
Teen Wolf: Hunter's Mark

So, MCs name is Nathaniel lockwood he was born in a hunter family not a very well-known one, but they could live without having a normal job. At 1 year old the hunter's tattoo appeared at his left chest and continue to grow along with him his parents decided they didn't have a choice and start training as soon as he could. At 4 years old his mother died in an accident and his father started his training in the hunter's ways and conditioning while they were traveling around the United States solving cases. At 15 years old he had his first kill and many more followed also he and his father had many fights throughout the years as they couldn't connect and his father in his grief treated him more like a soldier than a son. And now we are at 17 years old seven months after his birthday. I forgot A SMALL LITTLE detail the power of the tattoo will activate at his 18th birthday

Black_Night_69 · TV
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19 Chs

chapter 3

| Third Person's POV|

|Next Morning|

We see Chris Argent driving his daughter Allison argent to school in his car a red Chevy Tahoe and talking about their home situation, with Chris promising that this time they try to stay much longer than last time. While Allison answers that it doesn't matter how much they stay what matters is that they going to move either way and she has to be the new kid again and again. Chris stays quiet he doesn't know what to say to her he doesn't want her to know about the creatures they hunt, he doesn't want her to know about the dark truth of their world, that out there are creatures that hunt them, that they live with monsters in human skin, that they protect the rest of humans from them. But he can't he wants for her to at least live some kind of normal life to keep her innocence just as possibly much as he can. So, he keeps quiet and drives her to school. The silence breaks as Allison's mother calls her for the second time this morning.

We see the car stops at the school entrance the surrounding devoid of students besides the one teenager sitting at the bench listening to some music as his head and feet move in rhythm. Chris steps out of the vehicle to hug his daughter and wish her good luck, he takes a good look at the teen and recognizes him as the kid from next door so he goes over to him with Allison to greet him. Nate hears a voice and looks that way and sees Chris Argent the old man from last night with a girl around his age. He takes off the headphone and greets them.

"Good morning Mr. Argent and?--" "Allison"

"And nice to meet you Allison" Nate speaks to her with a smile that is close to a grin on his face.

"Nice to meet you too -" Allison states and blushes a little waiting for him to give her his name while trying to not stare at his face too much. "Nathaniel Lockwood but I prefer Nate".

"Allison this is the kid living next to our house also he is in your grade so you'll have some classes with him so get along, ok? and have a great day" Chris tells her and gets back to his car leaving them alone at the bench. While they wait for the school personnel to come and get them Nate asks her a question.

"So, where you living before Beacon Hills?" "San Francisco and you?" she asks back.

"Las Vegas was the last stop I guess I hooped around states like 5 to six times a year"

"Really? Why so much even my parents aren't traveling so many times" Allison asks him with astonishment shown in her face.

"My dad's job, he was a personal trainer he was well known in the circle so they called him from different states to get him to train them and for a high price too" he answers her as he was going to ask her another question her phone rings. Allison sighs knowing well that it her mother and answers it.

"Mom, three calls on my first day is a little overdoing it" Allison says as she continues to search her back.

"Just making sure you're there okay and you've got everything you need"

"Everything except a pen... oh my god I didn't actually forget a pen" Nate smiles and tries to hide it by facing the entrance door where he sees a man the vice-principal walking towards them and he is not the only one.

"Don't panic. I'm sure you can borrow one from another student"

"Okay, okay. I gotta go. Love ya" Allison says and closes the call while the vice-principal speaks to them after she gets off the phone.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" Nate and Allison get up to follow him while the vice-principal speaks to Allison and showing that this wasn't the first time they have met.

"So you were saying San Francisco isn't where you grow up? The man asks and Nate pays attention.

"No, but we lived there for more than a year, which is unusual in my family. We kind of bounce around a lot because of my Dad's work"

"Well, hopefully, Beacon Hills will be your last stop for a while. Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome" says and leads them to a classroom they go inside

"Class these are our new students, Allison Argent and Nathaniel Lockwood. Please do your best to make them feel welcome" As soon as he finishes, he leaves and they go to seat at the only available seats behind Scott and next to each other. As Nate was looking for a spare pen to give Allison Scott turn around and holds out. Allison With a relieved but curious smile takes it from him and thanks him. He nods at her and looks forward again Allison frown a little and is confused about how he knew she needed a pen. At the same time, Nate's face takes a more profound frown about the same reason as Allison but lets it goes for now but he makes a note to watch Scott.

Scene change

After the bell, Nate and Allison are at their lockers which are a few lockers apart. Nate goes through the books and organizes them while Allison takes a look around when her eyes connect with the cute boy who give her the pen. She starts to smile, recognizing him. But then Lydia Martin swoops in front of her.

"That jacket is absolutely killer. Where did you get it?" Lydia asks as she smiles at her and takes a look at Nate seeing that he has a great physique and a handsome face.

"My Mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco. Allison Argent" Allison replies. Lydia continues.

"Lydia Martin and you are my new best friend" Lydia says and then stares at Nate probably waiting for him to say his name. Nate interpreting the look states his name too "Nathaniel Lockwood".

then Jackson comes from behind her wraps an arm around her and kisses her and then greats Allison and Nate. Meanwhile, down the corridor we see Rebecca Harlowe, better known as HARLEY comes to find stiles and Scott at their lockers. But Scott keeps staring at Allison, however.

"Can someone tell me how New Girl is here all of five minutes and she's already hanging with Lydia's clique?"

"Because she's hot. Beautiful people herd together." stiles answers her and steps up to open his own locker next to Scott's.

"Is that why Lydia isn't herding with you?"

"Lydia's a long-term project, okay? And trust me, I've got all the patience in the world for a high-yield investment like her."

"Well, I don't think New Girl's that pretty. Scott, you think she's pretty? Scott?" He doesn't even blink, attention consumed by Allison.

"I'd take that as a yes" Stiles replies instead.

Head cocked slightly, Scott TUNES in the conversation from the other end of the corridor, VOICES coming into focus.

"So, this weekend, there's a party" Lydia tells them.

"Really when and what is the occasion?" Nate asks them curious.

"Friday night" Jackson says eying Allison "It's a tradition after the scrimmage we like to throw a party you should come" Jackson answers the question instead while sizing up and down Nate.

"Am not sure yet will see until then" Nate responds and looks at Allison, and now all three of them wait for her answer.

"I can't. It's Family Night this Friday. But thanks for asking. And you mean like football?" Allison says denying the invitation and inquires.

"Football is a joke at Beacon hills. The sport here is Lacrosse. We won the state championship the last three years" states Jackson, it is quite clear that he is proud of the achievement.

"Because of a certain team captain" Lydia follows up indicating that Jackson is the captain while she fixes his hair a little.

"Every season starts with a scrimmage to decide the new first line. You ever watch Lacrosse?" Jackson asks them.

"No, not really other than it's a violent game" Allison replies.

"A little it didn't quite catch my full attention" Nate answers after Allison.

"Maybe you should have a closer look. We have practice in a few minutes. You don't have to be anywhere, do you?" Jackson asks them.

"well am free and I want to have a look at it maybe I even join the team" Nate responds with a small grin on his face. While Allison doesn't look so sure about it.

"Well, no, I was--" she starts but gets interrupted by Lydia as she grabs her hand and drags her towards the field.

"Perfect. You're coming."