
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


" Phew! That definitely feels weird! How my body interacts with The Portal... " Said Tec as he arrived at his new world... His New World is Very Similar to The Reality Earth it just that people here are not bounded by Physical Limitation or In Other words, they can get stronger and stronger depending on their Limits where In the reality realm Everything is set on a certain point so even if you train for 50 years nothing will happen unlike In this new world where you can break your limits and achieve higher strength...

" Ugh, this body is super weak! Just walking makes me tired! is this how Humans supposed to feel?!... well I guess I have to train again! but first! I need a house! a place to stay in and a school to find something interesting! but where the fuck I am? " said Tec as people start staring at him for talking to himself

" Lol! What the hell did this guy Ate to start talking to himself like that Lol! " said Random Gal

" Woah! a crazy man suddenly appeared guys! " said Random Street streamer

" Lol, Lol Lol Lol! This guy is super average! just look at him! his face is freaking NORMAL! Supernormal that it's crazy! " said Random Gal 2

" Oh! it's Japanese! I'm JAPAN! " Said Tec as he heard the language that are people using

" Japan Again huh... Well, then I need to get a house so System can you forge me a citizen I.D or something that will help me easily get houses here? and Money too! lots of Money! " said Tec as a wallet appeared right in front of him full of Unknown Cards used by modern world people to do their transaction as well Money Japanese people call Yen...

" Thanks! oh, and Give me my phone! too " said Tec as His Cellphone magically appeared right in front of him and while the people who saw a wallet magically appeared as well as the cellphone just though their tripping or something as they decided to forget about it as something like that is impossible to happen to them that is... soon after that Tec called a Taxi

" Um... Can you go to the nearest real estate building? I need to buy a house! " Said Tec To the old Taxi Driver

" young man if I'm not wrong you're still in school right? " Asked The old Taxi Driver

" Well if we're talking about appearance then I'm still young but I'm older than what you think! " said Tec as he entered the Taxi

" Hoh! Well, I'm not surprised I've seen many things in my life But still, you're quite successful if you're buying a house no? " Said The Old Taxi Driver

" You can say that... I Got several billion to spend oh and by the way old man why are you still working despite your old age? aren't you supposed to be retired now? " Asked Tec

" I got Nothing else to do but work Young man... and beside If I don't work I'll die because of not finding anything to eat... " said The Old man

" Nothing else to do huh... aren't we quite similar? I'm doing this too because I got nothing else to do!... Oh right you got a family old man? " asked Tec which surprised the old man with the sudden question

" Well if you considered people who I feed and Rise my own Then forgot me over time then I got 3 and a Loving wife... " Said The Old Taxi Driver...

" hmm... your Kids are pretty Ungrateful huh... " said Tec

" Well, I don't blame them... I didn't give them a wonderful childhood since all I do is work to feed and raise them to be able to feed themselves but at least I did my best to give them all the necessary things they need to grow... " Said The Old Taxi Driver...

" Well, I guess you can't really blame them huh... but they at least need to be grateful for it... " Said Tec as they arrive at their destination...

" We're here young man... " said the Old taxi Driver as they stopped at a Tall building full of salaryman entering and exiting

" come with me old man! help me pick a house! " said Tec as he pays his taxi bill

" huh? I can't do that young man! I still have to earn money... " said The Old man

" Come on! I'll Give you a million-dollar later so come with me I won't take that long! " Said Tec as he Pulled the Old Taxi Driver out of his Car as they enter the building... Immediately after entering, they are greeted with a beautiful receptionist

" Hi Welcome to Tokyu Land Corporation! how I am help you today? " Said The Beautiful Receptionist

" ah yes, I want to buy a house! and my budget is around 100 billion and if possible I want a big one with a traditional feel to it! " said Tec making The Beautiful Receptionist shock with the amount Tec said But of course, she didn't believe it she though Tec is just trying to show off in front of her to get her attention...

" Then Please follow me I have to get my manager as I don't have the qualification to do our transaction... " said The Beautiful receptionist as they entered a room

" Ma'am we have a Guest here... " said the beautiful Receptionist

" Hmm... Okay please have a sit Mr? " said The Manager who's also beautiful looking as this world is definitely In anime style

" Godking since that's my last name... " Said Tec as he and the Old Taxi Driver who's nervously following Tec sat down but he suddenly stayed quiet when The manager shows herself...

" Then Mr. Godking What may I help you with today? and it's good to see you well father... " said the manager girl to the old taxi driver while the Old Taxi Driver just nodded his head

" Oh? so you're his daughter huh... well back to our topic I want a traditional house if possible I want it big! " said Tec as the beautiful Receptionist gave him a device with a different picture of house ranging in his taste

" Mr. Godking as you can see these houses are quite old and due to their historical values they are quite pricy too... " said The manager as the Beautiful Receptionist starts bringing Tea and snacks...

" The Price doesn't matter but these houses don't suit me so I'd like to as if you guys are also dealing with building a house or something! " Said Tec as he took a sip on his tea while The Old Taxi Driver takes a sip too

" of course we do Mr. Godking our Company deals with stuff like this... " Said the Manager

" Well Good! I want a House Big Enough for Horses to roam around Pigs to play and cows to fly! and I want it done in a single day and of course, it has to be a mix of Modern and Traditional housing like those emperors back in the time! " said Tec which Shock The Receptionist, the manager, and the Old Taxi Driver with Tec's Ridiculous request

" Mr. Godking Even Though you're request is quite a ridiculous one but we can do it... as our company is the best company in japan! I put my trust in my company but are you sure you want something like this? Just the scale of this project is enough to build a well profitable company! " said The Manager as she gets excited to know that she caught a big fish this time

" Money means nothing to me miss manager I got a lot of money and if I need something right now it's gotta be a house! so are you sure you can do something like this in one day? " Asked Tec as he's starting to get annoyed with how long this is taking

" Of Course Sir! Please wait a moment as I speak about this matter to my boss! " said the Manager as she quickly runs out of her office as she goes to her Big Boss while Leaving the Beautiful Receptionist alone with Tec and the Old Taxi Driver...

