
Tears in the Bathroom

On Kalista's 7th Anniversary, she leaves work early, excited to surprise her husband. However, the surprise turns sour when she discovers her husband's affair in the bathroom. Sobbing, she hurriedly exits and knocks into a tall man, his dark auburn hair with a medium side part, and gentle blue eyes staring back at her.

Fried_Chicken1 · Teen
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14 Chs

Chapter 3

As they were both about to leave the bathroom, she paused and threw away her husband's 7th anniversary gift. After she had calmed down, Adrian kindly offered to drive her home. She gratefully accepted his offer, handing him her address, and luckily, his house was nearby, so he didn't mind leaving his car in the parking lot. Once they arrived, Kalista let out a deep breath, preparing herself for the upcoming conversation as she sat in the car with Adrian outside the house. Adrian and Kalista both got out of her car, she walked to the house door and unlocked it. Adrian watched, making sure she was safe.

As she entered, the sight of duffel bags and a suitcase caught her attention. Her husband rushed downstairs, his guilt-laden voice revealing his unease, and said, "Hey.. I know this is sudden, but my girlfriend is staying here for a couple of weeks. I should have told you earlier. I hope you understand." Her voice quivered with anger and sadness as she replied, "Why.. did you tell me this now? Is that supposed to make it fine? Did you even love me!?" She took a deep breath, her emotions swirling in turmoil, "I-I can't believe you've kept this from me. I fucking can't take this anymore, I'm divorcing you." As Kalista quickly packed her belongings and left, her anger grew with the realization that not so long ago, she had transferred ownership of her house to her now ex-husband as a pre-gift for their anniversary. The hurt and betrayal weighed heavily on her heart as she walked away from the place that was once their home.

She walked out sobbing, Adrian looked at her with concern, and didn't say anything to give her some space. She went back into her car and sat down, feeling a mixture of emotions. Adrian also returned to the car, concerned about her well-being. As she sobbed, she uttered, "I-I've got nowhere to go.. I don't have ownership of the house anymore." Adrian, unsure of how to comfort her , responded, "Hey, if you'd like, you can stay at my house until you find a place." She hesitated and said, "I-I can't.. I'd be a burden to you.."

With a faint smile, Adrian assured her, "I know we just met today, but... You don't have to worry about being a burden. I genuinely want to help you, and my offer stands. You can stay at my place until you find something more permanent."

As they sat in the car together, Kalista felt a mix of emotions. Nervousness still lingered, but a glimmer of hope began to shine through the tears. She took a leap of faith, deciding to trust this stranger she had met under such unexpected circumstances.

Kalista's heart felt touched by his kindness, even though they had just met. "Thank you," she managed to say, her voice still shaky.

As they drove to Adrian's place, she couldn't help but wonder about the unknown path that lay ahead. Sometimes, in the midst of uncertainty, unexpected encounters could lead to unexpected friendships, and perhaps even something more.

Same story is also on Wattpad. Will update on Wattpad first then Webnovel. Thanks, and enjoy :)

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