
Teen Wolf: Hunter's Mark

So, MCs name is Nathaniel lockwood he was born in a hunter family not a very well-known one, but they could live without having a normal job. At 1 year old the hunter's tattoo appeared at his left chest and continue to grow along with him his parents decided they didn't have a choice and start training as soon as he could. At 4 years old his mother died in an accident and his father started his training in the hunter's ways and conditioning while they were traveling around the United States solving cases. At 15 years old he had his first kill and many more followed also he and his father had many fights throughout the years as they couldn't connect and his father in his grief treated him more like a soldier than a son. And now we are at 17 years old seven months after his birthday. I forgot A SMALL LITTLE detail the power of the tattoo will activate at his 18th birthday

Black_Night_69 · TV
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19 Chs

Chapter 18

| Third Person's POV |

| Sunday |

Yesterday night the alpha attacked once again it kill the store clerk. Lydia is traumatized by what she saw and Jackson got injured. Scott and Derek went to the scene after to see if they could catch the alpha's scent but no such luck.

Today Nate and Allison visited Jackson at his home, he was scared but hid it by being a jerk about the subject when asked. So, Nate and Allison decided that he was mostly okay aside from the injury. Next, they visited Lydia, her mom let them in. Because of the pills she was on to cope with what happened and saw she wasn't in sound mind and talked nonsense the whole time.

Nate excused himself to go to the bathroom. And while he was out of the room Lydia's phone make a sound. Allison takes the phone to hand it to Lydia but sees her sleeping. She opens the phone to see a new message, she presses the screen to close it, and while the notification disappeared a video starts playing.

On-screen a dark shape hurtles through the storefront window. Allison hits pause. breath caught in her throat, she zooms into a perfectly captured image of a nightmare. standing there on two feet, a dark and monstrous silhouette with glowing red eyes...the alpha.

Shocked and in disbelief at the thing she just saw keeps staring at it not really believing that there was such a creature out there. Nate goes back to Lydia's room and sees Lydia sleeping and Allison just staring at the screen of the phone.

He calls her out but doesn't respond at all not even moving an inch. He goes closer to see what she was doing on the phone and sees the image of the Alpha's beast form. Nate thinks about all the different possibilities that this could play out.

"This isn't a mountain lion. What the hell is that?"

She asks whispering. She couldn't get her mind around it as she has not accepted it as truth that something like that exists. Nate sits next to her and doesn't say a word, he deletes the video from the phone so no one else can see it. Allison seeing what he was doing tried to stop him but was too late.

"What--Why would you do that? And why are you not freaking out?"

She started asking different questions about what he knew and why he deleted it and also what that thing was. He tries to stop her from freaking out. Well, she was bound to find out about the supernatural anyway, he looked at the Argent family, and from what he learned that it is a matriarchic family and most likely Allison is the next in line. After deciding what to say Nate starts saying

"I-- Allison looks not it's not a good place to talk about it and what you saw. Calm down you're freaking out."

"No! I want you to tell me what the heck was that and why are you so calm about it and what you know."

Allison keeps rising her voice and Nate tries to placate her while keeping an eye on Lydia in case she wakes up.

"Okay, okay keep your voice down let's go to my house and I promise I tell you whatever you want but you have to calm down. Come on."

He leads her out of the house by the hand. They say goodbye to Lydia's mother and leave for Nate's house. They drive in silence, Allison's worldview is breaking down from what she saw, and Nate doesn't really know what to do. Should he tell her everything about the supernatural or that he wasn't the person he says is or what about her family does he say that they were lying to her the whole life.

The one thing he knows for sure is that he didn't want to lose her. she was the first friend he made in his life and even though it was soon to say it she was his best friend. She is someone that he did almost everything with, spent almost all day and every day together. This was something he never had before and now he didn't want to lose it.

So, if he tells her what he knows then she also learns that he is a hunter. Then she finds out that he was lying to her and everyone else and he doesn't know how would she take that.

They arrive at the house Nate leads her to the living room to sit. Then he goes to the kitchen to make her tea to calm down her nerves. He also goes to his office/library to take a folder with photos and files that show the supernatural was real to make this talk easier.

Nate puts the tea down and sits next to her with the folder in hand. Allison thanks him and drinks the tea. After a few minutes, Allison asks him to explain. Nate takes a big breath and starts.

"Okay let's begin with what you saw. The thing you saw in the video is a werewolf."

"A Werewolf? Are you serious?"

she asks skeptically about it and thinking that Nate was making fun of her.

"Yes, I am serious, listen most of the supernatural creatures you read or heard about exist. Not everything is the truth about them but they exist. Some of them are really rare that haven't been seen for decades or even more. And werewolves are common because normal people can be turned into one."

Then he goes to explain to her about them. That there are 3 ranks with werewolves Alpha, Beta, and Omega. He tells her about the different eye colors and what they represent. After telling her about werewolves he talks about the feral alpha that was in town and what he knew about it.

Nate finishes the explanation and Allison asks him how he knew all this stuff. He hesitates to answer but answers in the end.

"I know because there are also hunters out there that hunt them. Everyone has their own reason why the hunt. Some do it because they want to protect the people from them, others do it because it is their duty, others do it because of revenge, some others because they believe that every shifter or creature is evil and must die, that if they aren't human then they are monsters, some also do it because they like killing and take pleasure from it. Anyway, everyone has their reason why they hunt."

"I guess you are one then? A hunter. Is anything you told me before even remotely true?" Allison says looking at him.

"Most of the things I said are true. I just changed the setting of the story" he says to her not looking at her.

Then why are you doing this? What is your reason? You didn't say it"

Allison is shocked and angry that someone so close to her was lying to her and wonders if she even knows this person next to her.

"My reason was my father. I was born in a hunter family this was what I was taught since I could walk and talk. Training and learning every day so I would continue my family's job."

"Then is that why being you here to hunt the werewolf?"

"No, I came here because I wanted to try to have a normal life. I did some research and the town was devoid of any supernatural activity. That's why I came here because I wanted to get away from hunting. But then killing started and I couldn't look the other way when I learned that it was a werewolf so..."

Allison doesn't say anything she doesn't know what to say, to begin with, so she decides to leave and think about what she learned today. With an "I need to think" and a "goodbye" she is out of the house.

Nate lets her go not saying anything. Thinking that it was for the best if she had some space to process everything.