
Tears Of The Blessed

A not so ordinary beta rejected by his mate, what would his life be? Is it painful or is it full of happiness? What would he do when his already twisted fate become more twisted? Find out It's my first novel, so support me if you like my writing style.

Deepanshita · LGBT+
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11 Chs

Aunt Cath and Kyle

Author P. O. V

In a blue room, a person was sleeping peacefully until the sun came peeping on the angel from the opened blue blue curtain that the mentioned angel forgot to close. Eze woke up at around lunch time and the first thing he noticed was the smell of delicious, mouth watering food. He freshed up quickly and went downstairs and noticed aunt Cath cooking something. Eze thought "why not scare aunt Cath hehehe, l will sneak up on her and she will be like AAHHH! ".'Eze, I don't think that's a good idea' Kyle said but to his disappointment Eze replied' Oh shush! I will just scare her' .So he sneak past the table and was going to scare his aunt when" Eze go and wake Drake up, lunch is almost ready", "Ehh how do you know it is me? " Eze asked dejectedly. "My dear cuz only your pheromones are grape scented here" aunt Cath replied "now go and get Drake". " Alright! "Eze said and ran to his brother's room. Although they are grown up there rooms are just like their childhood. Eze's room is blue and Drake's room is black. He knocked the door and said" Brother it's time for lunch " but got no reply so he thought his brother is still asleep and said" Brother I am coming in! " and went inside the room.

'Gosh Kyle look at this, brother's whole room is black from walls to curtains to bedsheets and everything! And look at him sleeping like a log! 'he said to Kyle while walking up to the bed. 'Wait Eze first open the curtains' Kyle suggested ' Ah! Thanks Kyle' and after opening the curtains, he pulled the covers earning a groan from the older.

(One thing should be noted that Drake sleep with covers/blanket on his face. )

"Brother wakey wakey! it's time for lunch" Eze said shaking Drake a little. "I want s-sleep " Drake said in a sleepy tone before turning around and sleeping again. Eze thought to himself that his brother is a sleepy cat sorry wolf. He sighs and again shake his brother, this time Drake gave up on his sleep , gets up and sits on the bed. "What happened Eze? l wanted to sleep more. " He said groggily. "First come down and have lunch then you can sleep as much as you want. Understood? " Eze ordered, note here ordered! "Alright alright l understand your highness. Give me five minutes I am coming" he said getting up from bed. "Hmm, come fast" with that Eze left.

After some time Drake came and the trio had lunch. After that aunt Cath asked about their sudden visit and Eze explained what exactly happened, how he was rejected, how he got his wolf, about the rejection effect and his other mates. All this while aunt Cath remained silent and wait for Eze to finish. After Eze was done aunt Cath said "l want to talk to Kyle".Eze gulped and look at Drake, he just nodded at Eze. Eze then looked at aunt Cath and closed his eyes and after a moment open them. "Yes Cathie you wanna talk to me" said Kyle. Aunt Catherine looked at Drake , completely lost . Then Drake explained that the one talking is Kyle, Eze's wolf, his eyes doesn't change colors.

After the whole explaining thing aunt Cath asked "So Kyle tell me how are you going to find your mate? ", Kyle replied" For that we decided to go to your college ". " No! Nope! Never! you are not going to any college! "Aunt Cath declared. " Please aunt! You are the best right? "Kyle said showing puppy eyes with a small pout on his lips. " I know I am the best but it doesn't change my decision " Aunt Catherine said. "How will l find my mate then? " Kyle said sulking, " Do you want me and Eze to be weak? ". Aunt Cath replied" No no no no! l don't want that but it's just he's never been to any Human institution before" . "Then it's not a problem." Kyle said flattening himself on the couch. "What do you mean by that? "Drake asked. " What l mean is that you are coming with us and aunt will be there too. So no problem at all"Kyle explained.


After the whole admission process our trio are on their way back when suddenly they heard a growling sound but no it's not a wolf's growl but the stomach of the youngest decided to announce it's present. "Ahe he he! looks like my stomach is little hungry" Eze said looking down, clearly embarrassed. "That wasn't the sound of a little hungry stomach" Drake said playfully making Eze more embarrassed and shy. "Oh stop teasing my baby Drake! " Aunt Cath defended and asked Eze "So what do my baby want to eat? ", " Anything is fine but I want your steak. They are the best! "Eze said excitedly. And that's all. They have steak for dinner and went to bed early. All of them are excited and worried for tomorrow. Eze is worried that can he find his mate, Drake is worried if he can protect his baby brother properly, Aunt Catherine is worried about Eze and Drake. After all the night is big and what awaits you in the future cannot be seen. So one can only imagine the possible but then life is full of surprises. That's why enjoy every moment and try to live for tomorrow.

Don't take the last lines seriously. It's just your author's thought.

Thank you

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