
Chapter 17:saving Scott

The claws appeared out of Danny's hands and just as he walked up to the body about to slash the hunters throat.


Stiles slashed the hunters throat as he said.

Stiles:You where taking your time weren't you?

Danny:I would have killed him.

Stiles:(laughs)No you see no you wouldn't have Danny becasue you can't take the guilt you and Scott wouldn't be able to kill ever!

Danny:I..I…I can.

Stiles:Danny im your Alpha ok and it's ok if you don't wanna kill or if your not ready yet I understand ok but don't lie to me ever!


Stiles Danny and Nate then left the house with stiles driving Danny and Nate to there houses and then going home.

Stilinksi house

Stiles was in the bathroom as he looked at himself in the mirror after his long shower he then whent to his room put some clothes on and was about to go to sleep when he got a text from his phone from Scott saying

"Meet me at the swimming pool beacon hills high"

Stiles than thought that it was a king text for Scott to send and weird how he would whant to meet at the high school but he couldn't calm Danny and Nate again even though they where his pack and he was there Alpha they where home probably sleeping or busy right now.

So stikes only had one option that he didn't like very much but he knew he didn't have a choice.

Argent house

The doorbell rang as Allison opened the door

Allison:Stiles?what do you want why are you at my house so late?

Stiles:Why are you awake so late?

Allison:That is none of your business.


Allison:why are you here stiles?what do you want?

Stiles:It's Scott he's in danger ok he just texted me.

Allison:what?what do you mean he's in danger?what did he text you?is he ok?

Stiles:Relax most likely he's not dead but k don't think it's him that sent the text here read this.

Allison read the text and was confused.

Allison:what?that's definitely not Scott someone is texting from his phone and has clearly set up a trap.

Stiles:I know that's why where going to go and save him right now so grab your crossbow and your Hunter shit and let's go!


Allison then grabbed her things and whent in stiles jeep.

Stiles and Allison where driving and started talking.

Allison:Wow you still have this jeep?

Stiles:what do you mean "wow you still have this jeep?" Of course I do this car is sort of my life what you think becasue I'm an Alpha werewolf that I would get rid of this car?

Allison:uh yeah I do specially with your whole 180 personality change.

Stiles:personality change?what has Scott been telling you about me?

Allison:like you would care.he said that you and him stopped being freinds after you changed and started killing people.

Stiles:Me I changed.I Adapted! I accepted the fact that I was a werewolf and Scott didn't he just wanted the cure and was convinced by derek that killing Peter would cure him!

Allison:And you killed Peter.

Stiles:Becasue he was a monster and what he did to Lydia!

Allison:Did you know that you would become an Alpha if you killed him?

Stiles:Ok bitch For your information yes I did now stop interrogating me ok.ive did a lot of things I'm not proud of but it's who I am now ok and I have to do it to protect the people I care about.


Stiles:we're here.

Stiles and Allison got out of the car and whent in the school stiles pushing the door open with his werewolf strength.

Allison:Really?your just gonna push the door open?Whos gonna fix that?

Stiles:I don't know and I don't care now I'm gonna find Scott.

Allison:wait what about me?

Stiles:your going to be in the roof with your crossbow and if you see the hunters your gonna shoot they won't expect you and will think I'm alone.

Allison:what!?how am i gonna get on the roof!?

Stiles:like this.

Stiles than picks up Allison and squats down and jumps up on the all using one arm to hold Allison and the other hand to get on the roof.

Allison:How did you do that?

Stiles:well I'm an Alpha but even so that took a lot of practise and your pretty light actually.

Allison:well obviously to you I am your a freakin werewolf!

Stiles:ok now I'm gonna go back down and go to the pool ok the hunters have most likely got him in a chair and probably whant me since I'm the Alpha.

Allison:ok be careful.

Stiles:Wow Allison argent?i never knew you where one to worry?did someone else threaten you?

Allison:Shut up!I was just being nice ok.

Stiles:ok I was just joking.

Stiles than jumps down the roof and goes inside the school and walks to the swimming pool.

Stiles:Scott?I came just like you asked me.

Hunter:you must be stiles stilinksi the Alpha.

Hunter 3:(laughs) he doesn't look like an Alpha look at him he's just a boy.

Hunter:he may look like a boy but he's an Alpha he took out our other hunters at the apartment aswell.

Stiles:what suprised?

Hunter:no I bought in more reinforcements yesterday and I have wolfsbane on me right now so I am doing good you on the other hand just walked right into a trap.

Stiles:why weren't you there at the apartment?scared?


Stiles:well you should be.

Stiles then dashed at the Hunter and brings out his claws when 2 aromas hit his leg and shoulder.

Hunter 3:I suggest you don't move or I will hit you with this a bullet that will kill you withij 48 hours.


Hunter:where's your pack?

Stiles:what?wait you knew this would happen you planned for me to come on my own huh?!

Hunter 3:well look who figured it out your smart.

Stiles looked at Allison through the glas and nodded at her Allison then shot at the Hunter and he fell on the floor stiles then took this chance to dash at the other Hunter and claws him but before he could he was affected by the wolfsbane.

Hunter:(punch x3)(kick)

Stiles was on the floor as the hujnyer was on top of him about to punch him but Allison shot him in the back stiles then pushed him off him and groaned in pain on the floor.

Stiles heard noises from the back of the swimming pool area and saw Scott tied up on a chair with wolfsbane on him and blood everywhere.

Scott:stiles….help..me!scott said as he passed out.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter the next chapter will be the end of season 2

Shadowking123creators' thoughts