
tears of Ruth


In a special way i the author thank the almighty God for his grace and favour upon me.


In a special way and humility I dedicate this book to my class mates, my maternal home, my parents and to God almighty.

Act one

Scene one

In the home of Mr Simon are seated in the living room Mr Simon reading a newspaper and his wife Mrs Simon painting her nails. The living room was well furnished the chairs and tables looking as neat as ever and a bookshelf nicely arranged as Ruth and her elder brother Daniel comes in.

Mrs Simon: ah! My children you're back from school how are you?

(Putting down the nail polish)

Mr Simon: (looking up from his newspaper) how are you guys?

Ruth: dad we are fine (sitting beside her father)

Daniel: hey mum did you prepare anything for us to eat I'm starving

Mrs Simon: ah! Ah! Daniel you haven't even showered and you are already asking for food.

Mr simon: (chipping into the conversation)leave my son alone, he said he is hungry so give him something to eat

Mrs simon: ok oh!, Like father like son, by the way Ruth did you deliver the message:asked you to deliver to your teacher

Ruth:(looking up from her phone)yes mummy you don't have to worry I delivered the message

Mr simon: what message are you talking about

Mrs simon: I told her to tell teacher that she would be absent from school for a week.

Mrs Simon: (looking confused)and why is that?

Mrs simon: oh because I want her to stay with my younger sister for a while, the one that just put to best

Ruth: (looking surprised)wow! Mum aunt Rhoda just put to bed and you didn't even tell me

Mrs simon:(cutting the merriment short)listen to me Ruth is not going any where do you hear me. Just because your sister just gave birth doesn't mean that Ruth will have to go there and take care of the baby

Daniel: listen dad, we all know that aunt Rhoda is Ruth's favorite auntie so let her go.

Mrs Simon:(agreeing with her son) yes honey just let her go please I beg you

Mr Simon: okay (letting out a sign) I will think about it, in the mean time your guys go and have your lunch.

Ruth: (jumping with excitement)thank you dad, you're the best dad in the world

Scene two

The next day Ruth and Daniel are preparing to go to school while Mrs Simon is preparing their breakfast suddenly Mr Simon comes out of the room smiling broadly and singing.

Daniel: (coming out of his room) wow! Dad this one that you're so happy have you won a lottery ticket?

Ruth: (chipping in) yeah dad or have just been promoted?

Daniel: then why are you so happy?

Mr Simon:(smiling happily again) honey do you remember the business deal that I have been waiting for? Yes

Mrs Simon: Yes i remember, what about it?

Mr Simon: welll I just got a call from the office that I got the deal.

Ruth: wow! Dad that is a very goodness!

Mr simon: (looking at his watch) okay kids I have to get going now or else I will be late for work

Mrs Simon: and I think you guys should have your breakfast and get going.

(Light fades)

Act two

Ruth arrives at school with her daniel, leading to their classes as they come across a path with their head mistress.

Mrs Benjamin: (looking at the two of them with a smile) hello children, how are you doing?

Ruth: (answering) Good morning ma, we are fine.

Daniel: Good morning ma

Mrs Benjamin: morning how are you?

Both answering: we are fine ma

Mrs Benjamin: Ruth I heard from your teacher that you will be absent from school for a week, why is that?

Ruth: (looking a bit shy) yes ma you heard correctly, actually my aunt just put to bed and I was thinking of going to visit her and the baby.

Mrs Benjamin: well I see no reason why you have to go for a week, but it's your choice, now it's time for you to head back to your classes see you later.

Daniel: (walking and talking to Ruth) Ruth, I agree with what Mrs Benjamin said, why do you have to stay there for a week, isn't it a bit to long, you might miss out on important topics.

Ruth: and how does that concern you? (Looking at her brother furiously) I think your problem is that you are jealous because I'm the one going and not you.

Daniel: you may think it's my problem, but I am only looking out for you and sorry if I said anything that offended you.

Ruth: (sighing) I'm sorry I spoke to you in that manner Daniel, let's go to our classes, see you later.

(Light fades)

Act three

It was break time and Ruth along with her friends mary, David, charity, Emeka and jasmine where talking about how they live and what happened to them when Ruth decided to tell them about her one week travelling

Ruth: guys? Guess what?

