
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


Meanwhile, In Real Estate company that Tec ordered to build his house in one day

" Boss! Preparation is done! we've given people money to move as per the Prime Minister ordered... " said manager Ai

" Good! flatten those land! we need to be quick or else our heads will be hung in some building! and Get more Men to work! we only have 12 More Hours before the deadline!! " said Big Boss Sato who's overly working his Big fat body as he's really fucked up big time since accepting the job! as The prime Minister of japan even got involve in the project! as well as other influential people! making the pressure even more unbearable for him but of course! a good chance like this will never happen again so he's putting all of his on this project!

" Receptionist Karin! Bring me a coffee! and Stop Fucking Playing with your PHONE! and HELP ME! " Said Boss Sato to the Beautiful Receptionist who's just playing with her phone while other people work their body without rest

Meanwhile Tec who painstaking dragging the Girl he just knock which he almost killed but fortunately the system healed the girl reducing problem for Tec as he arrived the Elderly Couple house who's already asleep but they didn't forget to not to lock their doors as their Guesting is still out...

" Phew! This gotta be the hardest thing I Did in a billion years! I mean Holding up an Entire Omniverse is something I would do jus to avoid this kind of labor! my Lungs almost gave up! " Said Tec as he trows the Girl Body on the floor like a bag of sack but lucky enough the girl didn't woke up as Tec too Fall straight down because of fatigue... even though The system healed Tec's body it didn't removed his fatigue as Tec somehow didn't include it in his order...

12 hours later and the time is already 10 AM in the morning The elderly couple didn't bother to wake Tec up and The girl as they hurriedly went to somewhere else to spend the money Tec gave them but They did Cover up Tec and The girl With some Blankets...

" Ugh... I forgot how nice sleep is! " Said Tec as he was woken up from his slumber as he checks his phone that's Ringing Nonstop as People from The Real Estate company as well some Influential people try to contact him...

" These fuckers wouldn't stop! System what kind of Identity did you gave me this time? " Asked Tec to his system

[ Host Current world standing is Similar to that of a God in a Human From as It will help you move around easily... ]

" Seriously a God? Fuck that change it something like the world Richest man who have trillion if not more money than the whole world! I ain't gonna play God with these people! " Said Tec as his loud voice woke up the Girl who Hurriedly made some distance between them

" What did you do to me! And where I this place! " Said The girl as A purple aura again emerge from her body as her vains poped up increasing her strength once again... But Tec Just stared at her with his Silvered coloured eyes as he spoke

" Sit! And calm yourself down! " Said Tec which made The girl calm down and did what just Tec said...

" Change your clothes there's still a lot of blood from Yesterday," Said Tec as Two pairs of clothes magically appeared one for Him and one for the girl and it's a matching type usually worn by couple! A White T-shirt with a panda mark all over it with black fit jeans as well as white shoes... Upon receiving the clothes Tec Immediately Removed his bloodied Clothes making the Girl Blush slightly as she didn't expect to strip in front of her... After a while, Tec finished changing his...

" Didn't I say change your clothes? Why are you still standing there? " Said, Tec

" You! How could I Possible change clothes in front of a man! And why did you suddenly strip in front of me! " Said The Girl

" fuck sake why are you making a huge deal with being naked huh?! Or maybe you want me to help you change? " Said Tec as a Perverted look appeared on his face which he forced to made up as his Desire of Mortal Pleasure already vanished Except some parts of it like beating the shit out of bullies...

" No! How the hell did you come up with that conclusion! Just get out and I'll Change! " Said The girl as she pushes Tec out of the room and of course Tec doesn't have a chance with how weak his mortal body is but since that Night his Muscle definitely grown stronger as he literally pulled his muscles apart while the system Healed him... Soon after that The Girl Change her clothes

" I'm Done! Changing you can come in! " Said The girl

" No need we're going out to eat! I'm getting hungry! " Said Tec was he walks out of the house while the girl Immediately runs out of them room when she heard about of as she's getting hungry too!

