
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


Time Skip again because why not!

several years have passed... both melissa and Baron are now 11 years old and currently practicing a martial arts Tec invented...

" Baron! kick higher you lazy brat! just look melissa! even though she doesn't have a talent in martial arts like you she's Practicing hard! " said Tec while he continues to sermon Baron who's didn't even care at Tec sermon and even talk back to him

" shut up old man! Meli is just trying to show off! and besides, I already mastered this martial art! so instead of telling me what to do give me another one to practice! I've been doing to for months now! " said baron who has pitch-black hair just like Tec and Liz while also lucky enough to have Liz beauty as baron is handsome enough to be flocked by girls when he roams around the city...

" HOH!?! you brat seems to not get enough beating last time huh!! " said Tec as he throws a pebble towards Baron who easily dodges it as Tec didn't use his strength because if he did even if baron dodge the shocking wave will kill him

" HA! That won't work to me again old man! " said baron as he threw a pebble to Tec to even out but Tec caught it and crushed it

" HOHO Looks like you wouldn't eat tonight BARON! " said Tec as he's about to dash towards baron to hit his but Liz smacked his head to the ground creating a small crater stopping Tec Seeing this Baron who's about to run from Tec turns to Liz and run towards her instead

" Tec! didn't I told you to stop hitting baron ass?! it's leaving bruises! " Said, Liz

"I haven't even hit him yet! and stop creating Craters in our home! " said Tec while dusting his clothes... meanwhile Melissa who's quietly practicing stopped to help Tec remove the dust from his clothes...

" tssk... Look! melissa even stopped her training to help me clean the dust while you two just stared at me! " said Tec while carrying melissa up

" Oh shut up! why do you even insist on teaching them while there's a school for it! " said Liz

" HAH! as if that school can teach my martial arts they can't even understand it! " said Tec with a prideful look on his face while melissa brushes his slickly black hair

" Well anyway Tiger Lu is here to talk something to you he's waiting in the living room... " said Liz as she brings baron with her while Tec and melissa follow-through as they arrive at their living room Tiger Lu who looks even older now stood up and greeted the family

" Good Day! My Lord! " Said Tiger Lu as he stood up and bow slightly

" Good day to you too chief... so what's your reason visiting us? " said Tec as he immediately asked Tiger Lu

" My Lord I'm stepping down with my position as I'm getting old and I'm afraid I can't fulfill my duty properly with my old age... " said Tiger Lu with a straight face

" oh retiring already? well that's fine you've done enough for the past 12 years and I'm grateful for that but since you're retiring do you have someone in mind that can succeed your position? " asked Tec

" I actually have my Lord my Son Lion Lu who's been helping me for 11 years he already knows how to handle the city and I'm confident to say he's even better than me in this job... " Said Tiger Lu

" oh.. that bald boy huh... well let's go with that ill give him the position and by the way how's the little girl that's responsible for our city development? " asked Tec

" Little Sally is doing fine My Lord she actually just manage to achieve King Realm Cultivation a couple months ago... " said Tiger Lu but melissa spoke and said

" Dad what's King Realm? is that similar to Reality God Realm? " asked The curious Melissa

" well they're not similar as King Realm can easily obtain by mortals but Reality God Realm is quite hard to do... well lets put it like this First you have your warrior realm the first stage of mortal cultivation like I said before each realm have ten stages and after those ten stages you can level up to the next level which is called knight realm which also has ten stages well lets just put a graph for you " said Tec as a transparent screen appeared in front of them containing all the cultivation levels


Warrior Realm

Knight realm

King Realm

Sage Realm

Emperor Realm

Mystic Realm

False God Realm

True God Realm

God-King Realm

God Emperor Realm


" these are what this world Cultivation Level is and you two are currently at Knight Realm 3rd Stage and beyond that realm you'll see The Reality God realm " said Tec as a new pannel appeared


Creation God

Reality God

Omni God



" and as for these realms they only have 3 stages, the first one is Low tier second is Mid Tier for last is High Tier but don't underestimate These Three stages as there's a huge difference between then and one of them is a High tier Creation God can fight against millions of Low Tier Creation God its the same for Reality Gods and beyond that, you'll see the Omni God realm people in this realm can Destroy this world with just their thoughts and you can't achieve this realm without permission for someone so unless you have permission you'll only stay at Reality God realm and as for the Originals they don't have stages as they're still pretty new!... anyway that's all the Level of strength for now but in the future, it might change so if you want to live without fear that a Reality God might Destroy your world because they want to entertain their self which always happens you better start training! " said Tec as he looks towards Baron trying to scare him... while melissa is pretty scared as she knew her strength isn't enough for her to live peacefully with her parents while Tiger Lu who only knew Realms up to Emperor Realm is too shocked with the information he just learned but he quickly redeem his bearing as he knew even if he tried his hardest to cultivate with his pitiful talent he couldn't stop those powerful being while having a cultivation of Knight Realm 10th stage is Pretty amazing as only 30% of the world Population are Cultivators he's still nothing compare to the vast Unknown...

" well anyway Chief Lu I'll announce that you're retiring to the people and your son is taking your position and if there's nothing more you can go back now and rest... " said Liz while continuing to answer Melissa question while Tiger Lu said his Goodbye as he quickly leave the house full of monsters