
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


As the time passed by Tec who's just relaxing suddenly felt Energy Signals that seems to belong to the Inhabitants for the planet their currently staying

" Hmm... Already here? They're quite a group of people huh... " Said Tec as he Senses The energy signals moving toward his house! And after wait for a while, the group of People arrived outside of Tec house

" Oh Great One Excuse ourselves for Entering your territory! We are here to talk so, please graces us with your presence! " Said the man who seems to be riding a Humanoid robot that's 50 Feet High along with other robots behind him... Hearing this Tec decided to Entertain these people as he slowly opens his door revealing his Body which is full of battle scars shocking The people who saw him

" so? Who are you, people? Didn't your mother tell you guys it's bad Entering someone territory without permission? " Said Tec as he stares at the Robots in front of him

" I'm the General of the Holy Kingdom Of Feris, General Dracon! First of Forgive us for Disturbing your place but we suddenly felt a Huge amount of Divine energy similar to our Goddess Feris-Sama so we came and investigate this place... " Said The General

" Oh... Well you can go back now your goddess give me this Place as well this whole piece of land here " Said Tec as he Turns back to his house but The general stopped him and said

" Wait Great Lord! Please at least Let us Invite you to our Kingdom!... Our Kingdom is Built by the Goddess Herself so it would be an honor that a Great Being like you would go to our kingdom! " Said the General as he tried to Persuade Tec into Coming to their kingdom...

" Hmm... Well, you got schools in that Kingdom of yours? " Asked Tec which the General immediately answered

" Yes we do! Our kingdom Has the best School in the whole world! The Holy School of Feris has created Several Strong People that made this world a better place! And our school have been built 200,000 years ago so we have a great deal of history in this school... " Said The General with a smile on his face

" Oh... Well, that's good then... But first, wait here I'm gonna call my family so we can go immediately " Said Tec as he goes back to his house calling his Grandchildren, daughters, and wife telling them that they're going to their school and after a while the whole squad of Godkings got out of their House and all Tec Grandchildren have different expression as all of them are just sleeping when Tec barged into their rooms dragging them out forcefully...

" Wha-! LOOK! A FUCKING ROBOT! " said Francesca who seems to be a technology geek

" hm? Francesca, you know about robots? " Asked Tec

" Well yeah! I can build one myself but it's pretty useless to compare to big sis Angela who can just smash it with one punch but I think the robot I build which I named Stryker Is much better to compare to these robots but I'm surprised that they use this kind of things here! " Said Francesca who has stars in her eyes as she admires the robots standing tall in front of her

" Oh... Well, aren't you a genius? building something like this is even out of my reach but if I really tried maybe someday I can make one but these robots are really useless in your world where there's quite a lot of active Gods like your father..." Said, Tec

" Well that's why I'm building the best Robot that the world can see! But I don't think I can reach the power of Gods with just metals and magic alone... " said Francesca

" Hmm... Well it's not impossible to do that there's couple Civilization that can create robots stronger than your father and it's pretty common but you need to understand that those people live for millions of years without Magic just their intelligence and that Civilization is mostly Humans so you have chance creating one if you live for millions of years but you can use magic so it will probably just take you couple thousand years " Said Tec as he encouraged Francesca who's still looking at the robots... After that, the General spoke again

" Great Lord Are you ready? If so then, please follow us... " said the general as the robots start walking back to their kingdom but Tec Decided to Ride shelly back who happily Maker her Body Big enough to fit the whole family using her Power she learned while cultivating as they flew behind the robots following them slowly back to the holy Kingdom of Feris... after traveling for awhile they finally catch a glimpse of the border of the Holy Kingdom Of Feris which is full of Beautiful Architecture alongside with greenery... Seeing this Tec can help but admire the Kingdom which is a harmony of Technology and nature! Even with Rex Own world Technology and Nature never co-exist as people in that world are busy creating more advanced Technology forgetting about nature that once gave them shelter and food...

" Now that's a beautiful place! I gotta say trees and these futuristic Buildings really blend well! Props to the designer of this kingdom! " Said Tec as he Scans the Kingdom with his piercing eyes... Meanwhile, Tec GrandChildren did the same while Their own world has Technology on par with this world they didn't have this kind of beautiful place as a kingdom on their planet are just full of Technology everywhere...

After flying for a while they finally arrived at the center of the Kingdom which is also we're the King Reside! The Center of the Kingdom is a huge Palace made for the King and his family... This palace doesn't have anything fancy just a Normal it's just super detailed and full of Magical Protection as well as Technological Protection! A place where everyone considered A Safe Haven...

As Tec and Others arrived at the Palace Front The general and Others knights like people Got off in their Robots...

" My Lord We have arrived... This palace is were our kind Reside and also the place where you're going to stay... " Said the general meanwhile Tec and his family of 8 Got jump out of shelly while shelly return into her normal size as she flew towards Tec's head...

" I gotta say even my House that your goddess made can't compare to this palace! It makes me want to take over this place! " Said Tec as he continues to observe his surrounding like a little boy looking for a new toy to play with... Meanwhile the general just laugh it off and Lead them to the throne room where the king of The Holy Kingdom of Feris is waiting...

As tec and Others entered the Room they immediately saw a huge Golden Robots that emits kingly aura behind the King of Feris making Tec Grandchildren bow their heads as they aren't strong enough to resist it while Tec, Liz, Shelly, and Little Jiao Remained Unharmed...

" Hoh? How Fearless of you making my Grandchildren bow in front of me... " Said Tec as he stares at the King who seems to be in his mid-30s a well-built man that stands almost 7 feet tall wearing a golden robe with dragon engraving...

" Not even answering me? Didn't feris told her Creation to be polite? I will actually kill all of you right now if I'm not in a good mood but ill let you guys out free for now... " Said, Tec... While the nobles who also present in the room didn't like how Tec Spoke with their king so a fat Noble spoke his words out...

" You! Imbecile! You're in front of the king of the Holy Kingdom Of Feris! And you dare to act like a brute?!! Kill yourself to appease our king! " Said the Fat noble to Tec who just stare at the Fat Noble when he suddenly teleported in front of the King and Slap him in the Face which shocked the whole palace that they immediately surround Tec pointing their swords and magic to kill him

" hmm... I don't really want to kill anyone right now but... This Fat fuck annoys me King of Feris... " Said Tec as he Looked the King of Feris who's eyes are bloodshot as he can't the Himuliation Tec gave him in front of his people but Even if he wants to Kill Tec his body can't move because Tec stopped it

" You see me and my family are only here because they want to go to school and also use that thing called wifi I couldn't care less about some king of a random kingdom on this planet! I already respect that you wanted to see me even though I'm too lazy to do it but do not control your people in front because they're noble or whatever they are is a little bit annoying and the fact that that pig wants me to die immediately after only setting foot in this palace if yours Tics me off... " Said Tec calmly while The Others just stare at him as they can't just move without thinking as their king is on Tec's hands...

" Well it's nice meeting you King Of Feris! Were going back now and do Enroll my Grandchildren to that School you have in this kingdom and I'll send Your goddess later to clean unsightly things like that fat Pig over there that told me to kill myself... " Said Tec as he Once again slapped The King as He and His family vanished from thin air leaving the whole palace Speechless... while the King Is Fuming with anger The Goddess or the Creation God of the Planet appeared out of nowhere and wiped half of the Nobles currently inside of the room like its nothing while immediately disappearing again leaving the king and the others that manage to stay alive lost for their words...