
Teen Wolf | Blóðhundur

After taking his revenge Winston leaves for Beacon Hills to look for his father and the rest of the Hale's only to find out there was a fire 6 years ago and the only survivor is his cousin Derek and his hospitalized Father who hasn't spoken for years due to his injuries. ......................................... 1. This is my first story 2. English is not my 1st language so there might be grammar or punctual mistakes feel free to correct me if need be. 3. Feel free to give me ideas along the way I don't have this story planned out and am writing as I go so updates won't be stable and I might make mistakes with the Teen Wolf plot so please bear with me I would appreciate all the help. 4. No harem only one FL but there may be flings while he isn't in a relationship. 5. Power stones would be much appreciated.

IamOblivion · TV
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

'Welcome to Beacon Hills'

"Sigh I'm really back." Driving in a glossy red 1968 Ford Mustang Fastback with black double stripes across the roof was Winston Royce returning to to his hometown on a search for his last remaining family members.

According to his late mother his father should still be in Beacon Hills where the main Hale pack lives.

'Well enough of that I should probably just visit Aunt Talia and ask her where my Father is I haven't seen her since I was 8 I think, wonder how she is doing'. Driving through a forest path I see a house that I suppose is the hale pack house or what's left of it.

"What the hell happend here?" Closing the car door behind me as I walk towards what's left of the place. I remember this being the Hale house where my Aunt and the rest of the family lived. I was about to return to my car when the front door opened and a person came out and glared at me saying "This is private Property!"

I was about to apologize and leave when I got a whiff of his scent and it being familiar I unconsciously blurted out "Derek?". Staring at me suspiciously while saying "You are?". Looking at him awkwardly. "It's me Winston don't you remember me?, well I don't blame you it's been a few years since we last met after all." Looking at me with realization he said " You're Peter's kid?" Sighing while Looking at me he waved at me signaling me to come in.

"What happend to this place?, where's Aunt Talia?" sighing with grief he says " There was a fire 6 years ago that resulted in everyone's death including my mother I only came back to Beacon Hills recently to find someone" Looking at him in shock I ask " and my dad? did he die as well?" shaking his head " No he survived but his injuries are so severe that he can't even heal himself properly after the fire he's been in a comatose state at Beacon Hills Memorial where they are taking care of him".

Sighing in relief while saying "Atleast I still have him left" Seeing Derek's confused gaze I elaborate "My mother passed away recently or should I say she was killed." Shocked he asked " What happend?" Sitting down on the staircase I tell him what happend " She was injured by hunters after trying to defend a Beta who accidentally killed one of their own only to be betrayed by the very same Beta and getting her Alpha status stolen after he ripped her throat out right in front of my eyes!" I spat out the last part with visible anger in my eyes.

Seeing him look at me with pity only made me angrier "Don't look at me with such eyes I don't need your pity!" Losing control for a split second made my eyes change with a visible blood red and letting out a low deep growl while standing up from the staircase, looking down on him with my claws out ready to rip anything to shreds. Shocked Derek takes a few steps back while looking down and saying "y-your a Alpha how?!"

Freezing in place I take a step back to calm down retracting my claws while taking a deep breath saying " Sorry after my Alpha status I've been having anger issues lately while telling you the story only ads to my anger." Still looking shocked he asks the same question again "How are you a Alpha?!" Getting annoyed I glared at him " Is that all you care about!"

Seeing him not responding I can only Sigh in annoyance " After the Beta killed my mother I was going to be next but the Hunters showed up giving me a chance to escape." Walking outside to my car while still explaining. " I lived a year of hell running, hiding not having a place to call home. Until I had my chance, the hunters caught up to the now Alpha and my mother's old pack ready to have a all out War. Many died on both sides and just when the leader of the hunter family was going to kill the Alpha after paralyzing him with some kind of Wolfsbane I took a chance and ambushed them while taking his life just in time to take back what was rightfully mine from the start, my mother's power the power of a Alpha!"

"After that I used my new found Alpha status to signal the pack to retreat. After a few days the entire pack gathered on the night of the full moon where I arranged a pack meeting but I could see it in their eyes most of them were unwilling to have such a young Alpha, thinking I was weak and that I just got lucky they challenged me."

" Still unable to control my newfound power while my urge to kill and rip people to shreds was only further feuled by the full moon I snapped only regaining control back the next morning where I stood in the middle of a massacre of the former pack members and to my surprise the hunters aswell. I didn't even know how they got there but they must have arrived there while hearing our skirmish against each other thinking it was a good time to wipe us out only to get killed themselves."

Looking at me Derek asked " What happend after you got your revenge?" puasing for a moment " Well mother always said if something happend to her I should seek out my Aunt or my Father well that's hopeless now." Looking away while thinking 'That and me feeling stronger after killing the Betas but that's my secret.' Getting in the car and starting it I prepare to leave. " Wait where are you going?!" Without looking back I yelled "To go and see him!"


Arriving at Beacon Hills Memorial I walk to the front desk where a raven haired woman sat. I leaned against the counter while looking at her name plate asking " Hi miss McCall? I'm here to visit my Father a patient I was hoping you could help me?" Looking up at me with a smile " No problem what's his name?" "Peter Hale" Stunned she looked back at me " You won't mind giving me and ID would you?"

Confused I give her my ID while saying " I took my mother's surname." Taking my ID she does something on the computer and says without looking up and returning my ID " Follow me." While walking trough the hallways she spots a nurse and stops her while saying " Jennifer this is Winston Royce he's the son of a patient of yours Peter Hale."

Looking at me with suspicion she was about to ask something when miss McCall interrupted " Don't worry he checks out." Nodding her head she signals me to follow her. Thanking miss McCall I follow the nurse to a room at the end of the hallways." You can speak to him but it won't help much he hasn't spoken in years but maybe that can change when someone close tries to talk to him like his son."

Nodding in understanding while she opens the door saying." Mister Hale your son came to visit you." Going inside the room and looking at the person who wasn't exactly father of the year since I was born made me nervous but when I looked at his face I froze and shook visibly in anger as I watched what he looked like. The Father I once hated and looked up to at the same time was sitting there helplessly with burn marks all over the right side of his face."Can I have a moment alone with him please." Nodding in understanding Jennifer left the room while leaving the two Father and Son alone.