All asking: what?

Ruth: well my aunt just put to bed and I'm going to see her

David:(hisses) so that is the reason why you're jubilating as if you are travelling abroad

Mary: David you have started again abi? (Looking at David as if to slap him) I wonder why you can't celebrate with someone in his or her happy time.

Jasmin: (in support of Mary) don't mind him, but when it is his turn he will be shouting like a mad man.

Emeka: (defending David) abeg you people should leave my friend alone, was he not joking with you guys?

Charity: it had better be a joke oh, cause it looks like you guys had just made Ruth sad

David: (feeling remoseful for what he had said) listen ruth, I didn't mean anything I said I was only joking with you please forgive me if I have said anything to offend you.

Ruth: (smiling) it's okay David I know you didn't mean anything you said, besides I didn't take any of those words to heart.

Charity: I'm glad that everyone is in a good mood today because we all should be.

Emeka: (looking confused) and why is that?

Charity: well Ruth's auntie just gave birth isn't that a good reason to be happy.

Mary: I agree with you charity, so Ruth when are you going to be travelling?

Ruth: I will be travelling tomorrow

Emeka: aww I am going to miss you

Jasmin: don't mind Emeka his is just joking, by the time you travel he will start misbehaving

David: (stopping the argument between Emeka and Jasmin) all in all, Ruth we are going to miss you, we hope that you come back soon.

Ruth: aww I'll miss you guys too, I'll see you once I get back

(Light fades)

Act four

In the house of Mr and Mrs Simon, Ruth was getting ready to travel and was packing her things while her mother helped her, since her father had agreed to let her go.

Mrs Simon: Ruth! Where are you, come it's time to go

Ruth: I'm coming mum, just a sec

Mr Simon: hurry up you guys it's getting late, we need to get to the park on time before the bus leaves

Ruth: Dad we're here, I'm ready to go I've packed all my things

Mr Simon: listen my daughter, I want to give you an advise, as you travel today, the moment you get to your aunt's house remember to behave very well and don't let any one to decieve you, and greet your aunt for me once you get there, okay?

Ruth: yes dad I will, you don't have to worry about me I can take care of my self besides I'm a big girl now.

Daniel: oooh look whose calling herself a big girl. Just make sure you follow dad's advice okay little sis?

Mrs Simon: and above all take care of yourself, your aunt and the baby to okay?

Ruth: (answering with a smile) yes mom I've heard you, it's time for me to go or else I'll miss the bus.

Mr Simon: (looking at his watch) that's true it's time for us to go now see you later honey, bye Daniel.

Ruth: bye mom, bye Daniel I love you

(Light fades)

Act five

Ruth arrives at her aunt's house, soon after she knocked at the door, as aunt Rhoda opened the door she was excited to see her niece that she hasn't seen in a long time.

Aunt Rhoda: Ruth my dear, you're here I'm so happy to see you

Ruth: aunt Rhoda I'm happy to see you too

Aunt Rhoda: darling come and see who is here

Uncle victor: wow Ruth so nice to see you, welcome please come in

Ruth: (feeling very happy) I'm so happy to see you where is my little cousin

Aunt Rhoda: (bringing the baby for Ruth to see) here she is

Ruth: wow she looks just like you Uncle victor and she has your eyes and ears aunt Rhoda

Uncle victor: please Ruth what would you like to eat, cause I can see you're pretty tired after that long journey.

Ruth: (letting out a huge sign) to be honest I'm pretty tired and hungry and I will eat anything you have to offer.

Aunt Rhoda: I know you will be hungry that is why I prepared your favorite food.

Uncle victor: it's true she spent almost the whole day in preparing it, she even made me watch the baby, I think she loves you more than your mom does

Aunt Rhoda: okay Ruth go and have your bath so that you can eat well.

Ruth: okay thank you

(Light fades)

Act five

The next morning aunt Rhoda was preparing break fast for the family when she called on Ruth.

Aunt Rhoda: Ruth!, Ruth!! Where are you

Ruth: yes aunt (running downstairs) what do you need

Aunt Rhoda: I want you to go and buy something for me across the street

Ruth: okay aunt, I'm going

Ruth: knock, knock, knock (banging on the shop gate) is anyone here?

Mama put: I dey come, wetin you wan buy?

