
Technology And Tensura

Cover art does NOT belong to me, However when I found it I could not find any credits, if this is your image and you would like me to take it down, please tell me. R18, no lemons or porn, but it will be suggestive and there will be some very graphic vocabulary and descriptions, so be advised. Mention of dark subject like rape included, so not for the faint of heart. This was written purely as a Pasion project and as such has no fixed schedule, I have only written a novel once before this and I abandoned that one real quick, if any of you (if anyone at all is actually reading this) enjoy my story and wish for me to put more time into this I would appreciate if you leave a review and or edit suggestions, I am open to constructive criticism and since I don't have a lot planned out, ideas for the future, again this is simply something I wanted to write and might be dropped at any time, if you want more, please support me, thank you. After killing himself to avoid spending the rest of his life as a vegetable in the hospital doing nothing but costing money to his family and being a burden to others Sebastian is given a chance to reincarnate in another world, Due to his slightly abnormal priorities he is able to gain incredible abilities and reincarnate into Tensura with his memories intact and without parents, however he has never watched/read Tensura but heard of if from others so he wont know future events, He will know the important Nations/Characters names and no more. The mc will be reincarnated when veldenava creates the universe but will not be there for long, you'll see. The mc will be slightly unhinged and has a different set of morals as to the average person, He views rape as the worst crime any being could ever commit, and cheating on your spouse to be a close second, although he sees no problem in having multiple casual relationships as long as all people involved are aware, and unless all parties are fine with it having multiple dedicated relationships is evil, he sees no issue with killing others should they threaten him, people close to him, or innocent lives, but he is not a hero, he will not sacrifice himself or people close to him for a random person he doesn't know, he is a bit of a battle junkie but only enjoys fighting people with similar skill to his own and dislikes fighting people weaker than him, but will still fight back if he is attacked, the mc will likely spend most of the novel referred to as a he however they can change their gender at will and have no problem with being a women, however they are strictly attracted to women, not men, so if you don't like that then don't read this also I likely wont write any smut but it will be implied, and if you don't like Yuri or the views on gender, good for you, I couldn't care less. they also have less of an attachment to life than others and might be slightly reckless at times however paradoxically they enjoy doing things as efficiently as possible, The mc is very powerful but not perfect, if you couldn't tell already this is pretty much a self insert so yeah.

kokishorttail · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Good News!

Yo guys its me, the author, I've had a terrible day so far, my family forced me to go on a 4 hour hike, but about 3 hours in I developed severe acid reflux cause I felt sick this morning so I only ate a little, and no one had brought any food since we were going to eat once we got home, So then after suffering a few hours of hiking with acid reflux we finally reached the peak where we were going to bike down, and there was a restaurant there, but since no one else was hungry and they refused to wait for me I had to wait another 45 minutes for us to bike down and drive home, then when I got home I realized that I still felt sick like this morning so eating made me nauseous, but I didn't want the acid reflux to continue so I did anyway, and now to cheer myself up I decided to write something, and since I had two interesting novel Ideas in the works I decided to write them both, One of them is already decided and will be an MHA fanfic which I will post the first chapter of today, so look forwards to that, here the work in progress description.

As a young child Sebastian developed savant syndrome in the field of physics and mathematics as a result of a fall off of a building while playing, this came at the unfortunate cost of a slow and permanent necrosis of some parts of his brain, beginning with his short term memory and advancing to his fine motor functions and emotions, eventually losing all ability to feel emotions at all, as well as some of his processing abilities, and now as an adult he begins to find himself with more extreme symptoms, periodic temporary amnesia, and an inability to process basic things, getting diagnosed by a doctor he finally becomes aware of the extent of the damage to his brain, and understanding that he only has so long to live, and will likely soon lose all higher brain function, decides to end his life early, now he finds himself in the world of an anime he once enjoyed as a kid before he lost his ability to enjoy anything, and with the ability to see reality in its raw form instead of the color and sound he is used to, as well as spatiokinesis, energy manipulation, and telekinesis, watch as he slowly rediscovers what it is like to feel.

and the other I already have the first chapter done, its about a sentient ai inhabiting a giant mobile weapons platform sent to another world, the only problem is I don't know what world to send it too, so send me some suggestions here, something easy to write please, I lose motivation quickly when its hard to write, also this novel has NOT been abandoned and I have the beginning's of an outline for future chapters but nothing concrete yet, thanks for the support!

world recommendations for sentient ai story here.

I hope that with all three of these novels I will hopefully be able to better maintain my motivation and prevent burnout by writing only one, I hope you all enjoy, Thanks!