
Teaming Up with System 225 (BL)

With the creation of different dimensions and universes, came forth intelligent beings. To regulate these dimensions and universes, higher beings took control of containers called UniOrbs. These containers not only regulated the Gods and the souls of those worlds but also dictated the processes of reincarnation. The UniOrb could not do this on their own, so they contracted souls to become "Systems" that made sure souls were able to reincarnate, but not all souls were fortunate enough to do so. "Systems" then teamed up with souls called "Hosts" to make sure unfortunate souls got their wishes fulfilled, their souls healed properly, and ready for reincarnation. To make sure the Systems and Hosts had a proper base of operations, the UniOrb created a separate space called the Command Center. This Command Center was at the entrance of the reincarnation sea, where souls would go to their next destination. The person in charge was called, "God System." One System was not satisfied with their status quo. They created something known as the "Villain System." This Villain System was designed to suck the life and energy from different worlds, using it to spread a virus that would slowly take over the UniOrb. Their goal: Take over the UniOrb to become the new higher being that controlled it. When all hope seemed to be lost for those in the UniOrb and its Command Center, one System, System 225, gained control from the Villain System, rescued his "Host," and together go from world to world, gaining enough energy to combat the System that created the Villain System. Oh, and also rescuing God System along the way. Book cover credit: Alice - https://vgen.co/this_is_ALiCE_draws

MakusCorner · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
173 Chs

Shadow Guard (6)

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


On the night of the assassination…

"Sir, we moved my family to a more hidden location." Blaine couldn't help but salute Grey, who he found out was much stronger than he was. He was simply too strong, it was not fair. He has to go back to training...

Hero Blaine was standing in the living room of his family's small house. Even though his parents were merchants, they only had a small store. There were two rooms, one for his parents and the other for his little brother. He lived in the barracks provided by the Empire for more than a decade so he didn't have to cram himself into the small house. Because he had a good position in the military, he was able to send lots of money to his family, ensuring their quality of life. Blaine was a family man who cared more about his family than himself. It was one of the things that made him loveable.

It also reminded Grey of his best friend, who loved his family and friends more than himself.

Grey, who was standing across from him, smirked under his mask. "Alright, I will go hide."

Grey disappeared into the shadows, leaving Blaine in shock. The man was amazing being able to hide his presence but also be as strong or even stronger than the Knight Commander. He wondered why such a man was helping him, but he couldn't complain. If Prince Levi was going to kill his family, he would be sure to swear his loyalty to Prince Cecil instead.

As he waited for midnight to arrive, he heard a group of people outside the door.

"Can't believe we have been tasked with such a simple job to kill a commoner family. Wonder what they did to incur such wrath from such an influential figure." A younger-sounding man stated his opinion as he got ready to kick down the door.

"Shush! What happens if you wake them up with your loud ass?" The older man of the group tried to get everyone in order. He had a level of caution befitting for someone who had done this many times.

The three younger men couldn't help but chuckle. What could go wrong? They had already done some research and these commoners were just simple merchants with a small store. The only noteworthy thing was that the oldest son was a Knight Captain, but that man was probably doing things for the Empire and had no idea what was going on in the city.

They kicked down the door but didn't hear anything.

"See, look what I told you. These commoners sleep like the dead." The man who complained earlier said as he looked over at the older man in the group.

"Why don't you join them as well, hmm?" Grey whispered into the man's ear.

The younger man who kicked down the door turned around to see who dared to talk into his ear but felt a sharp acute pain in his chest. Before he could register what happened, he had already fallen on the ground. Grey had pierced through his rib cage, going straight for the man's heart.

The other three men were terrified and wanted to run but saw that the door suddenly closed. When they turned back around, they saw a Red Aura coming from within the dark house. They felt as if a heavy pressure was weighing down on their shoulders, just waiting to cut off their necks.

They weren't wrong about feeling that way. Blaine's Red Aura was very versatile. Even though he couldn't use his Aura to strengthen his body as the Knight Commander does, he was able to use it as another weapon.

"This would be the part where I ask who hired you, but unfortunately for you, I already have the evidence."

Blaine slowly walked towards the three petrified men. They couldn't even piss themselves as they watched the man coming towards them like Death himself.

He slowly took out his halberd and quickly stabbed the youngest man closest to him. He was blinded by anger and wanted nothing more than to cut down the people who dared to hurt his family.

"M-Mr. Knight Captain, pl-please! Spare us!" The older man shouted as he tried to slam his head down into a bow but he felt he couldn't even move downwards.

