
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


As tec Goes out A small portal opened in front of him with King Into it

" Eh? Meliodas who's this? " Said Tec as he Grab king Small Head

" Oh That's King another member of seven deadly sins... " Said Meliodas as he follows Tec out of the boarhat

" Oh My bad I didn't mean to grab your head like that " Said Tec as he let go of King's head

" Captain who's this guy?! Grabbing me in the head like I'm some kid! " said King's

" that's Tec he's joining us to an adventure... by the way where have you been? Demons start attacking us you know! We almost died! If not for Tec saving us well be no more! " Said Hawk

" Nani?! Here too? Where's Diane?! " Said, King

" Look back " Said Hawk

" Diane! I'm glad you're okay! " Said King as he quickly Flew towards Diane

" who? Who are you? " Said, Diane

" what-! I'm King! See?! " Said King as he transformed into his hideous form Fat King

" Oh?! Gowther is this you're doing? " Asked Tec

" Lost world... I erased her memories wishing to learn about emotions I manipulated Guilla's memories... Diane Strongly condemned me for that and said... "To Erase precious memories nobody can do that " So as a test I erased Hers. As I thought, they were easily erased... Memories are nothing more than bits of information, after all," Said Gowther with his monotone Voice

" GOWTHER! How could you! How could you do that and erase someone's memories!?! " Said an Enrage King

" King! " Said Meliodas to calm Down King... King calm down and transformed back to his little kid form

" No... I have no right to condemn you but at least tell me this... What feelings did you experience when you erased her memories? " asked King

" Feelings? I don't understand the question. Surely they aren't necessary to erase someone's memories right? " Said the confused Gowther

" Not necessary huh..." said King

" Okay okay Let's stop the drama Gowther Chan Return Diane Memories back now that you proved your right... But I do think you can't erase memories you just temporarily sealed them just like what you do with yours isn't that right Gowther chan? So return Diane Memories or ill Erase yours too and I promise you can never get them back! " Said Tec as The temperature Drops down unknowingly...

" Why? I don't understand..." Asked Gowther

" Ah nevermind Gowther chan your quite a trouble no? I'll do it myself " Said Tec as he points his fingers into Diane Head While a Beam of light Goes into her head slowly regaining her memories while Other people Looked at this with awe in their eyes

" What? Never seen magic that can return People's Sealed memories? Merlin can do it too using his absolute cancel right? I mean it's named Absolute cancel so it's supposed to be able to cancel any magical skills no? " Said Tec while Merlin didn't reply

" Eh? Is there something wrong with me? Why are you guys staring me like that?' " Asked Diane

" Diane, Are you okay now? Do you remember me? " Asked King

" What do you mean King? Of course, I know you " Said, Diane

" Thank Goodness you're okay... " Said King as he felt relief...

" Now then Let's go get that Last member of yours and give me back my daughters Diane! You've been playing with them for too long now! I never even get to play with them! " Said Tec as he sermons Diane about him not able to play with Little Jiao and Shelly anymore...

" Chee Tec is such a worry ward Even though I Hawk sama can protect them with my 3000 Power Level! " Said Hawk... And so Merlin told Diane The plan and she did made Diane small again so that he can ride hawk mama while Diane reluctantly gave Little Jiao and Shelly back to Tec which Tec Immediately asked Them if their hungry but Little Jiao and shelly seems to be not hungry which never happened before!

" Nani?! You're not hungry?! Did Diane Feed you while i was away?! Damn it! But did you say thank you Little Jiao and shelly? It hurts my feelings that you don't want to eat the Dumplings and watermelons I prepared because Diane feed you first But you did say thank you right?... " Asked Tec

" Of Course Big Sister Diane Give us a Big Pig and mushroom! " said Little Jiao while shelly just nodded and it seems shelly can finally understand words after Cultivating for so long... while Little Jiao Already stopped Cultivating a long tine ago shelly didn't stop she kept absorbing energy every time she had a chance and that drastically increased her cultivation speed by a lot making her understand People words now...

" Good! You always need to thank people if they give you good food but don't always accept something from a stranger but Diane is not a stranger so it's okay!... " Said Tec as he lectured The two about Thanking people for their food... While Tec is Lecturing The two Meliodas and others Explained their plan to Diane and King who's Seems to be too close to each other it's too close that you'll notice Them having a feeling for each other... After Explaining everything to Diane and King They are Set to Move forward into some location that will help them get strong and Get their last member... As they continue their travel for quite a while now a fast-moving magical power seems to be targeting them

" a mass of devastating magical power is heading towards us at blinding speed! " Said King as they Sense the attack

" Hawk mama! Change Direction and run as fast as you can! " Said Meliodas which Hawk mama Did but The magical power continues to follow them

" the magical power Changed its trajectory! It's pursuing us! " Said, Slader

" Oh! That's a lot of magic! If that hit us you will definitely not die but on the verge of it " Said, Tec as he saw the approaching Magical Power in the form of a firebird

" hmm... Meliodas Let me borrow your dagger for a second " Said Tec as meliodas give it to him and soon enough the Fire Bird is almost at their position when Tec use Meliodas Lostvayne 2.0 and said

" Absolute Counter " Which Immediately made the firebird Goes back to the caster but this time it's faster and stronger than before...

" phew That would hurt hawk mama if she got hit with that right? And Hawk mama is quite so It would be not good if she got hurt~ " Said Tec as he gave Meliodas his Lostvayne 2.0 back while the others stare at Tec like they saw a ghost...

" Hmm? What? Again why are you guys looking at me like that? " Asked Tec as he sees them looking at him again with curiosity