
Teadium Vitae

Depressed MC reincarnates into various worlds, trying to find a passion/something to live for. Feels he doesn’t belong. Doesn’t want to die, but feels everyone would be better off if he did. Slow mental progression across the worlds. Will be a loner, so don’t expect any harems or large friend groups. Not a writer by any means, just someone trying to vent their thoughts in a story format. Also not saying everything the MC does would be something I would do (would be a very short and even more boring story if so). Mostly anime worlds unless I come across of tv show I want to do. Not planning on them carrying over anything from previous worlds besides experience, probably not even going to be over powered, just going to exist in these worlds. Have fun :) List of worlds currently planned: 1. Pokémon: (In progress) 1st World -Everday 2. Reincarnated as a slime: (In progress) 2nd World -Alternates days with Naruto 3. Naruto: (In progress) 3rd world -Alternates days with Slime 4. SAO: TBD 5. Overlord: TBD 6. Demon Slayer:TBD

TaediumVitae · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

To the Dwarves!... and the elves.

3 days later Rimuru finally awoke, during that time I had been helping the goblins, no hobgoblins and goblinas, do repairs and strengthen their defenses. I also had Seishuku practice shadow movement and the other skills he ended up getting from me. Truthfully though it was mostly a practice for me, it seems normal monsters easily grasp the concepts of their skills and are in tune with their abilities. Not to say I was falling behind Seishuku though, no I was definitely better than him, but it wasn't by much.

The skills he got from me was "Shadow Movement", "Black Lightning", a skill called "Active Camouflage" which was a weaker version of the invisibility aspect of my "Fade to Black" he could only move around and run, but still had an outline and if subjected to sunlight he would be difficult to see still, just not to the extent of before. Also any damage he takes deactivates it along with no sound suppression, so he has to steady his breath and be careful of his foot placement. He is however naturally quieter than the other Tempest wolves, so it shouldn't be that much of a problem.

Back to the skills he also got both of my "Paralysis Breath", and my "Poisonous Breath" making him very lethal. Now for the fun stuff though, with Rimuru awake that means it's just about time to go to Dwargon. With Gobta leading the way, we take off on our Direwolves to see the Dwarves.

Also I'm sure some of you may be wondering, and I must admit I've been trying to avoid this the whole time, but.... When I was named it didn't transform me into my actual age, it made me look just like a kid with just a few animalistic features like my eyes and fangs, not to mention my sharper nails. I was hoping to not have to spend this time kid sized again with all the absolutely gorgeous women that are I this world, but it seems I'm relegated to being the "cute kid" again. Sigh. Oh well, what better tool for an assassin than deception. Besides maybe as I grow in power I'll age too, I mean it happened in Shield Hero.

My cuteness aside, we're currently stopped by the river where Rimuru asks Ranga if he hates him because he killed his dad. Which had me looking at Seishuku wondering if I killed any of his children in the battle.

"Say Seishuku, did you have any Kim that perished in the battle?" I asked casually.

"No, they'd all died a long time ago in a battle against different monsters. I'm the only one left." Seishuku

"One day I want you to tell me about it." Kurai

"One day, master" Seishuku

Urkk, I don't know how much I like this master business. Not much I can do to change it though I suppose, and I might as well get used to it if I plan on taking Souei under my wing . Siiiiigh.

The next day we continued on our trip to Dwargon, I can't wait to see all the different beings that pass through Dwargon. With just me, Rimuru and Gobta we made our way to the entrance gate, only to be stopped by the trouble makers from the show. I won't lie, I gagged when I saw that screw in that guys head. Rimuru was currently in the process of trying to warn them off, but it just servers to further antagonize them, which led to him roaring in a mimicked form of Ranga and getting us locked up.

"Hey Rimuru, thanks again for getting us into the City faster. Smart thinking on your part, though next time give a heads up, that roar was pretty loud. Haha." Kurai

"I didn't mean to do it, I was just trying to scare them off. I didn't think it would do that." Rimuru

"You swallow a dragon that was able to live for 300 years with no sustenance and you're surprised that you're strong?" Kurai

"Weeeellll when you put it that way." Rimuru

"Hahaha, I'm glad I found you in that cave. I doubt I would have ever had this much fun going solo. Thanks for letting me tag along." Kurai

"Heh, I guess it has been pretty fun so already. We met a dragon, befriended goblins and defeated some direwolves and now we're locked in a medieval dungeon while i got stashed in a barrel." Rimuru

That's when Kaido finally starts questioning us about what happened, leading to Rimuru giving him a barrel of potion. Me and Rimuru had to pass the time by messing with Gobta and having sticky thread art battles, he ended up beating me. Kaido returned with the Dwarf brothers and finally released us and took us to see his brother. However.

'Hey Rimuru, I'm going to go explore the city a little bit. I'll catch up with you later.' Kurai

'Sure thing, but what are you going to be doing?' Rimuru

'Ahh you know just sneak ar- I mean explore the city.' Kurai

'I have a bad feeling about this. Just don't get into any trouble okay.'