Ruth: I want to buy....

Mama put: abeg you be new person for here?

Ruth: (looking shy) yes I am

Mama put: ehe! I talk am because I know sey you no dey leave for here, abeg wetin you wan buy?

Ruth: I want to buy... (About leaving)

Mama put: abeg I wan give you warning about this place you fit wait?

Ruth: (looking uncertainted) sure, of course why not

Mama put: e get some bad guys wey dey stay for here abeg make you avoid them because dey just dey cause trouble for any new person wey dey come here

Ruth: okay ma I've heard you, bye bye

(Light fades)

Act five

Ruth was going home when a girl approached her

Ruth: please can I help you?

Victoria: no, no um please what is your name?

Ruth: my name is Ruth, is there any problem?

Victoria: (smiling broadly) not at all my name is Victoria, I saw you walking across the street so I decided to make friends with you, hope you don't mind?

Ruth: not at all, it's nice to meet you Victoria, actually I'm new here I came to visit an aunt who just gave birth

Victoria: um please do you mind if I walk you home so that we can get to know each other well.

Ruth: sure why not

Victoria: um can I ask you a question don't be offended by it

Ruth: go on

Victoria: (feeling uncomfortable) do you have a boyfriend?

Ruth: (surprised at the question) no I don't

Victoria: okay good at least, knowing you a little now, can we meet tomorrow I want to introduce you to somebody

Ruth: okay then, see you tomorrow bye

Victoria: bye bye

Ruth: (soliloquizing) wow! I just made a new friend this is amazing, I wonder what we are going to do tomorrow.

Act five

Ruth got home still soliloquizing to her self when her aunt Rhoda noticed and decided to ask her about it.

Aunt Rhoda: Ruth you've been smiling ever since you got back from the errand I sent you to, hope all is well?

Ruth: yes aunt Rhoda everything is fine (smiling broadly)

Aunt Rhoda: then why are you smiling?

Ruth: I met Victoria

Aunt Rhoda: Victoria (looking confused) who is Victoria

Ruth: I met her on the way back home, she's my new friend.

Aunt Rhoda: well I'm not against the fact that you guys are friends but I think you should be careful with the friends you make these days.

Ruth: yes aunt Rhoda I've heard you, I will

Aunt Rhoda: ah! I think the baby is crying I need to go and attend to her (living the sitting room)

Ruth: (on the phone with Mrs Simon) hey mum, how are you?

Mrs Simon: I'm fine, how are you doing over there?

Ruth: (twisting her hair) I'm fine, mum I miss you, dad and Daniel so so much.

Mrs Simon: we miss you too darling okay I have to go now I'll speak to you later, bye love you.

Ruth: love you too (putting down the phone)

(Light fades)

Act six

Ruth was preparing to go and see her new friend Victoria.

Ruth: aunt Rhoda I'm ready to go now, can I leave?

Aunt Rhoda: okay but be careful and don't stay out late okay?

Ruth: yes aunt Rhoda I've heard you bye bye

Ruth: (talking to Victoria) hey Victoria how are you?

Victoria: I'm fine and you?

Ruth: I'm fine, anyway what do you have planned for us today

Victoria: well I want to introduce you to somebody

Ruth: and who would that be?

Victoria: it's my brother Jeremiah, he would really like to meet you.

Ruth: (stammering shyly) well um I would also like to meet him.

Victoria: okay then let us go

Ruth: (smiling) lead the way

Victoria: (at her house) Jeremiah come here, look who's here

Jeremiah: (in a pale voice) I'm coming

Victoria: hurry up!

Jeremiah: I'm here what(in silence stunned by Ruth beauty)

Ruth: Hi I'm Ruth

Jeremiah: I'm... I'm Jeremiah ni-- nice to meet you

Victoria: well now that you guys have met each other let's go out

Jeremiah: so um Ruth are you new here?

Ruth: yes i am

Victoria: well it's good to have a new friend

Ruth: I have to go home now, it's getting late

Jeremiah: Ruth (getting closer) can I see you tomorrow?

