

In a world where magic is more powerful than the strongest weapons, a boy is bestowed with the power of the gods.

jstflopped · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"My name is Sarah, what's yours?" I finally managed to open my mouth. "My name is Jay. Where am I?" "Where do you think? Clearly in the forest!" She laughed. What a strange sense of humor, she's a little weird.

"I'm being serious, all I remember is cracking open a mana crystal and I guess I passed out." "Aren't those supposed to be extremely rare? I've never even seen magic before; Pa told me to avoid any sorcery." 

She's definitely strange.. "Since were in the woods, ya' wanna come to my village?" It's not like I could turn down the offer, I was lost and it was dark outside. "Sure, and thanks." "No problem-o; its a quick walk!" 

On the walk to the village I noticed that we were walking on the path to the city, however it seemed much more covered in grass and less trampled, overall mother nature seemed to be more friendly today.

I saw soft lights emitted close by and then we entered a clearing where a small but beautiful village stood. "Is this your village? Feels like I've been here before." "Haven't seen ya' around but who knows" She smiled

"Let me get you a bed so you can rest for the night." As she ran off to get me a place to sleep I walked around the village, and it definitely seemed familiar. Then I noticed it, the village was on the same hillside as the city. 

Woah, I must be seeing things! As soon as Sarah returned I asked her. "Isn't this place supposed to be Neptune city?" Sarah jokingly said "I guess you could call it a city, but we call it Neptune village." What?? This is all too strange.

"Well I got your bed set right up. If ya' need anything let me know." "Thanks Sarah, I'll get some rest hopefully I feel fine tomorrow." I said worryingly.

I woke up in a cold sweat after dreaming about those visions I had in the cave. What could they mean? I heard some yelling outside "Argh! Don't let it hurt anyone!" 

I got up and groggily shuffled to those sounds and I couldn't believe what I saw. It was a magical boar! "Jay get back!" Sarah yelled. What is she- I hit the ground with a thud as the boar charged me.

"It's gonna charge again Jay!" As It charged I made a move to jump on its back, and it worked. Yes! I got this, I just punch it a few times and knock it out. I charged up a punch and it hit the skull directly, but the punch was stronger than intended.

The punch had basically created a crater due to the punch downwards. What just happened? It must've been luck. "Who are you?" An older man asked me. "Uhm.." The whole crowd of villagers was staring at me.

"I'm Jay?" They suddenly started clapping. This was.. unexpected? I really don't know what even happened. "Wow Jay I didn't get the impression you were that strong." Sarah told me. "Well thats rude." I said while annoyed "But to be completely honest I didn't think I could beat it with a hundred punches, never-mind one!"

Another villager shouted "We must have a feast, let's welcome our new visitor!" "Pfft- already getting special treatment." Sarah commented sarcastically.

When it turned dusk the villagers lit their fires and started cooking the boar and serving it out. I got to meet most of the villagers and they all seemed to like me well enough, but I needed answers more than food.

"Sarah is there anyone here who could answer some magical questions?" She told me to ask the villager elders so thats exactly what I did. "Uhm sir? Can I ask you some questions?" I asked the group of elders sitting in the corner.

"Why of course! After you've fed us all with boar I see no reason why not." I told him about my whole journey so far, from the city to the mana crystal, all the way to how I came to this village.

"Hmm, If what your saying is true I'd have to guess you've time traveled to the past. Magic and people who can wield that power only started appearing after the Gods bestowed those abilities upon our world 1000 years ago."

"I was always told that magic has always been existent in our world." The elder then said "The Gods had children and those children pass on magical ability, from what we know most Gods have had tons of children ranging in power. The only God I know that has had only one child is the moon God."

Wait? I heard about the moon God in my visions? The elder continued "The less children a God has, the more the descendants will be in terms of power, so I can only assume whoever has the blood of the moon God must be indescribably powerful." 

"Is there anyone in this world I could go to for more information?" The elder looked at me "You would have to go to a kingdom, however I warn you; they can be extremely dangerous. The forests are full of beasts and the kingdoms are full of powerful sorcerers." The elder goes to his hut and digs in his bag for something.

"Here's my old map, and a blade to keep you protected." Woah, this guy must've been strong in his prime! "Thanks, I'll head out tomorrow morning"

As I turned around the elder grabbed my shoulder "Stay safe, I wish you find what you seek." I nod at him and turn away to go sleep in my cot. Before I reach the entrance, Sarah steps in my way "I heard you were leaving to go to a kingdom?"

"Yeah, I wish I could stay but I need to find my home." She then said "Well in that case" A big grin showed on her face "I'm coming with you!"

"You sure thats okay with everyone here?" "Yeah, they already know I've wanted to explore the world so why not take the chance ya'know?"

 It would be selfish to ask her to come just to help me.. but if she wants to, then lets make it a fun adventure!