
Private Information (part 2)

After introducing one another, we began the information sharing.


First, Gilbert wanted to know what I have known about ethelens and Velborn. So I told him some of the things I know, and he would always stop me in the middle to either give me the correct answer or to give me hidden private information.


"The town Masqueren is the most widely populated trading town, with the population second only to the capital. It is mostly known as a trading town, so nothing to worry about."

"Wrong. It is not just a trading town. It is the second most powerful city after the capital. It is where all of their underground military moves, therefore it is one of Velborn's greatest strengths."


"I see… so it's their hidden strength. One can't just attack it expecting it to be a weak populated trading town."


"Exactly. Against Velborn's second most powerful military, we are just sending our men to death."

"Taking down Velborn in one swipe is going to be difficult with Masqueren standing…"


"Not exactly. Masqueren might be strong and all, but don't forget they are not like the invincible capital city."


"… you have a plan in mind?"

From that grin, I can already tell he has a solid plan. So we left it at that, and continued with the information sharing.


After two long hours of conversation, he has shared most of the things I needed to know about ethelens and Velborn.


Their strengths… their weaknesses… their advantages, disadvantages, even their secrets. Their strategies from past battles, their magic capabilities and fighting styles, their way of fighting…


All of those things… will become our weapons.


"I'm surprised… You are actually very attentive and a good listener. I expected you'd be rebelling your way out of the conversation."

"… I'm not ten years old."

"You are still a child. To everyone's eyes, the number one hero of Ardjestyn is still a young cute little boy--"

"Do you want me to fight for you or not?"


"I'm just joking. Don't take it seriously."


Ugh… so that's what everyone thought of me…?


I can't really blame him. When people heard that the number one hero of Ardjestyn is in fact the youngest, they definitely imagined me to be like ten years old or something.


No. I'm eighteen. Stop with the age bullshit--


"Anyway, that's about it."


"H-Huh? That can't be just it."

"Yeah, that's all of the things I can share with you. Listen, in my defense, we skimmed through everything so quickly that it ended up feeling so small."


"I… guess that's true. But it can't be… there must be more."


"Really? Then I suppose you just have to find those things yourself. We have enough of it, already. We can start building up our plans from now on."


"I see… All right. Then let's move on--"



Suddenly, the door to the room slammed hard. The door didn't crash, but it sounded like the force would have broken the door down.


"What was that!?"


Gilbert shouted, and slowly the door opened itself. Revealing… 




"Huh? What are you doing here?"

Arthur suddenly said as he began entering the room slowly. Me and Gilbert slowly stood up, wondering what the hell this grown ass thirteen year old is doing.


N-No, actually, only I stood up.


"Fuah… what am I supposed to do with you…?"

Gilbert suddenly let out a sigh of giving up, confusing me completely.


"This might be a bit late, but… Arthur is my nephew."




I turned back to Arthur, and the twenty four year old guy just turned away from our gazes.


Is he actually twenty four…?


"Since Arthur is in his… well, comical arc, I was tasked by the vice general to look after him."


Oh… that's… convenient.


"What's this kid doing here?"




Arthur said to his uncle, and Gilbert stood up so suddenly. He walked to Arthur and began pushing him out of the room.


"Let us have some private conversation for a bit… Rake, you can play around with that notebook for a bit."


He was talking about my notebook that was filled with scribbles of our little conversation earlier. It's where I noted all the things he told me, basically all the information I needed to take down Velborn.


After the two left, I began going back to the first page of the notebook again. I memorized everything once again, without problem.


Before long, Gilbert returned to the room with Arthur nowhere in sight. I was already finishing with the last few pages, so he returned back to his seat.


"Now then… let us plan."




Originally, Ardjestyn's greatest plan was to take down the second most powerful city of Velborn first. Dukedom Sylphon, Masqueren city.


Once Masqueren has fallen, then Velborn will have a hard time controlling its military and territory. Since Masqueren is also their trading town, Velborn will also have difficulties managing their future wealth.


Masqueren was their greatest weakness. Ardjestyn was about to use that, as one of many grand plans that they had.


Until, the holy mission was issued.


Now, they have the strongest hero backing them up. Taking down just Masqueren will only be a waste of energy.


We are taking down both Masqueren and Velborn… all at the same time.


"Your holy mission was to infiltrate, correct? You will infiltrate Velborn and cause havoc from the inside. Cause as much noise as you possibly can from the inside, that message will be sent to Masqueren.


Knowing that their capital has been attacked, obviously the military at Masqueren won't stay put. They will immediately send a lot of their knights out, to fight and protect the capital city from attack. That is when our army hits."


"Attack where they least expected, huh?"

"Right after they leave the capital, we will attack those knights on the road when they least expect it. As long as it is a surprise attack, even with ten times larger in size, their army won't make it to the capital."


"Then? What about the capital?"


"We will take it down after that. We need to secure Masqueren's military first, then we can head out to get the Velborn capital. With you damaging the capital from the inside, it's expected that they probably won't have much to defend against our all out army, especially with their second greatest military strength gone."


"I see… I just need to do as much damage as I can in the capital--"

"And then escape. You don't need to kidnap the king or anything, just take down their military base from the inside as much as you possibly can.


A capital as big as Velborn… there's no way they don't have protective barriers around their walls. Those barriers can be our greatest issue, so do your best to take them down. If I'm not wrong… their barriers are charged by some sort of battery."


"An energy crystal… a powerful one, huh?"

"Precisely. If you can destroy the crystal, it will cause quite the explosion and noise that you will need."


"I see… hmm."


"That can be your main objective. To find the energy crystal… and destroy it."


I immediately turned silent as I tried to think of something we might miss. Seeing my silence, the knight commander waited.


"Give it as much thought as you need. Time is something that we have--"

"No. It was all done. I was only figuring out something that we might miss. I'm not backing out."


Hearing that, he grinned. He was guessing that I might have faltered on my wish to do the holy mission, when I wasn't.


A holy mission… must be done no matter what. For my own sake, and for my goals…

For him.


After all that planning, we finished the discussion with the technicalities, like when to act or where to start. We also talked about how much his knights will be helping me, and when I will start doing things on my own.


It was quite a difficult process, but apparently fate has made things much easier for us.


The day right when the mission has started… 


We caught a prisoner.