As they left the house a Row of cars that's encircling a Limosin as well as Several men in Black that that neatly lined up bows and Greet Tec

" Good Morning Lord Tec! " Said The men in Black in Unison as a Beautiful Blonde American lady Approach them

" It's nice to finally meet you, lord Tec... I'm Rachel Prime Minister Hatoyama Personal Assistant... " Said The blonde girl

" Oh? That's Good but can you move? I'm hungry and she's also hungry and so in conclusion we need to eat and you introducing yourself to me isn't going to feed me! " Said Tec making the blonde assistant awkwardly smile

" My apologies But please allow me guide you to the best restaurant in our country... " Said Rachel as sh quickly guide Tec and the Girl towards the Limousine as she dare not to waste any more of Tec's time

" Woah! Are you some Bigshot? " Said The Girl as she sat on beside Tec on the Limousine while the Blonde assistant Rachel sat on the opposite side...

" If you consider a person who has enough money cover up the entire world bigshot then Yes... " Said Tec as he looks up into his phone that keeps vibrating every second...

" Oh... So you're rich? " said The girl

" Yes I am and if you're done asking Then it's my turn!... Tell me what you're name is! " Said Tec

" Kure Karla! That's my name! And you? " Said The girl

" Tex Godking... And miss assistant can you tell the driver to drive faster? I'm starving! " Said Tec as his Stomach Contiues to growl so did Karla...

" Oh! That's a domineering name! For some one who look super average! " Said Karla while Gigling

" yeah right Mortal futures are nothing in front of absolute strength and you said your a Kure? That clan that breeds assasins? " Said Tec

" Well, I don't think there's another clan that has the same surname as us! " Said Karla as They arrive at the best restaurant In Japan using sirens to make cars and other things to move out of the way...

" Kure huh... I'm quite interested in your bloodline! I want to compare your bloodline to The Orge! Who has the title of being the world's strongest creature! " Said Tec as he got out of the limousine as Karla and Rachel followed... Upon entering The restaurant it's already empty there isn't a single customer in the restaurant because of The men in black... while they got Greeted by a handsome butler as well the chief who has a red wavy hair...

" Welcome Lord Tec I thank you for coming to our humble restaurant... please follow me, " Said The handsome Butler as he guided tec to the best possible seat they have

" Hmm, What your name? " asked Tec to the red-haired chef

" I'm Joichiro Yukihira Sir... " said The Chef

" Oh! so that's why I found you familiar!... Well, I'm looking forward to your dish Chef! " Said Tec while Joichiro just smile at him as he quickly goes back to the kitchen

" OH!! It's the chef's grandpa who always wants to meet! " Said Karla as she just remembers something...

" Is That so? Well, ain't you lucky to eat what he's going to cook? and Miss Rachel Sit! there's plenty of chairs" said Tec as he saw Rachel standing beside him like a soldier...

" Oh right Karla are you still going to school? " asked Tec as their food got served and Tec start Eating so Did Karla while the assistant just sat there and watch

" school? of course! I go to school! that a weird question! " Said Karla as she quickly devours the delicious food in front of her

" Oh? Then That's perfect! soon I'm going to attend a school too so I might Transfer to your school! " Said tec as The food Joichiro cooked for them quickly disappeared as he wipes his lips from any food or oil stuck in his lips..

" That was Delicious Chef! How about becoming my Personal Chef? Your salary will be 1 Million Dollars every day! " Said Tec which shock Joichiro and others a bit but...

