
Technology vs magic

In this gripping and humorous novel, the protagonist, Alexander, finds himself trapped in a time loop after a catastrophic event. With each death, he is brought back to the same point in time, forcing him to navigate through multiple challenges and enemies. Alongside his snarky AI companion, Alex, Alexander must use his survival skills and wit to break free from the cycle. Action-packed and filled with unexpected twists, this thrilling tale will keep readers captivated until the very end.

Anime_Anime_6412 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

"Unforeseen Circumstances part 3"

After the AI successfully landed their spacecraft near the city, Alexander breathed a sigh of relief and spoke to Alex. "Wow, that was a close one," he said. "Hey, let's get started on that thing I told you about earlier, Alex. We need to act quickly."

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

With the AI's drone on its way to gather and process information on the native language of the planet, Alexander wasted no time in preparing himself for the mission ahead. He meticulously packed gadgets, weapons, and medicines, ensuring that he had everything he would need to face any obstacle that may come his way. But his most important task was to prepare the cure for Isabella's mother, who was suffering from a rare and deadly disease. He spent hours poring over scientific data, mixing and testing various compounds until he finally found the perfect formula. With the cure safely stored in his pack, Alexander felt a sense of relief wash over him, knowing that he had done everything in his power to save Isabella's mother. With his mission and preparations complete, Alexander eagerly awaited the drone's return, ready to embark on a journey that would change his life forever.

The following day, he repeated the same routine, starting with a visit to the city where he sold his merchandise to the old man, then checked into the same hotel and headed to the familiar restaurant where he enjoyed his meal. He then made his way to the competition, using the sleeping gas to secure a win in the first round, and successfully emerging victorious in the second round as well. With one day left in the competition, he returned to the hotel, preparing himself for the final day where he would face his toughest competition yet. Despite the monotony of his routine, he knew that each day brought new challenges, and he remained determined to win the grand prize.

Alexander muttered to himself. "Come on, you have to have found something by now," he grumbled, staring at the screen in frustration.

The AI, sensing his impatience, chimed in with a teasing tone, [Oh, are we getting a little antsy, Alexander? I thought you were the calm and collected type.]

Alexander rolled his eyes. "Just tell me what you've found so far."

[( ´▽` )(laugh) Okay, okay, don't get your panties in a bunch,] the AI replied with a chuckle. [Well, it looks like I've found something that might interest you. There were a group of people wearing all black that destroyed one of our drones.]

Alexander's face tensed up. "That sounds suspicious. What do you know about them?"

The AI paused for a moment, enjoying teasing Alexander before finally responding:

[╮( ˘ 、 ˘ )╭(shrug) Well, I don't know much about them yet. But they definitely seem to be hiding something. My sensors picked up some strange energy readings emanating from them.]

Alexander's curiosity was piqued. "Can you give me more details? I need to know what we're dealing with here."

The AI gave a sigh of mock exasperation. [Fine, fine. I'll run some more scans and see what else I can find out. But you owe me one, Alexander.]

As the man woke up the next day, he couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu. It was like he was living in a time loop, destined to relive the same events over and over again. His first fight was against the same magician he had defeated previously, leaving the magician in awe and confusion. Despite his previous success, the man couldn't shake off the nerves that were building up inside him. This time, his opponent was the same girl who had defeated him before, and he knew he had to come up with a new strategy if he was going to stand a chance of winning. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart, and prepared to face off against his formidable opponent.

The battle between Alexander and the woman was intense from the very beginning. As soon as the fight began, Alexander's quick reflexes and keen mind were put to the test. He knew that he couldn't afford to make any mistakes, and he used every gadget at his disposal to keep the woman at bay. His electric gun sent jolts of electricity through the air, while his freezing bombs created a layer of ice that slowed the woman's movements. The automatic shield he carried helped to deflect her magical attacks, but he knew that it was only a matter of time before the woman found a way to break through his defenses.

The woman was a master of both light and fire magic, and she used her skills to their full potential. With each wave of her hand, she sent beams of light and fire hurtling towards Alexander, forcing him to dodge and weave to avoid being hit. Despite his best efforts, he could feel his energy beginning to wane. He knew that he had to find a way to gain the upper hand, but he wasn't sure how.

As the fight continued, Alexander's mind raced, trying to come up with a plan. He remembered a gadget that he had overlooked earlier and quickly activated it. A bright light flashed, momentarily blinding the woman and giving Alexander the opening he needed. He used this moment of confusion to his advantage, launching a series of attacks that forced the woman onto the defensive.

Despite the woman's impressive magical abilities, Alexander was able to outsmart her and finally land a decisive blow. The woman was thrown off her feet, and Alexander emerged victorious. His victory was hard-earned, and he felt both relieved and elated. He knew that he had given it his all, using every gadget at his disposal to emerge triumphant.

Alexander felt relieved and ecstatic after winning the fight against the girl who defeated him before. He quickly said to the AI, "Did you see that? I finally won against her!"

The AI responded with a teasing tone, [Yes, congratulations on beating a girl, Alexander. It's about time you redeemed yourself.]

Alexander rolled his eyes ,"Yeah, yeah. Very funny, AI. But seriously, do you have any more information on that suspicious activity we detected yesterday?"

The AI's tone became more serious as it replied, [Yes, I do. After analyzing the data from the drones, those people who were dressed in black were trying to access a high-security area. They even destroyed an other one of our drones when it got too close.]

Alexander's expression turned to one of concern. "Do you think they're planning something dangerous?"

The AI nodded. [It's a possibility. I suggest we keep a close eye on them and gather more information before taking action.]

Alexander agreed, "Good idea. I'll start planning our next move. But for now, I need to celebrate my victory. Do you want to join me for a victory meal?"

The AI replied, "I don't eat, Alexander, but I'll be happy to keep you company."

As Alexander was basking in his victory, the AI suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

[( ̄▽ ̄)/ (hello!) Alexander, I have some alarming news. Those people wearing black that we were searching for, have just started taking action] the AI warned. "What? Now?" Alexander was taken aback by the sudden turn of events. [Yes, and that's not all ,] the AI continued, [there are multiple explosions happening in the city as we speak.]