"You dare to try to kill my family and ask me to spare you?! Fucking shameless don't you think?"

"W-we were paid to do so, Sir!" The last younger man left cried as he tried to bow as well.

"We had no choice!"

"Please spare us!"

Hearing them shout and cry for their lives, he hesitated for a moment before seeing the two men being stabbed at the same time through their backs. The two men didn't know what had happened before they had perished.

Blaine looked up in shock at Grey who still had his mask on. He couldn't tell what Grey was thinking.

[Side Mission: Save the Hero's Family, has been completed. Keep up the good work, Host.]

Number 18 mentally thanked System 225 before putting away his weapon.

"Sir Blaine, I apologize for rushing you, but I understand that you empathize with them. Even if you let them go, it wouldn't have made a difference. This is how their industry is."


"Yes, they are a part of the Association. Even though they are simple bandits and not the Assassins, they are still a part of it. They had lost their humanity the moment they entered the Association regardless of their reasoning. They wouldn't have survived even if we kept them alive... The Association would've tortured them before killing them as punishment for not finishing a mission. We are saving them by giving them a quicker death."

There were different ranks to the Association as well as different sectors. But in the end, they all had one rule in common. If you don't complete the mission, you are as good as dead.

"I see..."

Blaine clutched onto his halberd, conflicted on what to do next. He had been someone who fought on the frontlines for his country. He had killed many people in his line of work because he had to do it... But in times like these, he realized he wasn't a killing machine. He really didn't like to kill people even with how clouded he was with anger. He felt so much regret and grief after killing that man. He wasn't as good a person as he thought he was. How was the man in front of him able to kill without batting an eye?

Blaine looked over at Grey. Did he feel something similar? Did he like to kill people or has he always felt some sort of guilt and suffering from each kill he had to make?

Grey sensed Blaine looking at him and could tell what he was thinking just by looking at the man's face. This was his best friend. They have been through three worlds together already, he should at least know what the man was thinking from time to time.

"I do not like killing, but there are times when it is necessary. Even if I feel guilty or upset, I know that what I am doing is right. I must survive and protect my Master. If I hesitate, if I waver, I too, will be as good as dead."

Yes, he still didn't like to kill no matter how long he suffered through the Villain System. Even if he had to go through millions of years of killing people, that would still weigh down heavily on his mind. Each person who dies under his blade or bullet was a real person. They had a life they had to live, had family and friends. Loved ones. Passions. Purposes. Dreams.

When you kill a person or when a person dies, they leave behind so much, making it feel as though the people around them have lost something so important to them. They had left behind tears, heartache, and sometimes even dreams that could've been fulfilled. People begin to lose their way and question the meaning of their existence or anyone's existence. Humans began to question whether it was fair or right. Some even get angry.

Death was a scary thing, but at the same time, it brought new life or let life continue. Life and death were a part of the same cycle, regardless of what anyone felt.

"Sir Blaine, for now, you must keep your family hidden. When Prince Levi gets news of his unsuccessful attempt, he may lash out at you and your family again."

"Thank you, Sir, for everything you have done for my family and me!" Blaine gave a sincere bow to Grey. He didn't know the man's name, but he was grateful all the same.

"There is no need for thanks. I had a motive for saving your family. My mission has been completed."

Before Blaine could say anything, Grey had disappeared into the shadows.

He had no idea where Grey was going or if they would ever meet again, but he hoped that one day, he would be able to meet the man under different circumstances. Regardless of what he had said, he wanted to thank the man from the bottom of his heart...

Grey had saved his family's life. He had saved his life.


The moment Grey got back to Prince Cecil's room, he was engulfed in an embrace from behind. He was about to panic but he felt the familiar arms being wrapped around him.

These hugs from behind can be scary sometimes, especially when it's dark. But also, he loved it when his lover did this to him. It was an odd feeling. Back hugs, face pinches, forehead rubs. Those were all the quirks God System had. It didn't increase or decrease.

"Master, what's wrong?" Grey spoke up, worried that something had happened.

Hearing Number 18's gentle voice that 18 only has with him, Prince Cecil unconsciously relaxed his grip. "I was worried because when I woke up, you weren't there."

Prince Cecil was becoming increasingly clingy. Not that Grey minded it since he enjoyed the attention. He was just worried something had happened to his icy-cold Master. Did he have a nightmare or something?

"Number 16 is here to protect you as well."

"I didn't notice him there."