" I must say old man your daughter is quite pretty no? Does she got a husband or something? " said Tec as he sips on his tea

" I haven't heard or even see her for 16 years now so how would I know? and to be honest, I'm surprised she even recognize me after so long... " said THe Old man

" 16 years? That's quite long! and honestly impressed with how your kids manage to not even see you! " Said Tec as The manager came back along with a fat chubby bald-headed Big Boss behind her

" Apologize for the Wait Mr.Godking as I have some unimportant business happening... by the way I'm called Tanaka Sato but please Just call me Sato... " said The Big Boss

" Well? ain't got a lot of time Sato-san so please let's get to the point! What I want is something miss manager already knows so ask her and my Taxi Driver is waiting so we can't be doing things slow! " Said, Tec

" Yes of course! Ai-san Already Told me what you want to do before coming here and base on what you want it will cost a lot of money as you want it finished in one day... " Said, Sato

" 100 Billion Dollar! I'm willing to spend that much! and if that's not enough make it 500 billion Dollars! and if you want proof if I even own that money just ask my bank! " said Tec as he's getting really annoyed with how everything so slow

" No no No! I dare not to ask your bank! and again I apologize for wasting your time! we'll immediately start the construction after we receive the money as this will be quite a costly project that even our company might not have enough money to cover the cost... " Said The Big boss Truthfully to Tec as Just hearing a 100 Billion Dollar Down Payment is Enough for him to pass out as even their company is just merely 2 billion dollar company so if they manage to seal the deal they will Immediately become japan top dogs when it comes to business

" Well, Whatever! here take this card and give it to a bank to check if I really have the money! I Can see it in your eye that you guys still don't trust me so once you check it Immediately start my house! I still got school to attend! " Said Tec as he tossed a Futuristic Looking Card towards the big boss who carefully catches it afraid that he will drop it while Tec and The Old Taxi Driver stood up and as they're about to leave the room The big Boss then Invite Tec to dinner but Tec Rejected it so the big boss just then Escorted Tec out of the building like he's a VIP after Tec Left The big Boss still can't believe what the hell happen

" Ai-san Can You Slap me? " said Big Boss Sato

" Sir? I can't just do that! " said The Manager

" Want me to do it Boss-san? " Said the Beautiful Receptionist

" Forget about it! but quickly let's go to the nearest bank to Check this card out! because if this is some kind of prank he definitely got me real good! " Said Big boss Sato as they quickly go to the nearest bank after awhile they arrive at the biggest and nearest back at their area

" Excuse me but can you please Check the balance of this card? " Said Big Boss Sato as he passed the Card to the Bank Lady Who Immediately recognise the Card as Tec's System already made fake Memories of this Cards even Existing To all Important people as well as Bank People~

" Sir! Where Did you get this card? " Said the Bank Lady with a super serious face

" Ah It's from one of my Client! he said I can check the card for any balance... " Said Bug Boss Sato as he feel the vibe around them change into a serious one

" May I know the Name of Client sir? " Asked The Bank Lady

" About that I don't know anything beside his Last name... " said Big Boss sato nervously

" And what's his Last name? sir..." Said The Bank Lady as the Vibe around them gets even more serious

" It's Mr. Godking!! And why are you being so serious? Is there something wrong with the card? " Said Big Boss Sato as he can't take the pressure anymore

" Oh! I see Then please follow me... " Said The Bank Lady as she brought them to her boss THE BANK BOSS!

" Sir... Look at this... " said The Bank lady as she passed the card to her Boss... Immediately after seeing the card The Bank Boss Stood up and smile brightly to Big boss Sato and Manager Ai...

" AHHH! What Can I do for you two? " Said The Bank Boss while smiling brightly

" We're here to Check the balance of the card... " Said Manager Ai

" Certainly but Did Lord came with you? " Said Bank Boss

" Lord? what do you mean Lord? " Asked Manager Ai

" The Owner of this Card Miss... You see This Card is the First and The Last card that will be ever made Banks from around the world know's about it! be it Small or large banks You can't fake this card and even if you tried you'll get a death penalty and it's unavoidable and since the Lord gave you the permission to take his card I'll take your words as the Lords Words! " Said The Bank Boss As he Do a slight bow so did the Bank Lady?

" Ehem... about the balance of the card... let's just say it's around 500 Trillion US Dollars... " Said The Bank Boss Making Big Boss Sato and Manager Ai Suck out cold air as the that's the biggest amount of money they ever heard! which means Tec's is Even Richer than Some country!

" Um... Are you Joking by a chance? " Asked Big Boss Sato as he couldn't believe that much money is own by a single man

" Oh no no! If we're actually trying to count The Lord's Money it will be much more than that... " Said The Bank Boss

" Ano... can we go now? Mr.GodKing Ordered us to make a house in 24 hours... " said Big Boss Sato as he tried to Hind is Excitement and terrified look...

" Of Course! but We will be involved in the Project as we can't just build a house that's look good in the outside... " said The bank Boss as Big Boss Sato and manager ai Exchange Phone number with them to stay in contact as they begun to Move contacting all the best people need for the construction of Tec's Traditional house...


" Old man Can I Stay at your house to night? I mean you just heard them My house still need one day before I can Live there... " Said Tec

" Sure Why Not? You already Gave me Enough Money to last me until I die! " Said The Old man as they Drove back to The Old Man House where his wife is paciently waiting for him...