
Teen Eagle

When Scott is bitten in the woods his true nature turns out to be that of a wereeagle instead of a werewolf. (based on Talons from season 5) The unique powers of his transformation allow him to become one of the most powerful alpha's alive. Pairing: Scott x Lydia

Grimm48 · TV
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41 Chs

parent-teacher conference

|Hale house|

Kate and 2 hunters go through the woods and arrive at the Hale house. One hunter, armed with a shotgun says "He wants us to wait." talking about Chris Argent.

"So I've been reminded. To death." Kate replies.

"And that means we're not allowed to kill him." the other hunter says from next to Kate.

"But it doesn't mean we can't say hello." Kate says walking towards the entrance the 2 hunters in tow.

Derek Hale is currently doing some exercises in his house but abruptly stops when he hears the footsteps of 3 unknown people. He assumes them to be hunters since they're the only ones other than Scott and Stiles who know where to look for him and hides himself in his house.

The hunter with the shotgun kicks the door open and the 3 go in "No one home." He says.

"Ohh, he is here. He is just not feeling particularly hospitable." Kate says.

"Maybe he's out, or burrowing a bone in the back yard." The other hunter jokes.

"Really? A dog joke? You're going there and that's the best you got?" Kate asks annoyed.

"If you wanna provoke him say something like, too bad your sister bit it before she had her first litter. Too bad she howled like a bitch when we cut her in half!" Kate yells walking around the first floor looking for Derek.

Derek comes out of his hiding place, Snarls and throws one of the hunter at the door knocking him out.

Derek moves to the stairs leading upstairs and uses the railing to jump toward the door frame to the room where Kate and the other remaining hunter are, hanging onto the door frame Derek kicks the other hunter with both feet sending him flying backwards.

He then drops down from the door frame, looks towards Kate, bares his fangs and charges at her, while she took out a stun baton used to incapacitate supernaturals.

Derek tries to jump at her, but Kate sidesteps and shocks him with her baton.

He falls to the floor reverting back to full human again.

"Wow, this one grew up in the right places. I don't know wether to kill it or lick it." Kate taunts walking around the on the floor rolling Derek looking at his shirtless form.

Derek tries to get back up by pulling himself up on the couch in the room but as soon as he gets to his feet Kate shocks him again which sends him tumbling on the floor again.

"900.000 Volts. You never were good with electricity or were you? or fire? Which is why I'm gonna let you in on a little secret and who knows maybe we can help each other out." Kate says after laughing at him.

"Yes your sister was severed into pieces and used as bait to try to catch you. Unpleasant and frankly a little too Texas chainsaw massacre for my taste but quite true. Now here is the part that might really kick you in the balls. We didn't kill her. You think I'm lying?" Kate asks seeing his doubtful face.

"Wouldn't be the first time" Derek replies through gritted teeth.

"Sweetie, well why don't you just listen to my heart tell me if I am, OK?" Kate says kneeling in front of him, while he pulls himself up against a wall.

"We didn't kill your sister." Kate whispers in his ears.

"You hear that? There is no dips or uptakes just the steady beat of cold heart truth. We found bite marks on your sisters body Derek, what do you think did that? A mountain lion?" Kate says putting away the baton.

"Why aren't we helping each other out? Might as well admit what you've been guessing all along which is the alpha killed your sister. And all you have to do is tell us who he is and we'll take care of him for you, problem solved. Everybody goes home happy." Kate offers.

"Unless you don't know who he is either. Well guess who just became totally useless." Kate says seeing Dereks sullen face taking out a machine gun and firing at Derek, who escapes out the back getting quite angry at seeing Kate again.


Stiles and Allison are walking over a river trying to stay dry by stepping on a few stones looking out of the river but both slip a bit and end up getting wet feet. Stiles tried to keep Allison on the stones and is now hugging her because of it, the both lean in and share a kiss.

After crossing the river they continue on their path and come to a bridge where they stop, lean on the railing and talk a bit, He tells her a bit about his mom and his dad while she does the same hoping that they didn't make that bad of an impression on Stiles the other night.

They stay there a long time and eventually sit down resting against the railing with Stiles wrapping Allison in his arms.

|animal clinic|

Deaton is walking around his business calling Scott "Hey Scott it's me I hope everything's OK, you were supposed to be here an hour ago."

"Yeah sorry I wanted to tell you that I can't make it today I'm sure you heard about the animal attack last night, right?" Scott asks.

"Yeah I heard about it." Deaton replies

"Well my friend was involved in it and I'm watching over her at the moment because she is pretty out of it from the pills they gave her to calm her nerves. Sorry I planned to tell you as soon as I left school but I must have forgotten." Scott explains.

