
Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

California is infested with vampires but in a town called Beacon Hills exists another apex predator. The Werewolves. Vampires fear Werewolves because of their venomous teeth and superior strength. Lucien is part of a hunters family dating back to the 1500s that gained their fame by killing the infamous Dracula and another monster called The Beast of Gevaudan who reign supreme back then, There exist multiple companies that buy Vampire teeth due to their medical breakthrough on healing properties and thus these companies buy Vampire fangs as well as werewolves and any other creature for the development of humans, of course, this goes all under the public's eyes. Lucien was turned at a young age and will have to deal with his change. He will become a Hunter an Alpha Hunter. ..... Reas Auxiliar Chapter Before diving into this kinky book .... By the Way, there will be Sex, a LOT of it. a LOT of unconditional sex friends would do anything for Lucien, even kill themselves. The plot? The plot is trash, I'm going with the wave, I planned this after watching Day Shift. I have to say. Teen Wolf world doesn't have Vampires but since it doesn't have Vampires then that gives me more world background in the future as I introduced these Day Shift vampires in the world. Harem Yes, this is Harem so if you don't like that don't read it, I don't wanna see low reviews there just because it's a harem, I'll delete those mfs so be warned. You can review my trashy fic but not just because it's a harem, besides Harem, there will be cheating and netori . No women will cheat on MC of course. You know me I don't do da shet. Again, I only own my MC everything else belongs to their respective authors or directors. Names here that are alike in the real world is just coincidence and don't relate to the real world. OUR world. All of these characters are fictional characters. Also, I downloaded the pic from google but can't find the original author, I however only changed the eye color to red. I do not profit from this, I do this for free since this isn't my original world but I sure hope you vote with stones though if you like, and leave a review. Anyways, that's all, and have a great day, humans!

TheLonelyGod · TV
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62 Chs

Heal #34

(A/n: This chapter is Lucien basicaly Semi NTRing someone. it isn't that bad, I hope)

As Lucien laid with the tired Allison he sighed and stood up slowly as to not wake her up, he will teach her later about wolfsbane, it was getting dark and he was sure Derek will be going crazy by now.

He turned on every trap and magic traps around the house for any unknown individual that is not Allison, he would be back real soon but one can never be too careful.

He drove away to heal a sic Hale and after 10 minutes of driving he made it ro the house he cane as a kid. He sighed remembering the people inside a d the kids playing around.

He shook his thoughts away and was greeted with a panicked Scott.

"Come on, man! he is already going crazy!" yelled Scott.

Lucien nodded grabbed his stuffs and aproached Scott slowly. Then he smacked his head sending him to greet his dear friend, the ground "Don't ever yell at me again" he warned her before stepping on him as he walked inside the house.

Scott groaned and stood up, he then followed Lucien from a distance, he didn't want to be near him again after that.

When Lucien came inside, he saw Derek about to choke Stiles to death, Lucien's eyes turned red "Let him go" he commanded and Derek followed.

He breathed heavy as he held onto the table, he looked up at Stile "Sorry" he mumbled.

Lucien extended and took a look at his arm making Derek winced in pain "Tsk, don't be a crybaby!" snorted Lucien.

Derek gave him a death glare before grabbing something to bite while Lucien manhandled his arm.

"Do you know what it is?" asked Stiles rubbing his throat as he still felt the fantom hand choking him.

Lucien raised an eyebrow, blew a green powder at Stiles and soon his pain stopped hurting and there weren't hand mark around his throat anymore.

Stiles was annoyingly thankful "Holy cow! what did you- How did you- no, wait! what was that?" he asked in the end.

Lucien rolled his eyes while inspecting Derek's arm.

"That was Sage, a healing type of powder that only certain flowers around the world produce so count yourself lucky and getout of my sight"

Stiles looked thankful "Aaw I didn't know you car-"

"I don't, I just wanted to see if it actually worked. It was my first time concocting something like that after all"

"I take back what I said" grumbled Stiles as he left to wait outside to wait with his friend Scott.

