
Ch1: Lotus in the meadow

Heavy traffic jammed the road. Couldn't even try to escape from this. What a waste!!!!! I need to attend a very important meeting of my office, it was sort of a date I guess. Whole evening have to spend time with my clients and make best out of it, was something special for my firm. I couldn't even explain the horror behind it. I heard they were very difficult to handle. All elderly people but this jam, uhh! killing me. I was fully prepared to entertain my clients, well dressed and now just have to be there on time or they will be get angry. Atlast, the traffic get free. Since they were big exporters of quilted embroidered items I have to be prepared to impress by my small firm works. Maximum 100 people we handle in this small business. The owner is very soft hearted man , can't take the load of more than 100 people. I am the manager and marketing officer at the same time. His behalf. Our work has been expanded in exponential growth. We harbour the ladies with minimum payments, rental house facilities, educational facilities, medical facilities, insurance benefits and depending on their work we even commission them to encourage for more creative work. We all live in our owner's property. He is a clever little guy, I must add. He is a widower, no child, loner guy but his loneliness is not pitied by emptiness, we are with him. He has a beautiful white garden house in front of his property and the employees houses, doctor's chamber, school and firm are in his backyard. School teachers are from outside. Me, doctor and his nurses, house keeper, cook, servants, employees all are neighbours of him. We all are free to live, eat and get all the facilities with minimum incomes. That's why, we live in harmony. No outsiders or friends or relatives are allowed to spend even a single day or night with us. Our boss doesn't like it. Simple rules to follow, timely eat, work and sleep. When anyone needs any vacation just needed to take the permission of our boss. Income is related with work, so if anyone take a vacation for a month, there would be no problem. Anyone can leave after the contractual agreement, there is a renewal system after every 3 months. All workers get training certificates after 3 months of work completion. Including me, doctor, nurses, school teachers and cook, house keeper with her servants can get the certificate for working good without any problems for 3 months. Yeah, that's the way it is. So, when I arrived at the restaurant to meet my clients, they ordered their food. They are 5 in numbers, all elderly men. We conversed for a while about my firm's best works, showed them pictures of them, sharing thoughts about the future that could bring to us little firm if they hired us. The foods are great by the way. I can't realised how wonderful day it was, profitable indeed. They take us to their wings, we have to deliver our finished products to them within every two months. I am feeling great about this. Afterwards, I drive back to my favourite place, it's the beach bar. Small hut with snacks and drinks. I really love it. Whenever I have any time in my hands, I spend it here. It's an open place, bothside of the bar is open, tools to sit and enjoy the sea. It's a beautiful evening, sun is setting up in the distant horizon like it's tired after the whole day watching over us, giving some lights on our head till the end of her submission, so we could think of some bright ideas as long as we are active. I have not noticed when a girl was standing beside me. A little bit darker side of copper colour skin, not skinny but not even chubby, black eyes like a little wondering child, little taller than my old guy, probably 18 to 22 age, long black shiny hair bundled over her head somehow, no clips, no rubber bands, a colourful friendship bracelet, her bare thighs are uncovered by her sky blue linen shorts, wearing white chiffon sleeveless and backless tank blouse with slippers, embedded colourful beads bag hanging from her shoulder. I am completely stunned by her at first then ask her to say something to me about her, she walks away. I have no idea what was that all about but I have to leave so I left. I informed my old guy about the successful meeting, in that tiny face a glimpse of satisfaction I have seen then like a good obedient employee I leave him for the night.