
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


Tec: Oh! Its only been a couple of hours but its already in 20 million views as expected of my wife Liz

Leonard: Congratulations young master!

Tec: Thanks!. Anyway, now that people are interested we need to arrange a press conference about this right?

Leonard: that is correct sir... Currently, our social media accounts are getting Message every second asking if our claims are real

Tec: Oh! That's Good anyway arrange that Conference tomorrow in front of our company HQ it's big enough to Get people around 5 thousand people to attend and it's at 6 P.m.

Leonard: Noted... Anyway young master our 2nd Group are done getting their new Equipment and we only get to use 578 million dollars in their Equipment

Tec: Oh half billion for just their equipment? They really go all out huh anyway Build them a Place to stay into an Island or some sort fill it with Equipment needed and as for the main team Get their Contact numbers so you can keep in touch with them and one more thing. If any of those 2nd Team Left don't let them leave with their equipment I buy with my money that's all you can do what you want now me and Liz will stay here, for now, I kinda like the view here

Leonard: Well them if you excuse me.

Said Leonard as he left the room leaving Liz and Tec alone.

Tec: Say Liz can I earn Karma By doing this? I mean I'm helping them get a better life by making this Game right?

Liz: You are indeed helping them but even if you earn Karma or whatever it doesn't mean anything to you and you could just ask the system to get you unlimited karma and even you could make unlimited Karma.

Tec: Okay... Anyway I been wondering about this for a while now

Liz: What is it?

Tec: Well you see... Actually, nevermind maybe next Time

Liz: What? Why don't you say it? And you know that I can read your mind right? I'm still the system

Tec:... Fine I want a Little Girl or a boy wait no I want a Child

Liz: That's it?

Tec: Yeah! That's it!

Liz: No I don't want to be a mother yet

Tec:..... No worries we got a lot of time anyway and I still got shelly on my side...

Said Tec as he feels sad because Liz just Rejected him and so Liz uses her Powers to make the whole room to a nice Bedroom so Liz and Tec could sleep until it's time for the Conference... They just cuddle with each other while they watch Tv about Everything and time quickly passed it's already time for the conference

Leonard: Young master it's time for the Conference the Reporters around the world are already here waiting for you...

Tec: Okay we will go there now you could say that to them...

Said Tec as he slowly Got up into their Fluffy bed. Tec and Liz this Use magic to Change their Outfit Tec is wearing a Smile Black suit while Liz is Wearing a long black One Piece dress showing her Body Curves

Tec: Let's go Liz and Btw you look beautiful as always

Liz: Same to you Darling~

Tec and Liz then got out of the building and what's waiting for them is a mountain of people camera flashing Left and Right reporters waiting to question Tec about His Vr and Gamers who is here to witness a new Era of Gaming

Tec: Hello People of the Earth! I'm Tec the Creator of this Full Dive Vr that people always wanted! And now I'm here right in front of you to answer some of your questions. Reporters have your little talk ask I will only answer one of your questions

Said Tec and Immediately different reporters Think of the best question to ask Tec and after a while, a reporter from The Us is first one to ask and so after so many reporters asking a different question someone finally ask when will the game be available

Tec: Oh someone actually this! I'm planning on getting one thousand people around the world to be the first one to experience our Full Dive Vr and tomorrow that one thousand people will gather in this building for one week to experience our VR and after that, you guys have to wait one more month to be able to use one your self in home

Random Gamer: Sir! Question! How will I be able to join that one thousand people? And how much will the Vr Cost us? I'm guessing around $500,000? I mean its Full Dive VR even with today Technology we can't Achieve that so it should be Pricey!

Tec: First one. How to join the First one thousand People to experience the Game I'll give you a Hint Watch the Trailer Carefully as for the Price ill sell it for $50,000 Each Device and did I mention we support In-game currency to be exchanged into real-life money so if you got rich in my game you get rich in real life too! And one more thing You military Guys better not Threaten me or I'll snap you Neck!

Said Tec as he released some of his Intent which made the world Tremble for a second

Tec: Okay the Conference is done get the fuck out of here!

Said Tec which People quick do they run out as their lives depend on it after that Scene people Quickly Rewatch The Trailer which already on 4 Billion Views on youtube and after a while the First Confirmed Person to get to play first is announced as TEC Company official website post the Name of the first person it's a Korean Person and after that person Quickly find the Hint and immediately after an hour the one thousand people are complete. Koreans Japanese Chinese Americans people around the world as Tec company announced that the Thousand People Are Chosen that one thousand people Suddenly got Teleported Into Tec Building some are Eating their Food some are Sleeping and even some are Taking a shit when they suddenly got teleported into Tec Building

Leonard: Welcome guest, You are the Thousand People who get to find First the clues in the Trailer and now you are the first Batch of people get to experience Our Full Dive Vr and Of course, it's only for 1 Day but don't worry 1 day in real life is equivalent of a week in The game so that means you have a Week in the game until you got Kick-Off

Said Leonard Some people are really confused as of what is happening some are abnormally Relaxed and some are Excited

Leonard: please Laydown on the Machine relax your body and you will feel slight pain and you will be ready to play the game

Said Leonard as he guides the thousand people into their Cabins and after a while, people are already into the game Creating their characters to play with.