'Will do Lord Rimuru!' I finish that thought communication with a bow and fade into the crowd, leaving an exasperated Rimuru. I thought I heard a faint "not him tooooo!" as I activated "Fade to Black" with a snicker.

This skill continues to prove itself as a great skill. I'm currently sneaking around the castle checking all the rooms in the whole place, and all I can say is that I never want a building with this many rooms. I did eventually find the treasury, but it seemed to be covered in different barriers and I'm not yet brave enough to go breaking into the vaults of the Dwarven kingdom. I'll just have to settle with spying on the inhabitants of the castle, let's see if I can find King Gazel.

I finally found him and some other important figures in what seems like a type of study or an office for the king. They were gathered around in different chairs talking with the king rather casually. The only one I really recognize is the captain of the Pegasus knights, the rest look familiar but I can't remember their names. Hmmm it seems one of his assassin's is hanging out in the room as well, cautious even amongst friends I see.

With them not talking of any great importance I decide to circle back and see if I can find their Research facility. Seeing some of their creations were truly incredible. They are in a medieval world with magic in it, but they have all these different thing that seem modern. I'm glad Rimuru is getting Kaijin and the Dwarves into our village, I can't wait for fully functioning facilities. Not to mention the amazing weapons they will make, I can't wait to get my hands on some daggers.

Well I suppose it's time to get back to Rimuru, hopefully I haven't missed the elves yet. Tracking down Rimuru was easy, being his name "brother" it's almost like I have a radar pointing directly to him. Sadly he seems to already be locked up in the jail again. Can't believe I missed out on the Elves. Deactivating my skills inside their cell surprising everyone inside.

"Yo Rimuru! Seems you love getting thrown in jail. Is this a kink that I should know about?" Kurai

"Kurai! How did you get in here? Oh wait never mind. Anyways I didn't mean to get thrown in here, we were just relaxing in a nice club with some beautiful Elves. Then this scumbag named Minister Vesta showed up, and well one thing led to another and we ended up here." Rimuru

"I can't believe I missed out on club fool of hot Elves and getting arrested again, you really have too much fun no matter where you go. You have to take me to this Elf club next time." Kurai

"Aren't you too young to be in that kind of club, kid?" Kaijin

"Gah! I'm older than I appear Mr. Dwarf, some stupid monster cursed me into being like this." Kurai

Kaijin hummed at that, but didn't push further.

"Well I guess I'll just hang out with you guys until the trial since I don't have nothing better to do. Wake me up in the morning." Kurai

I then proceeded to lay down in the back corner, falling asleep immediately.


Author's Note: sorry for a bit of short one, but I wanted each chapter to be my take on one episode and I kind of messed that up from the start since not much happens in the new world that would have involved Kurai and Rimuru unless I spawned him with Rimuru. I'll try to make the next one juicy, but with it just being the trial, it might end up being another short chapter.

Look forward to the introduction of the ogres though because that'll be where the story picks up in word count with Kurai interacting with Souei, and then obviously the orc lord is not far away. Which I have a bit of a plan for by the way.

I really wanted to pursue the whole Kurai exploring Dwargon and seeing things he shouldn't, but I just couldn't think of anything that would be worth him to find, or what they could be talking about that would surprise which would have to surprise me, meaning I would have to spoil something I don't know about yet. I've only read until the 7th or 8th light novel myself, I should probably catch to all that's released especially with the second season currently coming out.

Also this came out the day the episode "Prelude to Disaster" came out. Ohhhh I'm so excited to see how they do everything next week. Reincarnated as a slime has been my favorite anime for a while and it's helped me get over the tragedy that was Arifuereta's anime adaption( maybe I'll do a volume of that where our hero goes there, but it's like a mental slip too, he gets separated like Hajime does and finds his own harem of girls lol, or I'll just have him stick with Hajime, though idk how that would work. I'll think about it another time)

Also I've been kind of disappointed with the Spider Isekai's anime adaption, if you haven't noticed the trend yet it's LN that get anime's but with terrible CGI, though spider is better than Arifuereta in that department.

Anyways enough of that. I'm really looking forward to writing this story and figuring out how I'm going to write Kurai in what he contributes to the Jura Tempest Federation.

Might start a new volume as well, that will mean this one and whatever world I decided to write will alternate. The one with the highest possibility is Naruto, I feel like I've read so many of those fanfics I could make one at least a tenth as good as the ones I've read. That means my upload schedule would hypothetically look like this

Monday: Pokémon/Slime

Tuesday: Pokémon/Naruto

Wednesday: Pokémon/Slime

Thursday: Pokémon/Naruto

And so on. And then obviously when Naruto and Slime hit a certain amount of episodes I'll add another one to add to the rotation. The only everyday upload will be Pokémon, until I either finish it or get bored with it. Which could happen at the end of the kanto region or I may go as far as the Kalos region. I honestly don't know.

Thanks for reading
