
Team Hunter

Spyrofire · Games
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Team hunter

So I went home and logged on. I was the last one logged on when I logged in my buddies were all huddled around me waiting for me to log on. A thing about the game is that your body actually stays still while you are offline you actually still have your character in the game when you log off. I woke up and said, "let's head to the guild but we need to take our time." We headed to the guild and when we got to the entrance we didn't go through the front gate we didn't want to be seen by anyone so we hopped onto a nearby house and jumped over the walls we made sure no one was nearby and jumped down. We started to head around the side of the building to get on some stairs that will lead us higher and on those specific stairs there are never any guards patrolling. But of course for some reason there was a guard there even though he was one of us I wanted to be safe so I loaded a tranquilizer into my sniper and hit him once he made no sound and I made sure he only got tranqed for about 5 minutes and made sure he never remembered getting tranqed as well as wake up in the same spot. We got to the top of the building and looked down in we didn't see anyone usually at 9:00 the guild grounds would have tons of players but for some reason there was none. I thought that maybe Luke went out all the squadrons out to take out an enemy general and our troops as well as theirs ambushed them and they got taken out. While I was thinking about that I saw a familiar face it was Pete and I could barely hear him but I'm almost certain he said that team Hunter ran off and they couldn't kill us in time. I don't know why they would want to kill us and plus even if you do take out someone and I forgot to mention this earlier they only lose levels, equipment and can't log on for a maximum of a week depending on how they die. if a sniper killed them that's the maximum time. But then I thought what if anyone who can't escape gets kicked from the guild and isn't allowed to come back. If Luke thinks that most of out squads are capable of taking down two generals and their groups then is is very wrong. Our group probably could have but didn't want to risk it, it would have been a gamble and, because we would have been taken out. If our guild The Fanged Vipers allied with our rival and the most powerful guild second to only us The Winged Eagles then our guild alliance would be the strongest in Full Ammo's history. We weren't sure what they were planning but I knew that it couldn't be good. We were about to leave when we heard another person enter the room and say "Luke we took out Team Dragon," when I heard that I knew something was up and told my team that we have to get off now or we might be killed and not be able to stop whatever they might have planned. We started to run off but when we went to try to get out of the walls we hit a force field. I was very confused and thought " were the admins trolling us or what was it why was there a force field there. When we hit the force field an alarm got sounded and we weren't sure what had happened. Were we kicked from the guild? Well we have to go through the front gate I guess but there was too many guards at the front gate and Luke would see us as well as the other generals so I thought of one thing and that could possibly save us.