" That's a really tempting offer but I must Decline that sir... " Said Joichiro with a slight bow

" Is that so? well I'll just call you when I want something delicious to eat and my assistant give me a pen and Paper please " said Tec as Rachel quickly Gave Tec a pen and a paper soon after receiving the pen and paper Tec then begun to write something for the restaurant and Joichiro

" Take this and show it to any bank and you'll receive a couple million considered it as my thanks for this delicious food... " Said, Tec as he gave a piece of paper to Joichiro and the butler But they quickly decline it

" Oh no my Lord we can't accept this... we've already honored to serve you... " said The Handsome Butler while declining the gift tec gave them so did Joichiro

" Take it or give it to others I don't care what you do about it since I already gave it I can't just take it away and Karla You finished? " Said Tec making Joichiro and The handsome Butler accept it anyway while Karla just finished eating

" yeah! I'm done! Thanks for the Food! " said Karla with a smile on her face

" Well Good we're going to my home now... " Said Tec as he stood up from his chair while Assistant Rachel and Karla did too as they start walking out of the restuarant towards to the Limosiune

Soon enough they arrived at the Tokyu land Coorporation where they are welcomed by The Company Ceo a Much Bigger boss than Big Boss Sato

" Welcome Lord Tec! We've been waiting for your arrival... " Said Big Boss Ceo

" Yeah yeah Show me my house I ain't time for you guys " Said Tec as he didn't even bother to get out of the limo

" Of Course Please follow us... " Said The Big boss Ceo as he quickly ride his own car towards To Tec's House which have been Finished in Under 22 hours! an Impossible task made possible By the power of money!... After while they arrive at a Another place that seems to be an another world with how Clean and Fresh everything is! beautiful! with cherry blossom Trees recently Planted from a beautiful Koi Pond a mix of Traditional and Modern twist is all you need to make a beautiful place and Thing is Tec's house is somewhere in Tokyo where everything is full of Sky high Buildings that they have to their down! they even have to close the several Parts of Tokyo to Finished The Project! and of course, that need's a lot of money to make the citizens not complain...

" Hmm I like it good job! so how much does it cost? " asked Tec as he starts walking around to his Palace like home

" Lord Tec... The Total cost of all of these is roughly 300 billion US dollars... " Said Rachel as she whips out a piece of documents passing it to Tec

" Oh? cost Less than I tough... was like 31 trillion yen or something? well, give Tokyu Land Corporation 50 billion for their hard work and the people who are affected by the building of my house some compensation... I wouldn't like my neighbors angry with me right? " Said Tec as he returns the Documents back to Rachel...

" Consider it done my lord... " Said Rachel as she starts speaking with the Tokyu Land Corporation Ceo

" Come along Karla let's tour my house... " said Tec as he starts walking towards his house which is the center of everything while Karla follows through still amazing that something like this is possible in one day... Well, Certainly something like this is impossible to build in one day even if you The Money to pay for it...

As they Entered The house A row of Maids and Butlers Immediately Greeted Them

" Welcome Home Lord Tec... " Said The Maids and Butlers In Unison

" Oh? that's alot of people... Well anyway Can anyone tell me where's the Gym? " Said Tec as he chosses to ignore his maids and butlers as he quickly question one of them

" Allow me to guide you my Lord... " said a Butler that's seems to be the leader of his butler squad...

" Okay and karla come on stop getting amaze by everything... " said Tec as he followed The head Butler while Karla Followed... soon enough they arrive to a room filled with high end training equipment that cost millions of dollars as well as a space for trainging martial arts... Tec's house filled with everything you can posibily need for a house! A personal gym, personal Cinema, Pool, park, bars, arcade Everything you could think off! it's a dreamhouse but of course it's not perfect as Tec only gave them 24 hours to build all of this if given enough time it will be probably be more amazing...

" you can go back now and do your thing and don't let anyone enter this place! I'll call you if I need food... " Said Tec to the head butler

" yes my Lord... " Said The Head Butler as he quickly walks out of the room leaving Tec and Karla alone again...

" So why are we here again? " asked Karla

" Training... I got a fight coming in one month with The Orge so Unless I wan't to die I Need to build some muscle to this body to even use my martial arts... " Said Tec as he remove his T shit...

" oh! you're gonna fight the Orge! But why? " Asked Karla

" To Relieve boredom! and you're gonna help me with that by fighting with me! " Said Tec as he starts warming up his body by doing some stretching...

" I don't want to! my head still hurts! and you're stronger than me already! " Said Karla

" Don't worry I wont hurt you and I'll even give you money when we're done sounds good? " Said Tec as he finished warming up...