Ruth: sure, at 3'o clock

Jeremiah: okay then bye

(Light fades)

Act six

Scene three

Jeremiah decided to use the opportunity and confess his love for Ruth

Jeremiah: Ruth, please I want to tell you something (feeling nervous)

Ruth: go on

Jeremiah: ever since I set my eyes on you I couldn't stop thinking about you, i love you

Ruth: (smiling shyly)

Jeremiah: so, what do you have to say

Ruth: I'm totally speechless, I don't know what to say

Jeremiah: you could start by saying "I love you"

Ruth: (shyly) I love you

Jeremiah: I love you too (kissing her)

Ruth wakes up, seeing herself lying down next to Jeremiah in shock

Ruth: oh my God what have I done!

Jeremiah: (yawning sluggishly) relax baby, why are you stressing yourself?

Ruth: (sobbing) I woke up next to you and you're asking me why I'm stressing myself

Jeremiah: (in a soft voice) listen, nothing will happen to you okay.

Ruth: (calming down) okay babe, I love you

Jeremiah: love you too.

(Light fades)

Act seven

It was time for Ruth to go back home to her parents so she gave Jeremiah a call.

Ruth: Jeremiah how are you?

Jeremiah: hey baby I'm fine and you?

Ruth: I'm fine

Jeremiah: so what's up?

Ruth: I called you to tell you that I will be going back home today

Jeremiah: I'm going to miss you

Ruth: I'll miss you too but I'll keep on calling you okay?

Jeremiah: okay bye.

Aunt Rhoda: (talking to Ruth) Ruth, I'm going to miss you, thank you so much for coming to visit I and the baby.

Uncle victor: yes, we really appreciate it

Ruth: aunt, uncle you don't have to thank me, besides I really wanted to see how my cousin would look like

Uncle victor: like you of course (laughs)

Aunt Rhoda: well are you Happy that you come to visit us.

Ruth: okay bye bye (leaves)

(Light fades)

Act seven

Scene two

Ruth got home safe and sound to her parents and told them all her experience at aunt's Rhoda house

Ruth: mum! (Smiling broadly)

Mrs Simon: my darling you're back home! (Hugging her)

Mr Simon: my little angel how are you?

Ruth: I'm fine dad

Daniel: little sis welcome back home

Ruth: thank you, I brought so many things for you guys on the way back home

Mrs Simon: waw! That's nice

Daniel: Ruth, you have so many things to catch up to in school

Mr Simon: Daniel let your sister rest for a while

Ruth: don't mind him dad, he can see that I'm so tired yet he's still bent on troubling me

Daniel: ah ah little sis you know I'm just joking with you don't take it seriously

Mrs Simon: Ruth, go and have your bath, I'm sure you must be very tired

Ruth: you're right I think I should go and shower.

(Light fades)

Act seven

Scene three

The next morning Ruth wakes up feeling drowsy and weak.

Ruth: (yawning) morning mum, morning dad

Mrs Simon: are you okay?

Ruth: yes mum am fine

Daniel: are you sure cause you look pale should we take you to the hospital

Ruth: I'm, I'm fine (faints)

Mrs Simon: oh my God! Ruth wake up please

Mr Simon: what's wrong, Ruth , Ruth get up (pulling Ruth to feet)

Daniel: I'll go get the car.

(Her parents disowned her from their house, her brother was so sorry for her and that particular she slept under the bridge

Months later she gave birth to a bouncing baby furl when she was living with a young okada man. The man picked her up from the bridge, and since then he use to take care of her and her unborn baby so as they were living together things started to be hard for the man and he told her that he cannot be able to take care of her. The need to find another place to stay with her child at that time her parents were looking for her but they couldn't find her, Daniel her brother just finished school ss3, he wrote waec successfully and passed his exams he also git a scholarship to abroad for further education.

So Ruth told the okada man to give her atleast one thousand so that she will buy pure water and start selling it to get money to go to her aunty's house. So the okada man gave her the money and she left his house in peace and started sleeping under bridge

The next day she bought the pure water and started selling it and sold all and went to the bus stop the next day.

Driver: lagos! Lagos! Lagos!!

Ruth: how much

Driver: na only 2,000 naira

Ruth: oga please I have only 1,000 naira

Driver: oya na enter enter

( so few minutes later Ruth arrived at her aunt's house soon after she knocked at the door, as aunt Rhoda opened the door she was excited to see her)

Aunt Rhoda: Ruth my dear you're here I'm so happy to see you, who's baby is this?

