
Chapter 8. My friend

In the following days, Ramuel and Solheia saw each other in the same place. They grew fond of each other. Kalfas was watching the two children from afar.

Ramuel always brought something for Solheia, they were objects that Trinity used or belonged to her. Solheia on the other hand treasured them so much with her heart, she felt that for some reason she was familiar with them.

She had made a small wooden box where she kept everything Ramuel brought for her, although she was a little scared that Trevor would find them. Ramuel did not understand one thing, since Solheia is a girl, he did not know what she was doing in the forest.

"I've been wondering something on my mind"

" Tell me what it is "

"If you're a girl, what are you doing in the woods?"


Solheia was speechless, since she did not know what to answer, although she was a little thoughtful to that question.

"There must be a town near here, right?"

"Maybe yes, or maybe not"


"Can You Keep Secrets?"


"The truth is I'm not from a town, I'm the daughter of father nature"

".....Ha ha ha ha ha ha"

Ramuel laughed, but when he saw solheia's serious face he was stunned.

"Wow, really?! Wouldn't she be more like mother nature?"

Solheia nodded, after her her face became sad, since Trevor had told her how her grandmother had died.

"That's how it should be, but"

"But what? What happened?"

" She died... My grandmother died, and my father was left as king of everything "

"But, if your father is father nature, why did he dry up the rivers, streams and springs? And why did he also dry up the fields and not grow anything green in the country?"

"What? "

"Five children have died of hunger in small towns, that includes my little cousin who was just born... he was the son of my aunt, my mother's sister"

Solheia was shocked by that heartless news. Was her father so ruthless to starve people like that? She was confused. She needed answers, but her father would refuse to talk about it. It only remains for him to ask Kalfas.

"I don't... know why my father does... that"

"Don't blame him... the human being has done a lot of damage to this planet, I think that's why your father punishes him... for his evil, but why take it out on children who are not to blame for those who do your parents do?

Ramuel covered his legs with his arms and then covered his face, because he was a witness when his cousin died in the arms of his aunt, who gave a heartbreaking cry cursing mother nature.

"Don't worry, as a daughter of father nature, I'll talk to him"

" Really? "

"Yes my friend"

Until the next chapter