"Well that's OK then, it's quite nice of you to watch over your friend, anyway just remember to call next time if possible." Deaton says.

"Will do, thanks." Scott says hanging up the phone.

Deaton puts his phone away and Noah Stilinski walk in the Clinic.

"Sheriff Stilinski?" Deaton says as a way of acknowledging his presence.

"Listen I hate to bother you but I'm having a bitch of a time getting sense of what this is we're dealing with." Noah says.

"I'm really flattered that you've come to me for help but like I said before I'm no expert." Deaton says.

"But you were pretty certain the other day about the attacker being a mountain lion." Sheriff Stilinski says.

"That's right." Deaton replies.

"I wanna show you something. We got a little lucky here, the video store didn't have any cameras but the security camera that was watching into the parking lot had a few frames. Take a look at our mountain lion." Noah says getting out surveillance photos of the parking lot of the video store.

Deaton sees the first picture, showing something black jumping through the window.

"Here is another." Noah says handing him the second one picturing a shadow which looks similar to a small bear based on the size.

"It's interesting." Deaton says.

"Actually this is the interesting one." Noah replies handing him the last photo which shows the shadow of a man walking in place of where the animal should have been.

"I see what you mean." Deaton says.

"I've never seen a mountain lion do that." Noah says.

"Can't I have either. Got a problem here." Deaton tells him.

"My first instinct was a bear but bears don't walk on two legs." Noah tells Deaton.

"No they drop to all fours. Look like I said you really need an expert here." Deaton says hearing a dog in the back bark.

"Yeah but could this still be a mountain lion?" Noah asks.

"I'm sorry I've got a sick doberman that needs my attention."Deaton says making his way to the back.

"No other ideas?" Noah asks.

"I'm sorry. Really I wish I could help you but I've got a sick..." Deaton starts.

"Dog, yeah I heard you, thanks for humoring me again." Sheriff Stilinski says somewhat disappointed that he didn't get any ideas on what they are chasing. Deaton goes in the back to treat the doberman and Noah Stilinski gets on his way to the school for the parents teacher conference.


Allison and Stiles get back in the car, she starts the car and tells him "So to be completely honest this was kind of a perfect birthday." smiling at him.

"Good I'd know if you were lying anyway." Stiles says.

"Oh really?" Allison asks curious.

"You have a tell. A twitch in your eyebrow right here." Stiles shows her by caressing her left brow.

"Huh, let's see if you can figure out if I'm lying now. Uhh, I wish that my parents weren't coming home from the parents teacher conference so I could spend the rest of the day with you." Allison says.

"The rest of the day?" Stiles asks.

"Well, or the rest of the night." Allison says shyly holding the hand Stiles used to touch her eyebrow and hiding part of her face behind them.

"With me?" He asks stunned with Allison nodding laughing and smiling at him.

"Well too bad that your wish won't come true most likely." Stiles says a little disappointed.

"Well, it may not be today but I'm sure we'll soon get the opportunity to spend the night at each others houses if you're OK with that." Allison teases him.

"Do you really gotta ask?" Stiles replies grinning as well and kissing her.

"Lets get back to school so you can pick up your Jeep." Allison says and starts driving them to school.

|at school - parent teacher conferences|

Noah gets to the parent teacher conferences and goes to the office of Stiles' Coach.

"Hello, I'm Noah Stilinski, Stiles' dad." Noah says introducing himself

"Come in, sit down. Stiles. Ahh That's right, I thought Stiles was his last name." Coach Bobby Finstock says remembering who Noah is talking about.

"His last name is Stilinski." Noah replies.

"You named your kid Stiles Stilinski?" Bobby asks thinking it to be weird.

"No, that's just what he likes to be called." Noah answers.

"Yeah, I'd like to be called cupcake." Bobby says halfway to himself.

"What is his first name?" Bobby asks Noah who just taps the folder lying in front of Bobby with his sons name on it.

"Wow, that's a form of child abuse, I don't even know how to pronounce that." Bobby says turning the folder a few times in order to make out what the name is supposed to be.

"It was his mothers fathers name." Noah answers.

"Wow, you must really love your wife." Bobby says.

"Yeah I did." Noah says in an impassive tone, not liking that the teacher is so wacky.

"Well this just became incredibly awkward." Bobby says.

"Hey what do you say we get to the conference part of this conference cupcake?" Noah asks getting back on point.

"I like your thinking." Bobby says looking into his files.

"So Stiles, great kid, zero ability to focus super smart, never takes advantage of his talents." Bobby reads his notes.

"What do you mean?" Noah asks.

"Well for his final question on his mid term exam, he detailed the entire history of the male circumcision." Coach Finstock explains.

