
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


In the last episode of TSCA

Tec: hoh! You're approaching me?

Goku: I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer.

Krillin: You're naked doe

Tec: You're bald doe


While tec is teleporting around the world finding where he wants to live, Light Called

Light: Hello hello son you there?? Your father is calling you~

Tec: yes yes here I'm your son. What do you need old man

Light: just wondering how are you and did you like my gifts? The race and bloodline. Hohohohoho

In your vocabulary is should be called OP And yes you can't read it yet because you're too weak at the moment, that's right I'll give a hint you can read it at a certain power like that Zeno and that Gate of the multiverse Don't use it to go back to your earth it will cause some time problems and you're the one who's going to clean that mess you use it to get there Ok? Another thing get strong quick and find a wife, not Wives ok?

Tec: yes father and why not wives?

Light: what you like wives? Huh? It's not like you need many it doesn't make you stronger and I hate harem Mc because they fuck like rabbits fucking virgins always want all the girls that are why they don't have one and if you have a harem you will get dumb didn't you watch that to love ru that make me puke so much ugh sissy ass Mc always have beautiful girls but to me, it's just a meat bag walking around swinging those tits like there's no tomorrow and this fucking morrons just want to fuck them out I mean wtf I didn't great you motherfucker to fck like rabbits fuck.

Tec: ok ok chill and how did you learn those things??

Light: from your memories and yeah you virgin Ahahhahaha and if I caught you having more than 1 wife I'll destroy your fucking Multiverse muwhaahahahhahahahh

Tec: holy shit man chill I mean I get you but...

Fine fine why are you so angry again? I mean your no human so you should not worry about those things right?

Light: Well your right but it's always fun having emotions time to time anyway goodbye.

Then the call ended tec was sweating bullets because he was thinking of having multiple wives but now it's like a bubble vanishing through air

Tec: well there goes my dream of harem gone to nothingness at least I got to pick one much better than nothing :/

And so tec continue to find a place to stay until he decided to just build a mountain for himself

Tec: yep I should just build my mountain then build a house on the mountain top. LIZ! buy me all the skills related to Creation and fuse them.

Liz: affirmative fusing time needed 10 seconds starting ... 10...3,2,1 Fusing completed skill created -Origin Creator-

Origin Creator - the beginning of all creation

Gives user complete control of elemental laws

Tec: thanks Liz

Liz: No problem host

Tec: now then let's start!

Tec then activated the skill which makes the surrounding flush in color the grass was now full of vitality flowers are like dancing in front of tec like little angels the clouds turn golden like a god is descending from the heaven trees become more sturdy full of life animals start running toward tec like he was the god of nature when tec waves his hand a mountain sprung up so tall that it touches the clouds then tec make a small river surrounding the mountain it's so beautiful like heaven on earth

And on the top of the mountain, a flat surface like it was cut by an enormous and sharp sword then tec starts making the house a traditional Japanese style house unlike the house on this earth like round balls

Then tec make a stage like a stage on world martial art tournament then make the place grow grass around the house he planted an apple tree on the side and well with a never-ending supply of water!

Now tec smile as he was satisfied with his work

Tec: Oohhh Good good I like it this will be my place for the time being and now I need to get my stats to par with Zeno which is easy for me now now father tells me that I should be able to read my race and Bloodline if I got strong as Zeno witch is the currently the strongest being in the multiverse

Hmmm, I should be able to just boost my cultivation to the highest if I buy some pills in the shop. Liz pls open the pill shop!

Liz: Ok host



Qi refinement pills

Dragon blood pills

Body tempering pills

Core condensing pills

Ancient pill


Dick enlargement pills

Chest enlargement pills

Giants pill

Kings pill

Emperor Pill

Origin pill

Cosmic pills



Tec: Ohhh chest enlargement pills are useful!!

Ahhahaa even if I get a flat surface wife I can use this! Hahahahha Anyway Liz choose some pills I need right now

Liz: affirmative host choosing pills will begin now...

For some time, Liz finally picks a pill!

Host, I recommend origin pill as it will immediately upgrade your cultivation to grand priest level

Tec: Are there any side effects?

Liz: Theres none host as the origin pill will only just give benefits and your bloodline and race suppressed any bad effects that will harm you so no need to worry host.

Tec: I see well get that pill and I'll swallow it right now and buy me a time chamber-like in the lookout but make it 1 day outside is billion years inside and make it unbreakable!

Liz: ok host considered it done just imagine a door in front of you it's should be the time chamber

Tec: ok thanks

Then tec imagine a door appearing in front of him

Tec: ok here the door let's go inside Liz

Tec opened the door what he sees is whiteness

Just like the chamber in the lookout

Tec: Liz give me the pill ill swallow it now

Liz: ok host just a reminder Origin pill is Like the Origin of a multiverse or a universe it holds a lot of primal energy and the fastest that you can digest the pill is 10 years longest is billion years and system will shut down when the host starts the process.

Tec: oh well let's start the process

Then a pill suddenly appeared in front of tec there's no energy leaking on the pill like it was an ordinary marble tec didn't think too much and grab the pill and swallow it in one go and go into the lotus sitting position and it starts when suddenly tec got covered in like galaxy type of cocoon and the whole chamber is shaking none stop because of the energy-releasing from the pill

Outside of the chamber, the Grand priest seems to sense something he tried to find the location of it but can't seem to find it and just forget it

Inside of the chamber, millions of years past and the cocoon shows no sign of breaking

Another couple of years past it's been 780 million years in the chamber when the cocoon suddenly crack and shows a magnificent body floating above the ground and that man was tec finally out of the cocoon

Tec: Liz how many years I want in that cocoon?

Liz: 780 million years Host

Tec: oh feels like I just slept for like a couple of hours which is good. Liz show me my stats.
