
Teen Eagle

When Scott is bitten in the woods his true nature turns out to be that of a wereeagle instead of a werewolf. (based on Talons from season 5) The unique powers of his transformation allow him to become one of the most powerful alpha's alive. Pairing: Scott x Lydia

Grimm48 · TV
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41 Chs


While Scott, Derek and Allison are dealing with Boyd and Cora Lydia is lying in her bed restlessly and wants to take some medicine she was prescribed for her nerves. Picking up the pills she sees that the container is empty, so she gets out of her bed to get new ones.

"Mom, I'm going to the store. Mom, do you hear me? Of course not and now I'm talking to myself like a lunatic." Lydia says, fixing her crumbled dress and takes her car to head to a nearby store.

15 minutes later however Lydia comes to when she parks her car at a pool. She gets out of her car and checks her phone, hoping for any news from Scott and once she looks up she sees that she ended up at a local swimming pool somehow. She looks around herself confused and wearily, a sense of déjà vu coming at her with her remembering how Scott found her after she fled the hospital.

When she's looking around herself she sees something floating at the waters' edge and she goes closer, taking as small as steps as possible. When she sees the outline of a person in the pool she cringes together, sweat starting to run down her face but she inches closer to the pool after taking a second to gather her strength.

"Oh my god. Oh my god please don't be dead, please don't be dead." Lydia whispers to herself like a prayer while she looks at the silhouette with fear written on her face.

When she turns the person around so it's face up however it turns out to be a dummy wearing clothes, making her release the breath she didn't even notice she was holding.

"Oh, are you kidding me?" Lydia says with relief while her heart rate starts to slowly come down again.

She puts her hands next to her with a sigh and suddenly feels something sticky on her fingers, looking down while turning her hands palm up she sees that they are covered in blood. She follows the trail of blood she now just realizes is next to her and sees a dead person, sitting on the lifeguard tower with his throat slit and screams out in fear.

She calls the police immediately, frantically explaining what she found and then calls Scott.

"Lydia, what's wrong? I just heard your scream." Scott asks her worried about her.

"I just found a dead guy, I blacked out again like in the woods and when I came to I find this dead guy at the pool." Lydia cries into the phone.

"OK, calm down Lyds, I'm on my way. Are you at the pool near the school?" Scott asks her.

"Yeah." She tells him, shivering like a leaf.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes, just try to stay calm until I get there. I'll call Stiles and have him meet us there." Scott tells her.

"OK, hurry." She says sounding defeated and presses end call.

"I gotta go. Lydia just found a body at the pool near school. You got them handled?" Scott asks Allison and Derek.

"Yeah." Derek answers, still looking at Erica with a sad expression.

"Stiles. Meet me at the pool near school. Now!" Scott tells Stiles and hangs up immediately so he can't argue about it.

Scott runs out of the bank and summons's his wings. He takes flight and makes his way to Lydia, arriving maybe 5 minutes later.

"Lydia!?" Scott shouts, landing at her car with his wings folding themselves into his body with a series of sickening crunches.

"Scott? Scott!" Lydia says, running to him from the pool's entrance, where she was cowering and waiting.

"I'm here. I'm here. All will be good." Scott tells her, hugging her close to his body while brushing her hair with her crying into his shirt.

"I'm here, what is so pressing?" Lydia?" Stiles asks, pulling up in his jeep.

"There is a dead body on the lifeguards tower." Lydia tells him.

"OK, wait here, we'll check it out." Scott tells Lydia, leaving her standing next to her car.

"I'm gonna call my dad." Stiles says, fishing out his phone as he and Scott approach the body.

"I already called 911." Lydia tells him.

"You called them before me?" Stiles asks.

"I was supposed to call you first if I find a dead body?" Lydia asks confused.

"Yes." Stiles says.

"Chill Stiles, Lydia you did everything right." Scott says.

"Oh great, who did this now? Their throats are ripped out so I'm voting werewolf." Stiles says, looking at the dead person with Scott.

"I don't know. I don't smell anything like wolf around here, granted I'm not the best with smells but still. Well I guess Deucalion and his guys could've gotten to him." Scott says thoughtfully.

"What if Boyd did this?" Stiles asks, recalling that Boyd must be crazy from the moon's influence.

"No, he and Derek's sister are locked in the vault. That reminds me, you should talk to Allison soon." Scott tells him.

"What, why Ally? And Derek has a sister?" Stiles asks.

"Yes, he thought she was dead but turns out she isn't. And Allison is with Derek at the bank, we need her there to open and close the mountain ash seal of the vault." Scott tells him while he and Stiles go back over to Lydia to wait for the police.

|Martin house|

After the three teens told Noah Stilinski how Lydia came to find the dead person Scott drives home with her and Stiles follows them in his Jeep.

"Stiles, what are you even still doing here?" Lydia asks Stiles, who follows the couple into Lydia's bedroom.

"I just wanted to make sure you two got in OK." Stiles says unconvincingly.

