
A rather comforting koisk

the clouds threatened them, it was bound to rain. Chief Vincent's family were nevertheless unbothered. those who hyped up the Fuji music continued playing while they were being sprayed by some of the aristocrats.those who went continued weeping, those who complained bitterly about the rude waiters at the event center continued complaining.the whole event centre was with merry and dancing no one seemed to care about the clouds warning.

Heather stayed quiet at the funeral because nothing made sense to her, she was at the funeral of a man she barely knew, the man who abandoned her and refused to call her his own but made her heir of everything he owned.

it had only been three months she was officially invited to be part of the family, only three months she spent with chief Vincent as his daughter before he died.

what could she call her self?? ' accidental heiress'...

At this funeral everyone cast looks at her, she knew what the looks meant. their looks asked questions she wasn't ready to answer.

she began to cry.

" why are you crying Nosazena?" her mother asked " do you want these people to bait you " her mother handed her a handkerchief.

" take , wipe your tears, the old man deserved to die he was good for nothing anyway" her mother said " you are the heir you should be happy"

Ignoring her mother's handkerchief, she left the family canopies in search of a place to clear her head. Nothing irritated her More than her mother's show of hate towards everything concerning her father and his family. she entered one of the event center's restroom. she washed off her make-up , wiped her face and peered into the mirror , then straightened her wig . she noticed her swollen eyes , Aunty Susan was right she was going through too much stress for a seventeen year old.

outside the restroom she heard thunderclaps, she decided to sprint back to the canopies but something stopped her from moving. someone had stepped on her dress ripping it to the bottom. she covered her bottom with her purse

" OMG ..," the guy who stepped on her dress turned around with a clumsy attempt to cover his face " I'm so sorry..."

" well sorry is not gonna fix my dress you clumsy idiot" she yelled.

he was about to say something but the thunderclaps interrupted him . rain drops started to fall .

"let's look for some where to hide" he said still covering his face

" I'm not going anywhere with you..." she tried walking away but the violent winds blowing different things their direction made her think twice . he grabbed her wrist and dragged her into one of the empty suya kiosk stand at the event center.

apart from the wind and thunderclaps , there was awkward silence. the cold wind sent Heather shivering and shaking like a Reed from the river Nile , the rain drops were no better they were cruelly cold too .she could her her teeth chatter loudly.

" good thing we found this kiosk huh.." he said with his teeth also chattering. she ignored him.

" it's fucking cold out here.."

she ignored him again

"look I'm sorry for ruining your dress" he said " it wasn't intentional "

" I don't care .., " she turned her face the other way

" I know you ajebo folks can't handle a little bit of distress" he said " and besides I said I'm sorry"

" you put me in this distress " she snapped

" try dey calm down .." he smirked " I don't want people attending my funeral because I ripped damsel in distress's pretty dress"

" do me a favor and keep your mouth shut" she yelled

she seemed to amuse him greatly , he was enjoying the tease

" look , I know you want to fight me..." he began " but can't fight me looking like a shaking mouse " he took off his jacket " have this" he said.

she took it begrudgingly.

" now we are friends..."

" --we are not friends !!" she cut in

" you can't be enemies without knowing ur enemies name..abi??" he smirked again " I'm Jason and you're.."

"Heather ," she said

he nodded approvingly

" that explains your accent." he said

"what accent ?" she asked

" you speak like someone who grew up in Miami" her expression softened the moment he said that.

" truth be told I've never left Nigeria before..." she smiled" I spent all my life in the slums of Benin"

" so I'm guessing you're not a walker.."

" I'm chief's daughter.." AND HEIR she wanted to add

Jason was quiet for a while , he always had the feeling he knew her some where.

he remembered now he had seen her at the walkers party three months ago.

she was the dark girl who gave the toast for the walkers company anniversary

" you're the heiress," he said " I thought you were all kisses and hugs"

"hey," she punched him

he laughed.

" but tell me, how did you develop that accent"

she smiled.

" I grew up watching too many Nickelodeon shows" she said " so I made sure I could talk like them"

they realized that the music had stopped and so did the rain. Heather knew she was in trouble she ran off with his jacket

*** *** *** ***

one tight slap sent her ears rigging loudly

she was used to these kind of beatings but after being in the rain till the close of the event she was not sure if could handle it

"where were you?," her mother did not yell" where were you? "

"my dress got torn so I stayed back at the restroom" she replied.

Her mother held her ear in the usual African woman style with her mother's artificial nails digging deep into her flesh

"shebi you dey craze" her mother said in pidgin English. her mother never spoke Pidgin english unless it was necessary or she was with friends. this was a bad sign , Heather knew she was finished " do you know the insult I had to endure from your father's family?"

" if don't tell me the truth Nosazena I'll kill you today" another tight slap and tears rolled down Heather's cheek

" iye, I was at the restroom" she sobbed " I swear iye,"

"who owns the jacket ? " her mother said letting go of her ear

" it's Darasimi's " she lied.

"it better be.." her mother said

her mother left her alone while she slumped into the armchair, her mother has been like that since they arrived in Lagos pouring all her anger and irritation on her.

she was glad that episode was over , someone knocked.

" it's open ," she said

and Darasimi her step sister open the door holding a water bottle and a glass.

"water ..." Darasimi stretched the water bottle at her

Darasimi was the only one who understood her or rather accepted her. she was the daughter of chief's second wife the Canadian woman, Darasimi was loved by all , anyone would fall in love with her by her looks , her curly hair and fair complexion, the only thing that gave her away was her accent ..it was pure Nigerian

" I saw your mother in the hallway and she was damn furious" Darasimi said

" furious is an understatement" Heather said . the back of her ear was bruised. she winced as she touched them. she reached out for Darasimi's water bottle .

" she and Aunty Adunni had a nasty fight" Darasimi said

" why??"

Darasimi who was lying down on Heather's bed sat up.

" before I answer that , where were you??"

" what's that supposed to mean?" Heather said

" if you ask me i don't know," Dara said" Aunty Adunni said she saw you making out with Mrs okeke's son"

Heather gasped.

"jesus Christ!!" Heather knew Aunty Adunni to have always despised her but this time Her spiteful aunt passed the limit .

"don't be bothered Sha, No one listened to her " Darasimi said" but staying out late like that can raise suspicions, they are human any ways''

" I was only inside the kiosk because the rain compelled me, and we just talked" Heather joined Darasimi in the bed.

" have you bathed??" Dara asked


Dara pushed Heather from the bed

"and you want to sleep , piggy riggy" Dara said laughing

this story is written in English and Nigerian pidgin english and some Nigerian Benin and Yoruba language.

e. g the word iye means mother in Benin language

zoya_writescreators' thoughts