
Teen Wolf: The head of the Spider

The Phantom Troupe has entered an ancient ruin in The Dark Continent. Just as they begin to move deeper, violent whispers violate Chrollo's mind and he falls unconscious. After he wakes up, he finds himself in the middle of a forest. Where is he? Where are his friends? What will he do? ..... I am doing something like this for the first time, so go easy on me. English is my second language and if i make grammar mistakes, please correct me. The cover is NOT mine and if the owner recognizes it, contact me. Happy reading!!! No romance and no harem. If you want to support the novel, follow me on p.a.t.r.e.o.n: patreon.com/SENYSONAMEN

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Chapter 10

The next day, school just finished, so Scott and Stiles were going home.

Scott was on his way to his bicycle, when a sick looking Derek grabbed him on the arm.

''Derek, what are you doing here?!'' Scott said to the pale Derek.

''I was shot.'' Derek breathed heavily.

''Why aren't you healing?'' Scott asked him.

''I-I can't. It was a different kind of bullet." Derek was barely holding up.

''So that's what she meant when she said you have 24 hours.'' Scott shared unexpected information.

''What? Who-who said 24 hours?''

''The one who shot you.'' Scott told him.

''...I need you to find what kind of bullet they used.'' Derek gave Scott a task.

''How the hell am I supposed to do that?'' Scott asked, while shrugging his shoulders.

''Because she's an Argent.'' Derek revealed.

''Why should I help you?!'' Scott was confused.

''Because you need me to stop the Alpha.'' Derek gave him a reason.

Scott looked at Allison, who was on the other side of the parking. ''Fine. I'll try.''

''Chrollo will send you an address. After you take the bullet, go there.'' He told Scott.

Then Scott saw, how Derek made way to Chrollo's car.

McCall brought out his phone and messaged Allison -We're still studying together, right?-

She picked up her phone, after she heard a notification, and answered Scott. -Yeah, of course.-

-See you at your place, then. Bye.-


On the way to Chrollo's house, Chrollo asked Derek ''Can you endure for a little longer?''

''I have no choice, but to do it.'' Derek gritted his teeth.

''If he isn't able to do it, what will you do?'' Chrollo asked the sick Derek.

''...You're gonna cut off my arm.'' Derek said to Chrollo in grave tone.


In the Argent house, Allison wanted to show Scott her family job.

They were in the garage, where there was a wall. On it were various weapons, from small pistols to big shotguns.

''So, I guess I should explain... We're not some sort of separatist gun-nut family. My dad sells firearms to law enforcement.'' Allison nervously said to Scott.

''So, are you going to join the family business.'' Scott anxiously asked Allison.

''You tell me, would I look hot holding a gun?'' Allison flirted with Scott.

''Hotter without.'' Scott murmured.

Then, they started kissing. After a few minutes of making out, they heard a woman's voice, the same on that shot the Alpha werewolf. ''Hey, Chris! Come help with the groceries!''

After hearing that, they hid behind. The door, leading to the garage, opened and someone entered.

''I'm coming.'' The man, Chris, said with deep voice, while putting down a box, next to the door.

He went to the other side of the car and asked the two hiding teenagers a question. ''You two mind helping?'' He had short dark hair with blue eyes.

''''No problem'''' Scott and Allison answered in one voice.

''Great.'' Chris smiled.

In front of the Argents' house, Scott gave Chris, Allison's father, the last bag of groceries.

''Thank you.'' Chris politely thanked Scott.

Scott, then turned to Allison. ''Do you still wanna study?''

''I think she'll concentrate better on her own.'' Chris answered in his daughter's place.

''..I'll see you later, then?'' Scott asked Allison.

''At school.'' Chris clearly didn't want Allison to answer.

''...Right.'' Scott submitted to Chris.

First, Chris pointed to Scott ''Uh, uh- you, on your bike.'' Then, he turned to Allison ''You, inside.''

The same woman's voice interrupted. ''Oh, come on, Chris! Really? They were making out in the garage, not shooting amateur porn!''

She continued ''You, with the adorable brown eyes. You're staying for dinner.''

She and Allison went inside the house.

Chris sighed ''Do you eat meat?''

Scott nodded repeatedly. ''You don't mind?''

Chris rested his arm on Scott's shoulders. ''Actually, no. It gives us a chance to get to know each other.''

Some time later, on a table were sitting 5 people. Chris Argent, Victoria Argent, the mother of Allison, Kate Argent, the woman, who shot the Alpha and Chris's sister, Scott McCall and Allison.

They were talking about lacrosse and how good was Scott's performance in the last match.

Then Chrollo's phone ringed, indicating that somebody was calling him.

''Excuse me, where is the toilet?'' He stood up. When he was on the second floor, he picked up.

-Did you find it?- Derek asked, his condition unknown.

''How am I supposed to find one bullet?! They have a million! This house is like the fri*kin' Walmart of guns!'' Scott cursed, angrily.

Derek tiredly said -Look, if you don't find it, then I'm dead, all right?-

McCall murmured "I'm starting to think that wouldn't be such a bad thing."

Derek informed of him of the possible danger -Then think about this. The Alpha called you out against your will. He's gonna do it again. Next time, either you kill with him, or you get killed. So, if you wanna stay alive, then you need me. Find the bullet.-

Scott heard Chrollo's calm voice over the phone loud enough -Don't worry, Derek. If Scott doesn't succeed, I will go to the Argents' house and take the bullet. Even If it means that I will have to kill them all.-

Scott was furious ''Don't you dare harm them-'' 


Scott couldn't finish his warning, when they hung up.

Scott calmed down and begun to search for the bullet.

He went in front of a door and tried to open it. He did, however, next to it was an alarm, which started making a noise.


He quickly closed it, but it was too late. He turned around, where Kate was standing.

''You look like a lost little puppy.'' To Scott, that comparison wasn't with good intentions.

The little puppy started to look around ''Just looking for the bathroom.''

Kate was amused ''Bathroom? Does that look like a bathroom?'' She added after Scott looked back ''No, right..''

She pointed ''Use the guest bedroom.''

Scott smiled ''Okay. Thanks.'' He started to walk toward the door, which Kate pointed.

The puppy went inside. He found himself in a room with a bed, on his left, was another door. Scott was thinking how to proceed from now on, when he noticed a kit back, under the bed.

He, slowly went to it, kneeled and opened it. Inside were bullets of all kinds. In the middle, however was a small wooden box with the picture of a plant, carved into it. 

When Scott opened it, he saw 10 spaces for bullets, with 1 being empty. He took another bullet and closed the box, on the top of which, was a sentence in french. 'ACONIT NAPEL BLEU NORDIQUE'

He used his phone to translate it. 'Northern blue monkshood' After that, he sent the picture to Chrollo.

''Derek, Scott found it.'' Chrollo told him of the good news.

''What did he say?'' Derek was on the verge of blacking out.

''He found a box, filled with bullets. On it was the name 'Northern blue monkshood', as you know, it is a rare form of wolfsbane.'' 

''Yea-yeah.'' It was a wonder how Derek stayed conscious.