
Tears in the Bathroom

On Kalista's 7th Anniversary, she leaves work early, excited to surprise her husband. However, the surprise turns sour when she discovers her husband's affair in the bathroom. Sobbing, she hurriedly exits and knocks into a tall man, his dark auburn hair with a medium side part, and gentle blue eyes staring back at her.

Fried_Chicken1 · Teen
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14 Chs

Chapter 8

As the morning came, Kalista and Adrian woke up to the soft rays of the morning sun gently streaming through the curtains of their hotel room. The events of the previous night still linger in their minds, filling the air with a sense of anticipation and excitement.

As they enjoy a leisurely breakfast together, their conversations flow effortlessly, filled with laughter and shared stories from the trip. It's as if they've known each other for years, and the connection between them continues to deepen with each passing moment.

After breakfast, they decide to spend the day exploring the picturesque town, hand in hand, like two souls in perfect harmony. They visit local landmarks, immerse themselves in the vibrant culture, and share moments that leave lasting impressions on their hearts.

In the evening, as they stroll along the beach, the sun sets, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. They find themselves sitting under a starlit sky, the waves gently crashing against the shore, lost in each other's company.

With their hearts laid bare and a newfound vulnerability, they talk about their dreams, fears, and the beautiful uncertainty of what lies ahead. Kalista opens up about her passion for her work and her love for the creative process, while Adrian shares his aspirations beyond the fashion industry.

In this moment of truth, they both know that their journey together has only just begun. There may be obstacles and challenges on the horizon, but they are willing to face them together, knowing that their love and support for each other will guide them through.

As the night draws to a close, they return to their hotel room, feeling a sense of completeness that only comes from finding a kindred spirit. They share one last look before going to sleep, knowing that they will be there for each other.

Sadly the vacation drew to a close, Kalista and Adrian felt a mix of emotions. They had shared incredible moments exploring new places, cherishing each other's company, and growing closer than they ever imagined. The experiences they had shared had solidified their feelings for one another, making it harder to say goodbye.

On the final evening of their trip, the group gathered for a farewell dinner. Laughter and warm conversations filled the air as they reminisced about the unforgettable memories they had created together. Kalista and Adrian stole glances at each other, and had their hearts full of unspoken words.

After dinner, as they walked back to the hotel hand in hand, the stars twinkled overhead, mirroring the magic they had felt during their time together. They stopped by a picturesque spot overlooking the ocean, savoring the beauty of the moment.

With a soft smile, Adrian gently brushed a strand of hair away from Kalista's face and said, "These past days have been incredible, and I couldn't have asked for a better companion. You made this trip truly special."

Kalista blushed, her heart pounding, and replied, "I feel the same way. It's like we've known each other forever."

As the warm ocean breeze enveloped them, they shared a tender embrace, not wanting to let go. In that moment, they knew that their connection was something extraordinary, and they were ready to explore what the future held for them, both in their personal and professional lives.

With the vacation coming to an end, they returned to their normal routine, but their hearts had been forever changed. The journey had brought them together in ways they never expected, and now they were eager to see where their paths would lead next.

The plane took off, carrying them back home, as they held hands and stepped off the plane and entered the airport, their joy turned to shock when they saw her ex-husband standing there, waiting for her.

Without warning, he forcefully separated their entwined hands and took hold of Kalista's, pulling her away from Adrian and toward the airport restroom. Panic surged through Kalista as she struggled to break free from his grasp, but his grip was firm, causing her pain.

Inside the dimly lit restroom, her ex-husband's demeanor turned hostile, and he demanded answers about her newfound relationship with Adrian. Kalista's heart pounded in fear and frustration, Kalista exclaimed, "Don't you have a new girlfriend? Why can't I have a boyfriend? Just leave me alone, we're already divorced, and I've already moved on." As her ex-husband attempted to corner her against the wall and kiss her, she swiftly lifted her knee, striking him in the abdomen.

Adrian hurriedly rushed over and intervened, placing himself between Kalista and her ex-husband. With a stern look, he firmly told the man to back off and give her some space. Kalista could see the protective fire in Adrian's eyes, and it gave her a sense of comfort and security she hadn't felt in a long time.

Seeing Adrian stand up for her, Kalista felt a wave of emotions wash over her. She realized that he was more than just a kind and caring friend; he was someone who genuinely cared about her well-being. Her heart warmed at the thought, and she knew she could trust him with her life.

Her ex-husband, taken aback by Adrian's fierce defense, hesitated for a moment before finally retreating. He glared at Kalista before turning away and leaving the airport, leaving her with a mix of relief and anger.

"Are you.. okay?" Adrian asked, concern evident in his voice as he turned to face her. Kalista nodded, feeling a lump in her throat. She couldn't find the right words to express how grateful she was for his support.

"I-I don't know.. what I would've done without you," she finally managed to say, her voice trembling slightly.

Adrian gave her a gentle smile, and without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around her in a comforting hug. Kalista leaned into the embrace, feeling the warmth of his body against hers. His touch brought a sense of calm and safety, and she felt her tension begin to melt away.

"You don't have to worry anymore. I'll always be here for you, no matter what," he whispered softly, his words sending a soothing reassurance through her.

In that moment, Kalista knew that she had found someone truly special, someone who would stand by her through thick and thin. As they held each other close, hand in hand, she couldn't help but feel that this unexpected journey had led her to something beautiful and worth holding onto.