towards the other students I wonder if they'll still be alive."

Drake spoke as he hides his smirk from Derek.

Derek glared at him but couldn't say anything as he knew his brother is right.

"You lost control again? Where's your triskelion, is it with you?"

Talia asked Derek and as a response, the latter nodded and brought out a medallion with a three circular pattern.

Peter stared at Derek for a few moments before he turned to Talia and spoke.

"Let it be sis, it's not like anyone got hurt."

"It already has been a year since they awakened but Derek hasn't gained control yet and you're telling me to let it be?!"

Talia yelled out, making her children flinch.


Realizing her mistake, Talia was about to apologize, but then.


"Excuse me."

Derek suddenly stood up and ran upstairs and Drake followed him after excusing himself.

Meanwhile their sisters could only watch the family drama as it happened.

It might sound as if Talia is mad because of Derek but truth is, she's just stressed out about something else.

And because of that, she lost control of herself and shouted at her son, which is something she instantly regret.

She released a deep sigh before making the other children go upstairs too.

I plan to release at least 4 chapters per week starting next Monday. There will be no specific day, it is purely based on my mood and, well, only my mood lol.

Anyway thanks for reading.

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