
Teen Wolf: The Hybrid Pack

Drake Hale is a member of the Hale family, also known as the Hale pack. He is one of the two sons of the strongest alphas in the world. The twin brother of Derek Hale, a beta werewolf. The first born alpha to exist. And something more. Read as Drake learns how to control his powers, create his own pack, and discovers his past. This is the origin story of the, The Hybrid Pack. ×××××× English is not my first language so expect the worst you can do. Warning: Some chapters may trigger you because of it's cringiness and violence, so consider yourself warned. Disclaimer: This novel is a fan fiction of the original work, I don't own anything other than my OC characters. And the book cover is from google, I just edited it for a bit. Tips: Read the tags so you'll know what you're getting into. Tags: Reincarnation, Alternate Universe, Werewolf, Vampire, R-18, Harem, Incest, Shape Shifters, Supernatural, Romance.

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Chapter 19 - Alpha Meeting

November 2 2003.

The next day, a different group arrived at the abandoned distillery.

And once they entered the building, they saw the traces of what happened to the beta werewolf.

The body of the beta had already been brought to the morgue by the sheriff's deputies, just a few hours ago, before they could even arrive here.

Although enraged by what they saw, the group still decided to think rationally first before anything else.

"There. You see it? They dragged him here with an arrow in his throat and then they hung him and cut him in half."

A 6 foot tall man said as he pointed his huge finger to the place, where the young beta was tied up when he was being tortured.

The one that spoke has an ebony colored eyes, huge body build, and a white skin.

He is the alpha of the beta werewolf that they're talking about, his name is Ennis.

"They killed one of ours!"

Ennis added to his previous words in a yell as his eyes glowed red.

"One of yours. Why should I care about one of your pack?"

As a response to his words, a woman who's at her mid 20s suddenly asked him.

The said woman has a long dark brown hair, sharp hazel eyes, and a tanned skin.

She is currently wearing a loose jacket that's hanging on her shoulder as she sat on one of the metal container around them.

She can talk to Ennis like this because she is also an alpha like him, her name is Kali.

"'Cause the hunters don't discern packs, especially the Argents."

Another female alpha chimed in the conversation which is revealed to be Talia Hale, Drake's mother.

"But they do discern motive Ennis, why did they kill him?"

This time, a calm man with a dark shaded sunglasses asked the tall alpha, his name is Deucalion.

Also known as the man of vision.

He has a short and dark brown hair, black colored eyes, and a cool colored skin.

"Because you're young, naive beta killed one of them."

Before Ennis could answer, one of Deucalion's beta spoke before him.

The beta is a young adult man who has a tanned skin and bald head, his name is..


Deucalion tried to stop his beta but then he spoke once again.

"He killed a hunter, didn't he?"

Marco's pink colored lips formed into a provocative smirk when he asked this question.


All the while fighting his urge to kill the arrogant beta, Ennis admitted his own beta's mistake.

"It his right. We're not the only people to adhere to rituals thousands of years old."

This time it is Talia who spoke.

"Which is no excuse for not evolving."

The one who responded to her is Deucalion, who countered her words.

"They ripped his claws right out of his fingers. How is that evolving?"

Ennis aggressively asked as if getting enough of this meeting.

"Useless debate. I'm done with it."

He added before he headed towards the exit.

"Ennis, don't. Don't make us part of a historical cliche."

However, before he could get out of the building, Deucalion spoke once again which made him halt his steps.

"With two such powers, it never ends at an eye for an eye. A skirmish becomes a war, a murder becomes a massacre, and we end up no better than our enemies."

Deucalion continued hoping for his ally to reconsider his next actions.

Ennis turned around and looked at the other alphas before he went closer to the thin metal walls and starts to draw a large spiral symbol on it.

This action of his shocked the other alphas as the meaning behind it is something that every one of them knew.

This specific symbol, that Ennis just draw, is the mark for revenge.

"They started this war."

And with those last words, the tall alpha finally left the building.


Although she acted like she didn't care, Kali leaked out a worried whisper when she saw Ennis leaving.


Later that day, at the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital.

"Somebody called for a- Whoa."

A deputy was loudly asking around him before he suddenly bumped onto a 6 foot tall man with a bulky build and strong aura.

"I want his body. It belongs to me... both halves."

The man, which is none other than Ennis, said to the intimidated deputy.

"First off... you need to step back. I'm just a deputy. I do what I'm told."

The deputy gathered his courage and made Ennis took a step back before he continue speaking.

"And right now they're telling me that, there's a young man who was bisected alive and, is, literally cut in half. So this, is a homicide investigation."

The deputy took a few moments to take a breathe before adding.

"Second, no matter how close you were... you're not related to him."

The deputy finished speaking with some guilt with his voice.

"He was family to me."

Ennis said while looking at the deputy's brown eyes before he sighed in frustration and leave.

The deputy could only release a helpless sigh of his own as he watch the tall man leave through the exit door of the hospital.


The next day, at the Beacon Hills Preserve.

