
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


Liz: Host Ring is Ready and doesn't have a name yet. Do you wish to name it?

Tec: Me Naming it? Are you not afraid that I will name it something like "My Ring is Awsome" or something?

Liz:..... Ok host ill name it for you.

Tec: Wait wait! I'll name it my self! I'm not really gonna Name it like that! But first, let's see it first then think a name for it!

Liz: Affirmative

Then Tec activates His Trillion year Old Ring Immediately after he activates the ring The Space in the Time Chamber Tremble as if an Ancient Monster is awakening Cracks in the Void is Appearing Everywhere. Thick lightning falls In the surrounding as Tec Ring appear The ring Look Divine and Powerful with Ancient Writings in the Rings as the Ring materialized Tec Avatar Appears Right above him Sittin on a Throne Looking down at Everything as if All he sees are ants not worth mentioning about the ring is Big Enough to Cover Tec Whole Back and when the Ring Is done Materializing the Cracks on Void stop appearing so did the Lightning as if nothing happens that it was all illusion.

Tec: Noice! I like it! You really know me best Liz!

Liz: Yes Host I know...

Tec: So base on what I observe The ring is Awsome that I don't have anything to say about it but the name I'm still clueless So I'll let you name the Ring for me!

Liz:... Ok Host, I'll name the Ring Base on Your race and Bloodline And so the Ring will be named - Ring Of Origins-

Tec: Eh much Better than mine I guess I was Going to name it "Avatars Ring" Or something!... Anyway show me an Description of the Ring

Liz: Affirmative

-Ring Of Origins- A Trillion Year's old Divine Spirit Ring Made By Tec To satisfy his Childish Desire.




-Ability Amplifier

-Ring Creation

Tec: Pretty much useless it's just like an Accessories

Liz: Yes host it is Useless Just like you wanted.

Tec: Geez! You don't have to tell me that! I just wanted to be Badass when I Show them my ring!


Tec: Anyway since we're done here let's get out!

Meanwhile In Yuhao Side.

Yuhao: Dream Brother! What do you think about Teacher Tec?

Dream: That guy? Well, He makes me feel uncomfortable! And that Guy is really strong! Much Stronger than me!

Yuhao: Wa~~ Really? But he doesn't Look like he's strong.

Dream: Dumb Yuhao! Your still a child so you don't know! But for me who is a 1 million years old Spirit ring! That Guy is Terrifying my sense is telling me to Kneel down! To him! Do you know what's that means? Yuhao? Only Dragons or Gods Have that kind of Pressure! That's much stronger than me!

Yuhao: Really? I don't know much about Dragons and Gods but if you say they are stronger than you Dream Brother then Teacher Tec is Super Strong!

Dream: Well pretty much and that's the reason You must Train much harder to be stronger!

Yuhao: Yes Dream Brother!

Meanwhile, in Tec side Tec is out of the Chamber and Teleports in the Old man Side!

Tec: Old man! I heard that there will be a New Student Exam or something can I go there?

Old man: Oh... It's you as for the new student exam sure you can go there...

Tec: Oh thanks Old man... By the way... It's almost your time Huh...

Old man: Yes, it's almost my time and I just found an interesting kid to be my successor if he agrees

Tec: Good for you old man! Anyway I'll go now

Said Tec Teleporting Away from the old man...

Tec: Now then... What should I do... I guess I'll just eat Food sold here!

And so Tec Eat Food that he doesn't need to Satisfy his Taste buds as time passes the new students Starts But Tec Totally forgets about it...

Meanwhile, in the New student Exam, It's finally at the End of the Fight Yuhao Team Vs his Step Brother Team!

Old man: in the Next match there are some changes in the rules To let you Express your full power there's no need to hold back I will take full control of any situation understand? So go all out!

Yuhao Team & Dai Hua bin team: Understood!

Old man: Both sides Go to your Corners... MATCH BEGINS!

As the Old man said that Both sides Run at each Other at full speed!


Said Dai Hua As his Body Transform to an White Tiger Human Hybrid and so is The team of Dai Hua shows their rings. As the fight Goes on both teams Seems to be tie at their Fighting Power until Dai Hua Undo his Transformation and Start to do Spirit Fusion

Yuhao: Not Good! Xiao Xiao Let's Start! Defend Me and wang dong We will fuse too!

Xiao Xiao: Ok! I'll do my best!

As they Said that Dai Hua Already Finished their Fusion and Xiao Xiao Tries her best to Stall time for Yuhao

Xiao Xiao: Wa! No way! I only Brought them one Second of time? This is my full strength! We! Yuhao and Wang Dong Fusion is beautiful

After Xiao Xiao said that Yuhao and Wang Dong Fires their attack at Dai Hua Team as Both of their Attack clash Tec Appears and Stop both Attacks By his hands!

Tec: Hey hey! that's Dangerous! You guys might be not dead if both of your attacks hit you but it will Definitely Cripple you!

Said Tec Brushing Dust in his pants...

Yuhao: Ah! Teacher Tec! Thank you for stopping it...

Bystander: Who's that? Teacher, you say? How come I never Heard of Him?

Bystander 2: Oh I know him he's the one who has a Small fight with San Shin for a Roasted Fish!

Bystander: Oh that him? He's must be Power Full to stop it with his hands...

Tec: Oh don't worry about it Yuhao! That Weak Attack will never Hurt me! AHAHAHAHAH

Yuhao: Hahaha.....

Tec: Anyway You Guys Did well! Anyway Old man! Can you Decide Who's the winner?

Old man: Oh let Director Zhu Decide that!

Director Zhu:... That's Fine Okay I'll announce the winner of the New student Tournament! .... The winning Team is Yuhao Team!

Yuhao and Team: Yes! We won! HAHAAHAH!

Director Zhu: Wang Dong and Yuhao! Your Spirit Fusion Technique is Amazing! Do you mind if you tell me what's the name of the Attack?

Wang Dong: Hehe! Of course Yuhao! you tell him!

Yuhao: Our Spirit Fusion Technique is Called Dying in the Bright yellow Gold Road.

Tec: Boo! your naming Sucks! If it was me I will name it. "Bright Light Golden Road" or something!

Yuhao and Wang Dong:.... Okay.....

Director Zhu: Ahahah Well "Dying in the Bright Yellow Gold Road" Sounds Good too... Anyway, the new Student tournament is Over! And Class one Team Yuhao is The winner!

Tec: Boooo! Bright Light Golden Road is Much Better than Bright yellow Gold Road!

And so the Tournament is Over and Yuhao team win and Tec Mock their naming Sense Like He Got Good naming Sense!