"Thanks!" winced Derek, he was thankful for that even though Stiles was an annoying kid, he still didn't want to hurt him.

"Whatever, it seems, you've been infected with the Nordic Blue Monskhood" said Lucien.

Derek groaned "I'll have to get a bullet just like the one that shot me to get the powder" Derek felt a little dispair as he didn't know he could get the bullet in time or if even Lucien will allow him to enter his territory.

Lucien rolled his eyes and grabbed a small container with a blue like powder that seemed to release some mist.

Lucien made Derek smell the powder to breathing in the mist before applying it to his wound. The wound instantly cured and Derek sat there with a heavy breathing.

"Of course you had that" he gasped.

Lucien nodded "I have all sorts ofwolfsbane in here, this is like a med kit for werewolves"

"Thanks! I owe you one" said Derek.

Lucien shook his head "I think someone already paid for that" kukled Lucien with a smirk.

Derek was confused and saw a cast down Scott looking from outside the house.

"What did he promise you?" asked Derek curious.

Lucien smirked and started walking outisde before he glanced over his shoulder and looked at him in the eye "His mom"

With that Derek felt Scott was really stupid by offering a member of his family, he sighed "Wait... I can offer you money?" Derek knew it was a long shot but he felt bad for Scott's mom.

"Nah, I think I like my date instead" grinned Lucien.

Somehow Derek felt that Scott will become a disciplined son.


When Lucien came outside, Scott was there looking down, Lucien stopped in front of him while his friend stood behind him supporting him.

"You may call your mom now, Scott. I think I earned that date, don't you think?" said Lucien.

Scott took out his phone and dialed his mom's number, then a voice answered him.

[Scott? Is everything okay? why are you calling?]

"M-mom. Yes... everything is fine it's just that..."

Lucien grabbed his phone and answered "Hello, there Scott's mom"

[Who are you? are you bullying my son? I will have you know that I will call the cops if you hurt him!]

Lucien smiled and patted Scott's shoulder mouthing 'You have a loving mother'

"No mam, I am his friend" he said smirking, Scott scowled at that.

[Oh... can I help you?]

"Well, you see, Scott here gave me your permission to take you for dinner, I wonder if you'd like that?" asked Lucien already knowing what she'll say. After all, moms like Scott's were pretty hard to find.

[I'm sorry but I don't think my son can choose who I like and I don't date boys]

"Oh, I'll be worth your while, I promise you I'll come by tonight and we'll have ourselves a date, what do you think"

[I really don't thin-]

"Great, I'll see you then...tonight" interrupted Lucien, whispering the last part so Scott wouldn't hear while scratching the wooden wall as a noise distraction. He then hung up and handed his phone back to Scott.

"Thanks Scott" said Lucien as he walked away.

"It's alright dude. There is no way your mom would date someone like Lucien" comforted Stiles.

Derek came outside hearing the full conversation and sighed "Why don't you come over tonight while I show you how to use your powers?" asked Derek as he offered to help Scott to relieve the mood.

Scott just nodded. Conviniently enough, this helped Lucien having a one night date with his mother.


It was dark already and Scott left the house to hang out with Stile and Derek afterwards. Melissa paced back abd forth around the living, she knew this Scott's friend whose name was Lucien was going to be here tonight to have dinner with her. She will polietly decline and let him know that she is not interested, yet she was neatly showered and had put on nice clothes, tight jeans that hugged her curves and a blouse.

*Ding dong*

She jumped at the sudden ring and took deep breathes before opening the door.

As soon as she opened it she started talking "I'm sorry but I don't think this is a good Ide-" she stopped.

She was expecting someone the same height as Scott or Stiles but instead came a really tall young man, he was really handsome and his clothes stuck to his hard abs, chest and arms.

Melissa gulped 'God help me' she thought looking at the beautiful grey eyes'

"I brought dessett" said Lucien smiling, the smile made her smile back at him and unconciously invited him in. His voice, his physique everything about Lucien gained Melissa's interest.


When Scott came back home around 11 PM, he still saw Lucien's car outside.

