
Tears And Xavier

The words that seeped through my tears for someone as undeserving as Xavier. "neither of us is happy but neither of us wants to leave so we keep breaking one another and calling it love" -Milk And Honey

Maryam_ali · Teen
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4 Chs

chapter 1

January 28th 2017.

I felt someone's gaze on me for quite some time now. I could feel that person looking at me closely as I sat amongst my friends laughing and giggling at those silly jokes that seemed to spill out of their lips.

Suddenly feeling a gush of confidence I looked towards my left only to capture my eyes on what would be one of the most good looking men I have ever noticed.

The loud noices around me in the cafe dulled down. All I could hear was my heart thumping in my chest almost like it were to jump out any moment.

His grey eyes brightened just by the mere thought of us locking eyes. He sat back straight on his chair and gave me a small wave. Smiling at me.

Not wanting to be rude I waved back at him. My friends looked at us both and silently squealed while still trying to pretend that I hadn't just waved back at a guy who could have any girl in the cafe but chose me.

"Go up to him" Kaitlyn ushered. Waving her hand at me like a mom would to her child when the guests are around.

"No let him make the first move" Adrian said while fawning over the mysterious man. Its 2019, I could make the first move too but the problem was that I'm shy. What if I trip over an imaginary crack on the white tiles of the cafe, he would certainly laugh and not just him. Everyone.

"Snap out of it and you; go" Kaitlyn snapped at Adrian before glaring at me. That was enough for me to abruptly stand up from my seat causing the chair to tilt back and fall onto the floor with a loud bang.

Closing my eyes tightly pretending that I haven't just embarrassed myself while clenching my fists tightly i waited for something to happen. I opened one eye and looked around me. Everyone stopped what they were doing for a moment to stare at me before ignoring it and going back to whatever they were doing before.

I moved my head towards the left to notice the mysterious man covering his mouth with his hand that was clenched into a fist. He stared back at me with a wide stretched grin before standing up.

Walking towards me he picked up the fallen chair and looked back at me.

"The names Xavier. Pleasure meeting you."

January 28th 2020.

It's funny how a memory

Turns into a bad dream-

The music blasted in my ears. Looking up at the ceiling that we both had painted three years ago, tiny little glow in the dark stars stuck against it.

Talking with my mother she said

Where'd you find this guy

I said

Some people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes-

His hand holding onto my hand as I slowly walked up the shaking ladder with a paint brush held in my hand, laughing while trying to keep my balance. I can still hear him yelling at me to be careful as he held onto my wrist and the leg of the ladder to make sure I didn't trip and fall.

I ignored the song that played in the background of my thoughts and just let me eyes fall over every souvenir of our lost love that decorated these walls.

My eyes fell onto the hanging frame that had a white sheet of paper with two messy hand prints on it. A small sad smile made it onto my face as I slowly stood up from the bed that I was laying on to make my way towards the frame.

They say it's better to have loved and lost

Than to have never loved at all

That could be a load of shi-

Those were our hand prints. Our initials.

I clearly remember us making a promise. A promise that I now have come to realise would be broken.

His voice echoed in my ears as I looked down at the frame.

"When we have a little Maya or a little Xavier, we will hang a little print of their hands just like this one on the wall, it would be like our own family tree"

Chuckling I put the frame back onto its place

Some mistakes get made

That's alright that's okay

You can think that your in love

But your really just in pain

Some mistakes get made

That's alright that's okay

In the end it's better for me

That ths moral of the story babe.

The song ended just like that.

Funny how some lyrics just speak to you. Words that dont seem to be spoken by yourself. The words that you want to utter but just cant because you cant seem to put in the right sentences but some songs just do that for you?

You cant be in love and be in pain.

Love is pain.