" no! and Beside I still have school so I dont have time for that! " Said Karla as she refused Tec's money offer

" Then go call your grandpa and send someone from your clan to help me train! " Said Tec

" I don't have a phone! and I don't even know what's grandpa's number! "Said Karla

" Seriously? Then go ask the butlers or maids to do it for you... " said tec

" okay fine! " Said karla as she leave the room

" System Increase gravity around me by 2x please " as soon as Tec said That he Immediately Kissed the ground as the Gravity around Him suddenly increase two folds

" ugh fuck... system! increase the gravity suitable for training my body!... " said tec as the gravity slighty weaken but the pressure is still there making movement hard to Tec...

" Good! now let's start! " Said tec as he begun his Long Tiring Training...

Meanwhile, Karla who manages to get lost in Tec's Huge house got approached by the Head Butler...

" Madam is there something you want? " Said The head Butler which shocked Karla that she immediately went into battle mode

" Woah! Butler-san you scared me!" Said Karla as she let out a sigh of relief while dropping her battle mode

" My apologies Madam... " Said The head butler

" anyway, Tec said to call my Grandpa! to bring someone from my family to train together with him! but I don't know grandpa Number and I don't have a phone with me so Tec told me to get from help, you guys... " Said, Karla

" Is that so... and If I'm Correct Madam Should be from Kure clan? " asked Head butler as he Wipes out a phone as he dials a number

" yes I am... is there something wrong? " Replied Karla

" There's nothing wrong Madam... it's just that It's been a while since I saw someone from the Kure clan... " said Head butler as he passed the phone that's already connected to Karla Grandfather...

" Moshi Moshi Erioh Speaking... " Said, Karla Grandfather

" Grandpa! it's me, Karla! " Said Karla with a lovely voice


" Grandpa I'm Okay Grandpa! I don't know where I am but I'm sure where still In Tokyo " Said, Karla

" Is that so My Dear? ( QUICKLY YOU FUCKERS! TRACK THIS NUMBER! BEFORE KARLA HUNG UP! ) Is there anything you want since you're calling your grandpa? " Said Karla Grandfather

" actually there is!... you see I've lost to someone recently and he wants to fight again but I declined him so he said to bring someone from our clan... " Said, Karla


" Eh Don't do that Grandpa! It's my fault that I lost! and Besides he didn't hurt me that much! Oh, and He's Called Tec! " Said Karla trying to stop his grandfather from doing anything to Tec

" Karla... What's his name again dear? " Said Karla Grandfather with a slightly Nervous voice

" He's called Tec Grandpa! and is there something wrong with you? your voice suddenly turns weaker! " Said Karla with a concerned tone

" I'm Okay dear by Can you tell me His Full name, Dear? The one who wants something from us? " Said Karla grandfather with a nervous voice

" Full name? Butler san What's he's full name again? " Asked Karla to the Head Butler

" My Lord's Full name is Tec Godking Madam... " Said Head Butler which Karla Grandfather Heard Crystal Clear!

" Grandpa he's called Tec Godking! " Said Karla Which made Karla Grandfather choke with his own saliva

" T-Tec GodKing? Karla My Dear can you Give the Phone to Butler-san? I want to talk with him... " Said Karla Grandfather...

" Oh Okay... butler-san Grandpa Want's to talk with you... " said Karla as she passed the cellphone back to the head butler...

" Hello, Patriarch Erioh Butler-san is speaking... " said the head butler

" Quick! send me your address! we're Immediately departing here! " Said Karla Grandfather

" Certainly! Please wait for a moment... " Said The Head butler as he ended the call while sending a Text message that contains Tec's House address

" Now then Madam is there anything I can do for you? " Said The head, Butler...

" Ah Yes! I want to use that BIG POOL! It's okay, right? right? right? " Said Karla Exitedly

" Of course! Then please follow me I'll guide you to the Pool... " said The head Butler While Karla Followed while skipping