A blurry shadow can be seen running like an animal and behind it, is a literal and huge animal.

Or more specifically, a black colored wolf that towers over 9 feet tall.

The wolf also have a crimson red eyes that would glow from time to time.

As the wolf and the shadow runs, the big wolf suddenly jumped onto the blurry shadow.

However, just as the wolf is about to hit the shadow, it suddenly became a human.

And then, the human and the shadow both fall and rolled on the ground for a couple of times before they stopped and laugh at each other.

"I told you it's going to be fine."

The shadow, who turns out to be Paige, said to the wolf that turned into a naked human, which is Drake.

"Yes, I believed it now. But there's still the fact that I'm the reason Mr. Rouk died."

Paige frowned at Drake's words before she said.

"I think he deserved it, you just gave what he wanted anyway. Besides, it's not your fault that you didn't know he can die from it."

Drake felt happy at Paige's comforting words however, he still feels some guilt about the teacher's death.

That's why he internally promised to himself that he will learn more about his powers, as it is clear that he has more powers than what's known.

"But your eyes is different from the one's I know."

Drake then said as he mentioned her white werewolf eyes, to change their topic.

"We'll think about that later, for now let's just be happy to learn that your bite can turn others just like a regular alpha."

Although Paige is worried about her eyes too, she just wanted to relax with him for now, that's why she continuously comforted him.

After speaking, Paige rested her head on top of his chest and then began to listen at her boyfriend's heartbeat.

"Anyway let's go back now, my body is starting to itch because of the grass."

Drake said as his back began to feel itchy.

Once his words reach Paige's ears, she turned and began to look at his naked body with lust roaming inside her brown eyes.

"You know what else is itchy?"

Paige then said seductively as she runs her fingers on her boyfriend's body.

Smiling helplessly, Drake decided to let her take the lead that ended with a couple rounds of sex.

And after that, they went back to their pack's treehouse.

The two of them stayed in that house for the following days, just to train the newly turned werewolf.


Meanwhile, as the Beacon Hills County heats up because of the werewolves and hunters there, in the country of Mexico, a couple of young teenagers can be seen talking to each other.

"We finished our preparations and all we needed to do is to hunt to him down..."

The dark haired teen boy said to the brown haired teen girl.

"That was the plan, but..."

The one who spoke is the teen that found the other nemeton sixteen months ago, Azael.

His tone is deep but it contained the mixed emotions of anger, frustration, fear, and disappointment.

"You saw something unexpected last night didn't you."

The brown haired girl, who is none other than Loren, asked him.

"Something related to what you wanted to achieve?"

She carefully asked Azael, as she noticed the complicated emotions behind his words.

"Yes and it's not a good one."

Azael replied with a frown.

After what happened to Azael last year, Loren noticed that he suddenly changed.

The first change was his emotions, Azael became obsess with someone who he hadn't even meet yet... Or so Loren thinks so.

The next one was his habits.

Unlike before, where Azael is a carefree teenager, who's favorite thing to do is to play video games, he suddenly began to train himself.

He even made Loren, herself, train along with him.

And when she asked what they're training for, Azael suddenly started to tell stories about the supernatural beings.

Werewolves, were-coyote, wendigo, and many more, because of this Loren almost thought that Azael had gone crazy.

Well, that was what she would continue to think if Azael, himself, didn't suddenly gained the ability to foresee the future.

At first, Loren was skeptical about it but after multiple times of it happening, she was left with no choice but to believe him.

Though, so far, he can only see some random things.

And last night he saw something that can only be described as a nightmare.

He saw at his vision how the once a born alpha became something more monstrous and wild.

He watched how it easily killed a couple of hunters before it began to move based on it's pure instinct.

In fact, the word 'killed' is an understatement of what really happened to them.

Because of that, Azael knew he wouldn't be able to do what he wanted to do to the said alpha.

And even if he were to go to the hunters to gain their help, he thinks that they wouldn't believe him if he tells them what he saw.

In fact, they might even hunt him down, as he might as well be considered as a supernatural being.

After all, no ordinary human was capable of seeing into the future.

And if he were to ever reveal this ability of his to an untrustworthy people, it might even be the reason of his death.

Or so Azael thought.

But even if not so, Azael still chose to take things more carefully as it is better than being impulsive.

That is why, for now, his plan to kill the said alpha was postponed.

He doesn't know how long and that doesn't matter to him.

As long as he manages to kill or even make the hateful alpha despair, he will be satisfied with it.

"So what's the plan now?"

Loren asked Azael once again, after hearing what he saw in his vision.

"For now, we'll need to become something more than we are right now..."

"Don't tell me you plan to-"

At Azael's reply, Loren couldn't help but asked him in disbelief.

"Yes, we'll do the plan B."

Azael ignored her disbelief however, as he nonchalantly cut her sentence off, before staring at her eyes and adding, in a deep voice.

"We'll become a werewolf."

Bonus chapter for today because we just reached 1k collection, woohh!! Thank you for the support! And please continue reading!!

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