"Stiles if you wanted to check on someone check on Allison or spit out why you're really here." Scott tells him, looking out of Lydia's window to make sure there isn't a werewolf waiting for them.

"Nevermind, I'll go call Ally." Stiles says.

"Are you really OK with leaving without asking me the question the two of you have been dying to ask me?" Lydia stops him.

"The answer is, I have no clue how I ended up finding that body. I didn't even know where I was until I got out of my car and the last thing I remember before that was leaving the house to go to the store down the street." Lydia says, looking to the floor, feeling helpless.

"Lydia, has this happened before?" Stiles asks while Scott joins her on the bed, sitting down next to the redhead and holding her hand for support.

"Twice, Once in the woods and once when Peter's ghost haunted me." Lydia tells him.

"Can't you drain my powers again, so this won't happen?" Lydia asks Scott, looking at him with a hopeful expression.

"No. I mean I can stop you and drain your powers when I notice that you're in a trance like state but I can't make you immune to it at all times." Scott tells her, shifting his free hand into his glowing Talons, looking at them.

Scott then gets a call from his mother.

"Mom?" Scott answers.

"Scott, get down here. There is something off about the body your friend found." Melissa tells him.

"I can't. But Stiles will be there in a minute. Thanks, and love you mom." Scott tells her, hanging up the phone and looking at Stiles.

"What?" Stiles asks.

"You need to go down to the hospital. Right now please." Scott tells him.

"Why?" Stiles asks.

"My mom noticed something about the body. And I need to stay here to watch Lydia." Scott tells him.

"Alright. I'll text you what I find out." Stiles tells him grumpily.

"Thanks man." Scott thanks him, giving him a brief hug before Stiles leaves.

"So, what are we going to do about this? I mean locking me up and throwing away the key is an option, but other than that?" Lydia asks Scott depressively.

"That's not an option. Hey we still have the bestiary right? Deaton and Peter said you're a banshee maybe we find something in there that will help." Scott suggests.

"It is worth a shot and you do need my knowledge for that." Lydia agrees, fetching her laptop.

"Don't worry about it Lyds, we'll figure it out one way or the other. Trust me alright?" Scott tells her, giving her a kiss on top of her head while he joins her, sitting against the headboard next to her and looks through the files they have with her.


Stiles arrives maybe 15 minutes after leaving the Martin house and Melissa is at the entrance when he arrives.

"Hey. Over here, and if you tell anyone that I showed you this I swear I will kill you painfully." Melissa warns him.

"Why do you want to show me a body I've already seen?" Stiles asks.

"Because you haven't seen everything." Melissa tells him, pulling him into the morgue.

"See this around his neck, that's a ligature mark. It means he's been strangled with something. A cord, a rope." Melissa tells him, showing him the mark on the body.

"Wait a second, why would a werewolf do that? You know, that's not very werewolfy." Stiles says.

"My thoughts exactly and then there is this." Melissa says, moving the head to the side so Stiles can see a hole at the side of his head.

"Oh man was is that? Brain matter. Yeah that is brain matter." Stiles says disgusted.

"See the indentation? He was hit in the back of the head. Hard enough to kill him, hell any one of these things could've killed him." Melissa tells him.

"Why would Deucalion do this? There doesn't seem to be a reason I mean he's after Derek and Scott." Stiles wonders aloud.

"What? Scott?" Melissa asks concerned.

"Don't worry, they've got it handled and besides, he wants the two to join his pack and not to kill them… We think." Stiles tells her.

"But maybe this means, that it's just one murder. A random coincidence?" Stiles says.

"I don't think it was just one. Because that girl over there has got the exact same injuries." Melissa tells him, pointing at a covered corpse in the room.

She then goes over to that corpse and pulls of the cover on the girls face. Stiles freezes up and his eyes start to tear up.

"Stiles? Oh my god did you know her?" Melissa asks, getting a weak nod in return.

"Scott and I were at her birthday party. That's Heather." Stiles explains and then pieces together what links both Heather and the man. They were both virgins, since Heather told him so and the man was wearing a purity ring.

"Stiles? Are you OK?" Melissa asks, seeing him freeze up again.

"Has there been anyone else through here tonight? Any body's or anyone missing?" Stiles asks her.

"No bodies, but one girl was brought in to give her a tox screen and I overheard that her girlfriend just disappeared." Melissa tells him.

"Alright, the first one is she here? Is she here right now? I need to talk to her." Stiles asks.

"I think so. But why?" Melissa asks.

"Because I think I know what's happening." Stiles tells her.

Melissa then shows him to the girls room and Stiles asks her what happened and if the missing girl is a virgin, which she confirms. After getting the confirmation Stiles tells Scott that there were 2, probably 3 ritualistic killings with threefold deaths and that the people killed were all virgins.

While all of this is happening Derek and Allison get company from issac, who felt good enough to help check on the paralyzed werewolves in the vault.