"Well I mean it does have historical significance right?" Noah argues for his son.

"I teach economics." Bobby informs him.

"Ah crap." Noah says.

In the chemistry classroom Melissa and Scott who met up in the parking lot a few minutes ago and Scott told her about him watching over Lydia, are talking to his teacher Adrian Harris.

"How about we get started. Lately Scotts mind has been somewhere else as has his body. Personally I think it may have something to do with his home situation."

"Oh well personally I'm not sure what you mean by home situation." Melissa replies.

"Uh, specifically the lack of an authority figure." Adrian says.

"Yeah, I'm the authority figure so?" Melissa asks realizing what he's getting at.

"Sorry allow me to clarify I mean the lack of a male authority figure." Adrian explains

"Well trust me we're much better of without him in the picture." Melissa says,

"And do you feel the same way Scott?" Adrian asks.

"Yes, and as for male authority figures Sheriff Stilinski and my boss Deaton cover that in my opinion. As for my grades I have been getting tutored the last few weeks from Lydia Martin and am hoping that that will help improve my grades."

"I understand and I know Lydia, quite the genius that girl. I'm excited to see if you will have any success with her tutoring then." Adrian says.

In another classroom a female teacher is talking to Allisons parents.

"Allison Argent an incredibly sweet girl and quick to adjust despite all the moving around." The teacher says.

"We know it's uhh, hard on her but It's a necessary evil." Chris tells her.

"Necessary or not I'd be prepared for some, how do I put this?" The teacher says.

"Rebelliousness?" Chris says.

"We appreciate the concern but we have a great relationship with our daughter very open and honest." Victoria cuts her husband off.

"I'm very happy to hear that and let her know that I hope she's feeling better." The teacher tells them.

"What she wasn't in class?" Chris asks.

"Oh, she wasn't in school. I checked with the office." The teacher informs them.

After everyone is finished with their respective conference most parents walk to the parking lot.

Allison and Stiles have just pulled up to the school and can see Scott and his mother walking out of the school building with Scott. "Scotts mom?" Allison asks Stiles.

"Yeah, she's really nice and cool. You'll like her." Stiles tells Allison.

At another exit of the school Chris and Victoria exit with Chris speaking on Allisons voice mail "Allison answering your cellphone will make discussing the terms of your grounding much easier. Call me back before your punishment reaches biblical proportions."

"Kate hasn't heard from her either." Victoria informs her husband having just called her sister in law.

"She doesn't do this." Chris says.

"Hey excuse me, are you Allisons parents?" Noah Stilinski asks the two of them having overheard the man saying the name Allison.

"I'm Stiles dad and my sons not answering his phone either." Noah tells them.

"You're his dad? I met you a few weeks ago when I sold your department guns didn't I." Chris says.

"Yeah that's right. I guess we'll see more of each other from now on seeing that our kids are dating." Noah says.

"Seems like it. Anyway do you have any idea where Stiles might have gone with her?" Chris asks.

"No I'm sorry I guess we'll have to wait for them to answer their phones and in 10 hours I can send a search party for them but I'm guessing they'll be back soon." Noah replies, knowing that the idea to skip probably stemmed from his son seeing as he has no respect for rules and authority.

"Oh, look at that, there they are." Chris says disappointed in Allison.

"Hey Stiles. Skipping school I see?" Noah asks him.

"Hey dad, uhm sorry?" Stiles says.

"Save it buddy you're grounded for the rest of the week." Noah tells his son.

"It's not his fault it's my birthday…" Allison starts only to see her parents and Chris orders her "Allison, in the car!"

Just then a woman screams and everyone is starting to run away from something, most of them getting in their cars for safety.

Scott looks around stepping in front of his mother protectively and shifts his eyes looking of the assailant.

Meanwhile Chris walks to his car and gets his gun, while Allison walks around the parking lot confused at what is going on. Seeing some kind of animal rush by she walks backwards and doesn't realize she is walking onto the driveway.

Scott seeing that a honking car is about to crash into Allison, runs towards her yelling her name to warn her, unsuccessfully and scoops her up quickly carrying her out of the cars way.

"You OK?" Scott asks her to which she only nods.

Victoria Argent and Stiles instantly run over having seen what almost happened with Allison.

Noah is following the running predator to the best of his abilities and runs behind a car where he has last seen the animal run by but is almost hit by the car pulling out of its parked space if it hadn't been for Scott who saw him stalking the animal and wanting to help follows him after rescuing Allison and ends up getting hit by the backwards driving car instead of Noah since Scott pulled him out of harms way unfortunately getting hit himself.

Getting back up Scott tells Noah "I'm OK."

