
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


"Oh yeah, dad wheres cookie and Russel? I don't see them " asked Rex

" Haa? Didn't I tell you Cookie and Russel are dying? Well, they are dead a couple of days ago and don't worry I send them to reincarnate somewhere so only shelly is left and she probably is dying too but doesn't worry shelly! ill feed you God's core of you want to but you're probably going to die because of that " said Tec as he pets shelly

" eh? So that's why I don't see them! " said Rex

" Yes yes that's why so what now? You wanna find them? But first, you need to be some kind of creation God that's capable of creating universes to find them but don't worry that's probably going to take you a short period of time maybe around a million years? Considering you got my blessing and don't get me wrong that's fast compare to others who got to their level for trillions of years" said Tec

" Seriously? I really don't understand these power levels in the universe and how it is " said Rex

" oh? Well it's good if you don't know because sometimes you don't need to know everything it's nice being ignorant to somethings" said tec But Tec suddenly stop and Look at something then said

" I'm going out Liz Something interesting happened and Rex want to come? " said Tec

" to where? " asked Rex

" Just say yes or no " said Tec

" Uh sure i dont have anything to do anyways " said Rex

" then Liz where going out! " said Tec as he Teleports them into a new location while Liz just Ignored them at Watched Tv along with Shelly


" Uh... I've been reincarnated? But I told that Goddess I don't want to! How unreasonable! I just wanted to die and Never live again! " said the 5 years old Boy who just got his memories back...

" Ugh! This sucks! Living sucks! But at least I got the cheats that I got when reincarnating... Let's see [Status] " said the little boy


Name: Alexander KingsCrown

Age: 5 (17)

Title: Person from another world, Duke Only Child

Job: None

Level: 9 (293/18,000)

HP: 200/200 MP: 1,000,000/1,000,000

Strength: 100

Magic: 100,000

Agility: 100

Durability: 100

Luck: 777

Skills: Creation Magic (Lv.MAX), Fire Magic (Lv.2), Martial Arts (Lv. Max), Weapon Mastery (Lv.MAX) Amplifier (Lv.MAX)

Others: Experience Multiplier (100%)


"Hm... I'm Op? And it seems I'm the only child of some kind of noble huh... Ugh... I'm too calm for this I should be screaming with joy now that I've been reincarnated into swords and magic world but something doesn't feel right... " said Alexander when suddenly he felt a presence behind him and he immediately looks at he sees a Handsome Tall Man and an Average looking Japanese teenagers

" Hm? Look Rex a Reincarnated person like you but it seems he got more cheat Ability than you Lol! He even has Creation magic! " said Tec

" Ugh! Life isn't really fair! He got a lot more cheats than me! Why is that! Just because he looks handsome? " said Rex

" Pfft! Maybe! Puwhahahahahahahh" said Tec as he laughs loudly and suddenly people starts arriving in the room while Alexander is still confused as to how these people appeared into his room while his Mother and several Maids and Butlers arrived at his room immediately starts defending him from Tec and Rex

" Woah! Calm down People and stop pointing your Fingers to me or I'll break it " said Tec

" You! Who are you! And you dare to sneak into my child's room! Speak before I cut your head!" said Alexander Mom

" Huh?! Listen here, woman try pointing that Fingers of yours in my face again and you'll see what's gonna happen " said Tec as he Felt Annoyed

" You! " Alexander Mom then Cast a Magic Pointing towards Tec Head trying to Blow it up and it miserably failed as it didn't even reach tec's face when it disappeared And Tec Then Wave his hand towards Alexander Mom who's still holding the confused Alexander when Rex Stopped Tec assault

" Dad! Chill! Your killing people again for just a simple reason! " said Rex

" what do you know! My fuse is short and People Like her die easily anyways " said, Tec

" tsk anyway Look her Woman we didn't come for you we come for your son he's really interesting and I would just like to ask a question to him so don't interfere because your really gonna die if you do so if you please kindly Give me Alexander for a moment," said Tec Alexander Mom then Gives Alexander to Tec without saying anything as she Fears death more than anything

" now Then Alex- Chan~ Tell me what's the name of the God who game you Creation Magic! Because mortals can't have that and basically that God who gave you that magic is Breaking the Rules by giving you Creation magic that's Capable of Creating Life I wouldn't interfere if your creation Magic can only Make Not living Things but you see yours can make Live things and that's not good because it will break the World laws so I'm gonna degrade your Creation magic so that you can't create people and Punish That God... So, please Cooperate or Else ill have to kill all of you~ do you Understand? " said Tec and so Alexander then Immediately spilled all he knew and after awhile Tec Got he wanted and erase The memories of all the people involved to forget what happened as he and Rex Teleports again