Number 16 poked his head out from the shadows. He felt hurt but at the same time, he knew it was probably a good thing he wasn't noticed. "Master, your servant is here to watch over you tonight!"

"You may withdraw. I would like to speak with Number 18, in private." Prince Cecil said, his voice devoid of emotions. He only had affections in his words when it pertained to Number 18. Anyone else was irrelevant to him.

"Understood, Master!" Number 16 didn't question it and left the room. He decided to guard the surrounding area instead.

Grey turned around, still being held in a hug. "Is something wrong, Master?"

"I keep having dreams that I was following you from world to world. Even though it has only been fragments of memories, I knew you and I were both in these worlds. We were lovers in every world and I can see that we both love each other very much." He had to make it a point that not only were they lovers, but they had an abundance of love for one another.

Dreams? Following from world to world? His husband was also getting his memories back in this world. The frequency was increasing as well. Grey was really happy. He was so, so damn happy.

Grey couldn't help but take off his mask so that Prince Cecil could see his expression. His eyes held warmth and his smile was gentle. He put his hand on Prince Cecil's cheek.

"Master, I am happy you remembered some of the times we had spent together."

Prince Cecil's eyes widened. "You remember everything? Truly?"

"Of course I do. I also remembered when you got some memories in the previous world. Having you remember bits and pieces of our lives together makes me joyful. As we go from one world into the next, you will slowly remember more and more, until you will remember everything."

"And you will fall for me in every world? You won't get tired of me and leave me behind?"

"I could say the same thing to you, my prince with fragmented memories. I am always worried you would love another person and get married before I even get to that world. One time, you even had a fiancée!"

Though they all became best friends, in the end, the fear at the time was very real!

"It's been hard on you." Prince Cecil tightened his hug a bit as he put his head on Number 18's shoulder.

"You got that right. Seeing you being so leisurely sometimes makes me want to pinch your nose in your sleep and watch you wake up in a panic."

He was only joking though.

"Isn't that a bit cruel?"

"I was only joking."

The two started to laugh for a bit before finally releasing each other from the hug.

"I can't be too intimate with you in this world, Master, but just know I will always be by your side."

"Do you have to continue being a Shadow Guard?" Prince Cecil felt a bit cold as he tugged on 18's hand.

"Sadly, I must."

"Hmm, then you must tell me everything and always be by my side."

"Of course, you have my promise."

"That means you must tell me where you went tonight."

Is this what he originally wanted? Why didn't he just say what he really wanted? Grey couldn't help but grumble to himself. His lover was really cute.

"Master, I was helping Sir Blaine earlier."

The room turned a bit cold.

"Must I forbid you from seeing Sir Blaine?" He was jealous that his lover was going out at night with another man! He couldn't help but drown in vinegar.

"Master, whatever you are thinking is wrong. I was helping Sir Blaine because Prince Levi had targeted his family to pull him over to his side." He then pulled out the two letters though one was opened. He wanted to show his man both letters eventually.

He wanted to solidify God System's trust in him in this world as well, so he was truthful in everything he said.

"This letter explains the contents." He handed the letter to Prince Cecil for him to read.

Prince Cecil read through the letter and felt like he was going to cut Prince Levi in two. He took a deep breath before looking at the other letter in 18's hands. "What's that letter about?"

"I can't give Master the letter, as I have some stuff to do with it, but I can tell you the contents." He put the letter into a secret pocket before continuing. "The letter is for the assassination of your younger brother, Prince Zachary. When the time draws near for his assassination, I plan on hindering it and making sure that he stays alive."

"So my older brother plans to eliminate us... I understand getting rid of me… but my little brother as well? Thank you for telling me, 18. Now, what is your plan for helping out Zach? Is there any way I could help?"

Grey thought about it before nodding his head. He motioned Prince Cecil over to whisper into his ear, telling him his plans before earning a sign of approval.

Mini theatre by kuro_kama:

System 225 accidentally found the search history of God System.

“my lover is out with another man. i trust him but I don’t want this. what to do? waiting online”

“i want to use an ankle cuff on my lover but I don't know if he likes it. what to do? waiting online”

“my junior subordinate hasn’t eaten pork yet, recommend some top quality pork”

“does using handcuffs hurt? need feedback. waiting online”

“best couple rings design”

“care during hrt”

“hrt side effects”

“sushi recipes”




System 225: What is this man thinking all day in that head of his? Should I tell Grey? … … ai! Let’s just leave it ba.

Lille: Clingy ML, back at it again—

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