The growls from the animal are getting louder and Scott hears 2 shots being fired. Everyone on the parking lot approaches Chris Argent and the now dead animal identified as a mountain lion.

|McCall house|

After everyone calms back down and everyone gets back home Scott takes a shower and puts on new clothes seeing as he got hit by a car and got them relatively dirty.

Scott tells his mother on his way to the door "Hey mom I'm going back over to Lydias again." sounding quite beat up.

"Hmm that's odd you get the chance to be around your crush and sound as though I told you thalt you're never allowed to see Stiles again." Melissa says.

"Well Lydia said something while on meds and now I think I've been fooling myself thinking I got a shot with her." Scott explains.

"Why what did she say?" Melissa asks curious.

"She basically asked for Jackson back instead of me." Scott told her disappointed.

"Why do you go back over there again then?" Melissa questions not understanding what her son is thinking.

"Well I promised her plus her mother is really nice and it's not like I can't be friends with her even though I will probably never get the chance to be more than that. I'll take friends with a girl over no girl at all any day of the week." Scott explains, hoping to get his mother to stop worrying about him.

"Well make sure you get enough sleep young man."

"Will do." Scott yells going out of the house and getting on his bike taking off towards the Martin house.

|Martin house|

It is already pretty late and Natalie Martin is waiting, watching a movie till Scott will show up to let him in.

About 30 minutes into the movie she can hear someone knocking on the door and smiles at Scotts thoughtfulness. Getting of the couch she opens the door and greets him.

"Hello again Scott, thank you for coming over again I really think your company is helpful for Lydia. She even skipped most of her meds today thanks to you and how peaceful she slept."

"Hi Mrs. Martin, sorry I hope I didn't make you wait too long for me, but there was this huge freakout at the end of the parent teacher conferences, a mountain lion showed up but luckily Chris Argent shot it." Scott tells her.

"Oh my, hopefully that stops the killings in this town." Natalie says.

"Yeah I so, anyway I don't think I have much impact on Lydia at all, in fact she didn't even recognize me when she woke up earlier." Scott says sadly.

"Oh, yeah I'm sorry I heard what she said by accident." Natalie informs him.

"Hmm can I ask you something?" Scott asks.

"Sure go ahead." Natalie replies.

"Not to sound disrespectful or anything but do you think I've got a shot with her?" Scott questions.

"Well, as a mother I'd say: I don't know, as a woman I'll only say: that I can't imagine any girl that won't feel anything towards you after she has been treated by you, the same way you treat my daughter." smiling at him.

"Thanks and sorry for asking such a delicate question." Scott says.

"Oh that's quite alright, like I told you before I'm rooting for you." Natalie tells him.

"Well OK, good night then I guess, I'll probably go back home late at night again." Scott informs her.

"OK, good night to you too and take care on your way home." Natalie says going to her room to sleep.

Scott follows her upstairs stopping in front of Lydias room and taking a deep breath to steel himself in case he gets disappointed again he knocks on the door lightly opening it and seeing Lydia trying to read a book with some difficulty because of her being exhausted and high on pills.

"Hey, like promised I came back to keep you company a few hours." Scott says gently, walking in her room and closing the door behind him.

"What promise? You were here before? I thought only Jackson was here?" Lydia asks sounding a bit sluggish from the drugs.

Scott hearing this feels as though his heart has been stabbed a few times but does his best not to show it.

"Doesn't matter, anything you wanna do?" Scott asks taking a seat on the edge of her bed.

"No not really, I'm trying to read a bit in my book but for some reason the letters keep moving." Lydia says confused.

"Want me to read it to you?" Scott offers.

"If you want, but I don't see how you would be able to read that weird ass book." Lydia says handing Scott the book.

Scott starts reading from it and Lydia enjoys getting the book read out loud for her.

After a few pages Lydia asks "Are you a wizard or something? How can you read that moving letter book or did I just get a faulty page?" taking the book back and looking at the page Scott is currently on.

"Nope still moving. Keep reading" Lydia says handing him the book back with him chuckling at her cute display of confusion.

"Sure no problem." Scott says, then keeps reading the book to her and she drifts off to sleep. Scott seeing this pauses a moment, takes 2 bookmarks and puts on on the page she was trying to read when he came in, in case she doesn't remember him reading to her and the other one at the current page where she dosed off. He keeps reading the book to her from his seat on the desk chair since she sleeps so peacefully till he notices himself getting a bit sleepy. Putting the book on her nightstand next to her phone which still has his note on it unmoved showing that Lydia probably didn't look at her phone at all the whole day.

Scott then gets out of the house quietly locking it again and takes off on his bike going home to get some sleep.