Scott rushed inside "Mom!" he called out in panic.

What greeted him was Lucien standing behind his mom, his body was stuck to hers or more like she was pushing her body back to feel him up as he guided her on how to make something on the kitchen.

Melissa turned around and smiled at her son "Oh, Scott... You are really late so go to your room now" she said dismissing him and turning back to the meal they were making for her to take to work.

Scott knew he was late but he wanted to keep his head cool when arrived but to see the man who stole his girl taking advantage of his mom really infuriated him and so he gritted his teeth and lashed at Lucien.

Melissa looked back and widened her eyes seeing her son about to jump on Lucien, she stepped between both of them and glared at Scott "ROOM NOW!" she hissed.

Lucien rose an eyebrow seeing Scott stomping to his room, Melissa looked at Lucien nervously.

"I'm sorry about him... he is usually a nice kid" she said.

Lucien chuckled and waved his hand in a friendly manner "Don't worry, I kind of understand why he is angry though"

"Oh, why is that?" she asked curious.

"Well, he kinda hated me for taking away his chance with my sister" said Lucien.

Melissa widened her eyes "Oh my god! he talked about someone he wanted to murder, that was you?" she asked starting to giggle.

"Between you and me" he whispered, Melissa felt thrilled talking to Lucien and leaned forward to listen to his whisper "If he beats me up than I think it's okay since I'll have a really beautiful nurse looking after me" he winked.

Melissa giggled and looked him up and down and stopped midway for a second "I doubt he can win against you"

"Oh I'll let him win if it means being near some one like you" he whispered in her ear.

Melissa's shuddered and stared at him in the eyes before she started her laughing fit. She felt flattered, really.

Maybe... just maybe Lucien is the one she so desperately needed. She stared at him for a few moments before both leaned in but Lucien put a finger on her lips before they were about to kiss and whispered "I don't want you to do something you might regret later, so let's take this slow okay?" he said, they were so close her nose was touching his and her breathing was haggard, she wasn't even paying attention when a mist like energy entered her nose and mouth and her body started feeling better and rejuvenated but put it to the back if her bead for the moment

She smiled after hearing Lucien's consideration and thought 'He is got to be the one' she pleaded in her mind that Lucien is the one for her despite their age gap, Lucien was almost really mature for his age, he was caring towards her, she paid attention to her moaning about work and suggested a few things.

Lucien was a god send in her opinion so she did something she won't regret, she took his lips and stayed like that for a couple minutes before she stopped and shyly looked up at him.

Lucien stared at her down and she felt miniature in front of him right now, but moreso protected and so she gave him a sweet smile and guided Lucien outside.

Lucien left after planning another date and laughed as Melissa practiacally pushed hin away and leaned on the door as soon as she closed it, her heart was almost pounding out of her chest and her cheeks were red.

She realky felt blessed tonight, she then smelled the burning food on the stove and rushed to close the valve "Oh well, at least he taught me" she shrugged but then remembered nothing because all she focused on was his hand, arms and body stick to her.

She sighed and decided to take the left overs of the gourmet Lucien did for her.

When she went upstairs, her eyes amost popped out of her sockets when she stared into the mirror, she looked young! Years of stress wrinkles GONE!

About 10 years younger!, she felt healthy and not exhausted anymore, a little tired but not exhausted like she's always been.

"Lucien did this to me?" she whispered, she touched her smooth skin, this was wierd but welcomed, she actually felt young when interacting with Lucien, and acted young too.

She took a deep breathe and smiled "I'm sorry Scott, I think your mom has fallen for a young man" she shighed lovingly.


Scott threw himself around the bed and shriek "I was so wrong to do this mom!" he said to himself. Then received a text from Derek that told him the alpha is on the move.

He sighed and left through the window, Lucien was already gone anyways so his mom would be okay.


Lucien smelled the air like a dog and the scent of a wet dog wafted around the area, he then got a text from Lydia.


Lucien turned into his bipedal form grabbed his clothes and ran fast enough that his movements were blurs.
