
Technology vs magic

In this gripping and humorous novel, the protagonist, Alexander, finds himself trapped in a time loop after a catastrophic event. With each death, he is brought back to the same point in time, forcing him to navigate through multiple challenges and enemies. Alongside his snarky AI companion, Alex, Alexander must use his survival skills and wit to break free from the cycle. Action-packed and filled with unexpected twists, this thrilling tale will keep readers captivated until the very end.

Anime_Anime_6412 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Entering the city

As he approached the gates, his attention was drawn to a beautiful carriage. It was elaborately designed with intricate details and adorned with shiny, polished metal. The horses that pulled it were majestic and strong, and it was clear that whoever owned this carriage was someone of great importance. The man couldn't wait to explore more of this new world and uncover its secrets.

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As the man approached the entrance to the city, he was met by a guard who stood at the door with a stern expression on his face. The man tried to play it cool, but he couldn't help feeling nervous under the guard's scrutinizing gaze.

"Halt! State your business," the guard commanded in a gruff voice.

The man cleared his throat and spoke in a confident tone, "I'm here to trade goods and explore this magnificent city."

The guard raised a skeptical eyebrow, "Is that so? Well, let's see what you've got." The guard took a step forward, examining the man's bag and the contents within.

The man could feel the guard's piercing gaze upon him, but he stood tall and met the guard's eyes with a calm and composed demeanor.

After a few moments of inspection, the guard finally stepped back and nodded. "You may enter. But remember, any trouble and you'll be escorted out." The guard spoke in a stern voice and gestured for the man to pass through the entrance.

The man let out a small sigh of relief and walked through the doors of the city, his mind racing with excitement for the adventures that lay ahead.

He was in awe as he walked through the city. It was like nothing he had ever seen before. The buildings were grand and magnificent, with intricate designs and patterns that seemed to tell stories of the past. People bustled about their daily lives, and the man couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation.

As he made his way through the busy streets, he couldn't help but notice the grand carriage that had caught his attention earlier. It was surrounded by guards, who stood at attention, their hands firmly griping their weapons. The man was sure that whoever was inside that carriage was someone of great importance.

The beautiful carriage stopped suddenly, capturing the attention of the man who was waiting in line to enter the city. As the door opened, a stunning young woman with long, bright yellow hair stepped out. She was dressed in luxurious robes of a vibrant shade of purple and adorned with sparkling jewels. Her beauty was striking, and the man couldn't help but be in awe as she made her way towards him, with her guards following closely behind. With each step she took, the man's heart beat faster as he wondered why she was coming towards him. As she approached, he could see her sparkling green eyes and delicate features, and he couldn't help but feel captivated by her presence.

"Here it comes, finally," the man whispered to himself, filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation. "This is the moment when the heroine notices my presence, marking the beginning of my story."

The man was at a loss for words as she stopped in front of him . She stopped in front of him and said, "Hi Mark, it's been a while since I last saw you."

The man's heart shattered into a million pieces. He had been so certain that she was talking to him. But as he turned around, he saw that she was actually speaking to another man behind him. He felt like a boy who had just confessed his first love, only to be rejected. The girl continued to talk to the other man, completely unaware of the pain she had just caused.

The man felt like he had been kicked in the gut. He had never felt so embarrassed or heartbroken in his entire life. He had been so sure that she was finally going to talk to him, and now he was standing there like a fool. He wanted to run away and hide, but he was rooted to the spot, unable to move. He felt like the whole world was laughing at him and he wished he could just disappear.

He stood there for a few moments, feeling like his heart was breaking into a million pieces. He couldn't believe that she had talked to someone else and not him. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't find the words. Eventually, he mustered up the courage to turn around and walk away, trying to hold back his tears as he went.

[(^▽^) (laughing) Ha! What an otaku moment,] Alex chuckled, [You really thought she was going to talk to you? In all my time being programmed, I've never laughed this hard.]

The man heard the AI's mocking voice in his head and couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He gritted his teeth and muttered, "You really think that's funny, Alex? I've had enough of your sarcastic comments. "

The AI chuckled, [Well excuse me, hero. I couldn't resist . It was just too good of a moment to pass up.¯\_(ツ)_/¯(indifference) ]

The man's frustration only grew as he realized how silly he must have looked to the AI. He sighed and tried to shake off the embarrassment." "Just drop it, okay? I don't want to talk about it anymore", he said, trying to hide the annoyance in his voice.