
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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It's Lunch break and Everyone is asking Tec and Liz on how did they get married!

Boy 1: Hey hey! How did you get married so early?

Boy 2: Hey! Val! Don't ask them useless question!

Val: What you mean Useless! We can use this Useless Question to our advantage to get a beautiful wife!

Boy 2: Shut up! You can do it your own besides your rich many girls would come to you if want to!

Val: Shut up Noel! I'm not like you who's handsome! I need skills to compensate for my looks! And I don't want a girl who only needs me for my money!

Noel: Shut up already!... Anyway sorry for bothering you...

Said Noel to Tec

Noel: anyway nice to meet you Tec My name is Noel and this is Val were both 17 years old

Tec: it's okay... And Val if you want my secret! Tell me about this school and show me around I think we got enough time to do it!

Val: No problem! As long as you tell me how to get a beautiful wife!

Tec: Hahaha! No worries! I'll tell you after we're done!

Noel:... I'll join you guys...

Tec: how about you Liz?

Liz: I'll go with you...

Tec: Let's go then!

Val: So anyway about this School as you can see this school is as big a City... Well, it's A City

Tec: so basically this City is the school property

Val: Yes! Anyway, this City (School) it's like the same as the other school but you get to choose anything you want... For example, I want to be a Superstar or an idol then ill go to the Entertainment district because that's the place to learn Music, Dancing, acting Etc... Just think of what you want to be this place got that place that you can Hone your skills Let's say you want to be a professional hacker or a Killer this school Teach everything you need to know

Tec: So the Government just allowed the school to teach something like that?

Noel: the Government can't do anything about this school because of its backer...

Val: and there's Super Powers here!... Well, it's not that rare to find Superpowers now...

Tec: So if there's "superpower" Here then the Student level must be based on their strength?

Noel: well yeah but not all are based on superpowers

Val: and We called those with powers Awakened!

Tec: Awakened?

Noel: Yeah Awakened! Because they awakened their powers... and I and Val are Awakened!

Tec: Oh! What your powers then!

Val: I can Command Fire!

Tec: Oh like fire magic?

Val: Well yeah...

Tec: How about you Noel?

Noel: I can control lighting

Tec: so lighting magic!

Noel: Well not really magic but it's like the same

Tec: what do you mean?

Noel: Well Awakened power is inborn power while with magic you can learn it

Val: let's just say this! I can Control Ice with magic and I can Control Fire with my Awakened ability awakened abilities is a part of you when you awakened it you will automatically know how to use it but you need Practice to Control it better while magic is the same but you need to learn different Spells or something

Tec: so basically Awakened power are much easier to use than magic!

Noel: Sort of

Tec: and this school Base People status base in their Magic and Abilities

Val: Yes but! Not all of the student coming here have Superpowers only 15% of the population have Superpowers and in this world

Tec: isn't that a lot already?

Noel: well it Is but not all of these people can Awaken their powers and same for magic only people with high affinity with a certain element can learn magic! Roughly 3 million people have been clarified that have awakened their ability and 4 million have magic! And sometimes people have An Awakened ability and ability to use magic!

Tec: so it's not guaranteed that you will awaken your power and magic huh!

Val: that's right! So this school is used to train those who have Powers and talent to help them grow to help the people in need! Because people who have powers choose to use it in bad ways!

Tec: So we have some Villains?

Noel: Yes... And this school is made to protect people from the villains...

Tec: okay! I know about the history of the school now... Now tell me what's the current status of this school?

Val: well there a Hierarchy going on and the 4 kings of Equilibrium is the one running the whole school...

Tec: and these are?

Noel: They the Strongest and have the best talent in the world basically they are the top four in the Early Match that's going to happen in 4 months...

Tec: so the strongest huh?!

Val: Yes and did you know I actually tried to hit on one of the queens but I didn't dare to try because I might get beaten up by Her Followers

Tec: I didn't need to know that but thanks! Anyway, let's get some food or something I didn't want to let my wife hungry!

Noel: Okay! Let's Go to the best! Place in this City (School!)

Val: But first! We need a ride! Let me call, my driver, to pick us up!

Tec: anyway how much time we have in break time?

Val: we got an hour for break time! By 10:30 we should be back! And it's already 9:45 so we only have 45 minutes left! But don't worry even if we're late no one will care.

Tec: that's nice!

After a couple of seconds, Val Car arrived and they all when into the best place in the City!