

Destined for greatness. Born in one of the strongest tribes. Even The most powerful in the tribe. A person with no bounds. He was meant to walk on a path of glory. Until he found a thing that overwhelmed his talents, “Human greed”. The Thing which imprisoned him for years. Even if that can contain him longer, eventually, he smeared the world with his invention as a “Tech-Barbarian”.

DreamingArcheR · Fantasy
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Born into one of the strongest tribes among thousands,

A tribe that had four great powers,

A tribe envied by everyone.

I was the one who had it all. I was the protege, the one who was destined for greatness.

In the tribe that raised the strongest possessors, I had surpassed all of them and was not yet even at my prime.

I was supposed to rule the world… but human greed knows no bounds.

The Chief of our tribe, Tarik, became envious of my talent. He murdered my parents and blamed me for their deaths.

Sealed in this cursed cave, I screamed the rage that broiled in my heart.

'I will kill you Tarikkkkk!!!'

Ting, Ting, Ting.

The distinct sound of hammering could be heard loud and clear.

Finally, after years of labor and suffering, I completed the Driller, and now I will finally get my revenge on Tarik.

The sunlight streamed into the cave, so bright that it nearly blinded me,

'Finally, freedom and Revenge'.

'Huh?!, What the…'