Ruth: anty is a long story

Aunt Rhoda: darling come inside

( Ruth was in tears while explaining it to her aunt)

Aunt Rhoda: Jeremiah and Victoria are no more here they have parked

Ruth: my God will punish that Jeremiah

Aunt Rhoda: wait let me call your parents

(phone ringing)

Aunt Rhoda: hello Anty

Mrs simon: Rhoda how are you, how's your baby

Aunt Rhoda: he is fine

how is daniel?

Mrs Simon: he is no more here he has travelled to the abroad

Aunt Rhoda: wow that is good I like that

Anty Ruth is in my house

Mrs Simon: Ruth?

Aunt Rhoda: yes

Mrs Simon: praise the Lord my daughter is alive her father must hear about this

Mrs Simon: give her the phone

Ruth: hello

Mrs Simon: my daughter how are you we are so sorry for what we did to you

Ruth: mom am sorry


Mrs Simon: no my dear were are the one that will say sorry we will come and pick you we love you

Ruth: ok mom

(So the next day she went to buy bread for the family so she saw a car Horning to her when she turn back she saw Jeremiah)

Ruth: how can I help you, Jeremiah

Gid will punish you

Jeremiah: please Ruth calm down

( coming out of the car and held her hand)

Jeremiah: please calm down

Ruth: after what you have done to my life I am, I am


Jeremiah: am sorry I know I hurt you please forgive me

Ruth: Jeremiah, Jeremiah do you know what I have pass through

Jeremiah: let's go to your house so that we will talk

( when they got to the house he saw anty Rhoda and uncle victor)

Jeremiah: good evening ma, good evening Sir

Aunt Rhoda: how are you

Uncle victor: how are you

Jeremiah: am fine

Ruth: this is the Jeremiah I was talking about

Aunt Rhoda: ooo your the one that have made live miserable for this girl

Jeremiah: ma am sorry, I have realise my mistake and Sir am ready to marry her

Mrs Simon: knock knock knock

Peace be unto this house

Mr Simon: Ruth my daughter am sorry

Mrs Simon: we are sorry for what we did to you

Aunt Rhoda: anty good evening, uncle good evening

Mrs Simon: good evening Rhoda

Jeremiah: good evening ma good evening Sir

Mr Simon: evening

Mrs Simon: who are you?

Jeremiah: my name is Jeremiah

Ruth: mom this is the Jeremiah I was talking about

Mrs Simon: Jeremiah ooo your a very stupid boy

Mr Simon: I will call the police to arrest this boy

Jeremiah: please sir am sorry I have realise my mistakes

Ruth: mommy, daddy, please forgive him

Jeremiah: Sir please I want to marry your daughter

Mr Simon: your very stupid after what you have done to my daughter

Jeremiah: Sir am very sorry ma I am very sorry

Mr Simon: so you want to marry my daughter

No problem we will talk about it

( Daniel Ruth brother was finally back home from US)

Daniel: my sister am sorry

Ruth: I miss you too

( so Jeremiah took Ruth to his aunt and uncle because Jeremiah parents are dead)

Aunt mary: who is this?

Jeremiah: this is my wife to be

( Victoria coming out of the kitchen)

Victoria: Ruth

( running to hug Ruth)

Ruth: my friend how are you

Victoria: am sorry for what I did

Ruth: all forgiven

Victoria: now you are my sister in law

Aunt mary: so when is the wedding

Jeremiah: next week

Aunt mary: oh that's good

(One week later they got married and they dedicated their son and his name was Simon. Ruth decided to give Simon according to her father name.

Then Jeremiah worked in his uncle company while Ruth was the CEO of the company with the small knowledge she had and they all lived well in their own house things became more exciting for Ruth.


Mr Simon...... The father of Ruth

Mrs Simon......The mother of Ruth

Ruth ........ The main character

Daniel....... Ruth's brother

Mrs Benjamin........Ruth's principal


Jasmin. (Ruth's

Emeka friends)


Aunt Rhoda....... Ruth's Anty

Uncle victor........ Ruth's uncle

Victoria...... Ruth's special friend

Jeremiah...... Ruth's boyfriend

Additional characters

Mama put

Bus driver

Anty mary