
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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After deciding to go to Japan Tec called Vince to Get the Jet ready...

Tec: Vince! get the Jet Ready and Call Shizuka were going to Japan!

Vince: Sir the Jet is ready all the time but we can't do take off here... We don't have a runway...

Tec: Then how did you get the Jet here in the first place? Isn't

Vince: Sir I rented some Helicopter to carry it over here...

Tec: seriously? Nevermind that... tell the people in charge of the Jet to Get Ready first

Vince: Yes sir I will tell them right now!

And so Vince Runs Towards the "Jet People"

Tec: Liz can you make a Runaway in the backyard? The space is huge anyway so we can totally do that!

Liz:... You can do it your self, aren't you? So why tell me to do it?

Tec: Just do it, please?

Liz: Ugh! Fine let's go

And so Tec and Liz Walk towards their Big ass Backyard that Only has Trees on it and the maids are chilling in the Small garden doing maid stuff.

Tec: Hey you guys! Come over this side Liz is going to use Magic and we don't want you getting hurt!

Said Tec to the maids and the Maids quickly Walk towards them...

Liz: I'm going to Start

After saying that The Trees that once there are now Gone in the Blink of the Eye and a Small run away capable of launching their Private Jet appears

Tec: That's it? No huge Movement?

Liz: Who do you think I'm? Unlike you, I got Full control of my power!

Tec: Hey I got Full control of mine too! And What's the point calling the maids over here if nothing gonna happen I totally ruined their Peace!

Liz: whatever!

Tec: I'll go get the Jet...

Tec then open a portal above the Runaway and then Appears their Private Jet after a while Vince, Shizuka, and the "Jet people arrived"

Vince mind: How the hell we now have a runaway here? Ugh, people with powers are so random...

Vince: Sir Shizuka and Jet Crew are here...

Tec: Oh good! Shizuka! Were going to Japan and you will be our Guide because your Japanese!

Shizuka: Erm... Sir I maybe Japanese But I don't know much about Japan so...

Tec: Is that so! Well, whatever just come with us! You can visit your relatives when we arrived... And who's the pilot?

Vince: it's Captain Cush and Co-Pilot Ben

Tec: Then Captain Cush and Co-Pilot Ben were Going to Japan and I want the Fastest Time to arrive!

Captain Cush: You can leave that to me, sir!

Tec: Good! Now let's go! But first, let's change our clothes first Liz!

After a while of Tec, Liz, Shizuka, Vince, and the Jet people are Finally ready...

Tec: Okay we are good to go but first tell me about this Jet

Captain Cush: Sir this jet is the best in the world in terms of Speed and Price and this jet is called "Zenith" Which Costs about $1.3Billion Made with the Highest Quality and The Best Technology in the world with An Advance AI That can Pilot the Plain by itself and there's only one of this type! It's really an honor to Be Flying this Thing!

Tec: Oh! A.I Fancy Stuff but if The A.I can Pilot the Plane by itself self why do we need Pilots?

Co-Pilot Ben: Well sir it's for safety measure

Tec: Oh okay anyway Let's go I want to eat that Fluffy Omelette and Vince! You stay! Tell everyone about this and we might not comeback anytime soon

Vince: eh? I thought I'm going to Japan too!

Tec: you can go next time I'll let you borrow this jet next time!

Vince: Really? Yes! Okay! sir, I'll tell everyone about this and please have a safe trip!

Tec: Yeah! Take care of the house

Vince: we will!

After that small talk, everyone is ready...

Cush: Okay! Everyone ready?... Let's go! AI Commence TakeOff!

AI: Affirmative TakeOff in 3..2...1

Suddenly the Jet Made a Loud Sound and start soaring into the sky in the speed of Mach 2!



After Slowing down

Cush: What the hell is wrong with this Thing! Suddenly accelerating Like that! I thought I was Going to die!

Ben: Ugh... So this is why There's only one of this thing!

Cush: Anyway Go Check our Passenger!

Ben: On it!


Ben: are you guys Okay?

Ask ben

Tec: I and Liz are Okay but Shizuka and Your crew...

Shizuka: I think I to vomit first!

Ben: Quickly go the Lavatory!

After a while...

Tec: So... How long till we arrived?

Ben: 2 more hours...

Tec: Oh how about when we use that speed earlier?

Ben: 30-40 minutes sir... But I don't think it's safe for the people here...

Tec: Oh! 30 minutes that's Fast! But why do we need 2 hours, not 12? Usually, it's a 12-hour flight!

Ben: Sir were flying through the Pacific Ocean and it's always been 2-3 hours flight...

Tec: Right... Anyway, do that 30minutes flight! I'll protect everyone! Using Magic!

Ben: I'll tell the Captain...

After a while...

Ben: Sir The captain said Okay!

Tec: Okay!

Tec then snap His fingers and immediately everyone excluding Liz And Tec Got warp with a thin layer of Tec Energy...

Tec: There... Good to go!

Ben: Then please Hold your Seat tight...

Ben then Goes back to the Cockpit

Ai: Commencing Jump Boost in 3...2...1

Then the Jet in the Air Suddenly Blastoff Soaring to the sky in the speed of Mach 3 Breaking Sound Barrier and Only Leaving Cut Clouds... After a while, they are finally got into Japan...

Cush: This Is Your Captain Speaking we are Landing into Japan...

After landing into an airport people are looking at their Jet like Little Kids seeing Their Favorite Cartoon

Bystander 1: Bro Look at That Jet! It's so Awsome! It's Full Black in color!

Bystander 2: Hey isn't that "Zenith"?? That's the expensive jet in the World! It was Just Sold Last week!

Bystander 1: Really? How does it got sold?

Bystander 2: someone Buy it for $1.3Billion! People didn't Get to know who buys it! People didn't dare to Buy Zenith Because of how small it was and the price too! When it was released in public they wanted to sell it for $2billion but people didn't buy it but now someone really Buys this Thing! I wonder who is it!

Bystander 1: For real? $1.3billion for this small Jet? I mean it looks cool but is that really worth it?

Bystander 2: apparently yes This thing has Advance Ai on it they say

Bystander 1: God damn! Talk about Being Rich!

After that small talk Tec and Liz are Getting out and the Airport staff are welcoming Them like a president

Staffs: welcome! To Japan! Sir Tec and Madam Liz!

Said the staffs with a small Bow

Tec: Hey Liz are we that Famous now for them to welcome us Like this?

Said Tec Whispering to Liz

Liz: Don't know it must be Leonard that Do this...

Tec: He's doing his job too well!


Tec: thank you for your warm welcome!

Said Tec to the Staff! After that Airport Scene, Tec and Liz Finally Got Space for themself...

Tec: Ugh! So many handshakes! I know that I like being look up but After so many handshakes this is not nice! Always smiling

Liz: Isn't this what you want?

Tec: Shut up Liz! You didn't even Shake Hands with them! Oh and You Guys! Shizuka and The Jet People! you can do what you want! Here take these Cards!

Tec Then give them The credit Cards Full of money...

Tec: These cards have money use it however you like and Shizuka you don't need to go with us just go to your parents and the Jet people! You can Go back but You have to Go back with Shizuka as for us were just going to call you if we need to go back!... Go now!

Shizuka: Thank you, Master! My family will be able to Live much better Because of this!

Tec: Oh that's good! I might visit your family so Be ready!

Shizuka: Yes!

Jet People: Sir Tec Thank you Very much! We will do anything it you told me to run South I will definitely not run North!

Tec: Yeah! now Begone! Before I change my mind!