
Teadium Vitae

Depressed MC reincarnates into various worlds, trying to find a passion/something to live for. Feels he doesn’t belong. Doesn’t want to die, but feels everyone would be better off if he did. Slow mental progression across the worlds. Will be a loner, so don’t expect any harems or large friend groups. Not a writer by any means, just someone trying to vent their thoughts in a story format. Also not saying everything the MC does would be something I would do (would be a very short and even more boring story if so). Mostly anime worlds unless I come across of tv show I want to do. Not planning on them carrying over anything from previous worlds besides experience, probably not even going to be over powered, just going to exist in these worlds. Have fun :) List of worlds currently planned: 1. Pokémon: (In progress) 1st World -Everday 2. Reincarnated as a slime: (In progress) 2nd World -Alternates days with Naruto 3. Naruto: (In progress) 3rd world -Alternates days with Slime 4. SAO: TBD 5. Overlord: TBD 6. Demon Slayer:TBD

TaediumVitae · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Reincarnated as a...

It seems my Pokémon journey is coming to an end, I must say I ended up having more fun than I could have imagined. Visiting the different regions, somehow finding a permanent travel companion in Ash even though originally I didn't want to be near them. All my Pokémon... Maybe now that I've lived this life I'll finally get to rest, surely after living such a fulfilling life in the Pokémon world. Especially since we didn't age in that world! I mean ya eternal youth sounds good and all until you've spent 20 years as a 10 year old. I'm mentally 40 and was stuck in that body for so long.

As much as I enjoyed that life I'm ready to rest and just fade out of existence. Well at least that's what I had hoped, but ROB had different plans.

[Request Confirmed; acquisition of the skill "Phase Through" is successful.]

Shit, that sounded very familiar. Wait I think I'm being sent to Reincarnated as a Slime. Ohhh, quick what did he say to get Great Sage as much as people in the fan fics hate systems, surely great sage gets a pass.

"Oh woe is me I lived 40 years as a virgin I think that makes me a sage, and a little longer a great sage."

[Extra Skill acquired: "Sage" continuing, "Sage" will transform into the Unique Skill: "Great Sage"

Nice and with my low presence surely I'll be a master of stealth with "Phase Through".

[Extra Skill acquired: "No Presence" it will combine with "Phase Through" to form the Unique Skill: "Fade to Black"]

Oooh I don't have to speak out loud for it to make skills, that will make this so much easier. Uhhh I don't really want predator since Rimuru already has that, but I do want to absorb the excess magicules and an ability of my choice from them. I just don't want to have do it the way Rimuru did, actually "eating" them.

[Request Confirmed; acquisition of unique skill: "Sticky Fingers"]

Nice now I want no pain, and I definitely don't want to be a slime, how about a lizardman with the ability to eventually ascend into a true dragon.

[Requests Confirmed; "Pain Nullification" acquired. Also race set to "Lizardman" with races "Dragonewt", "Dragonoid", and "True Dragon" available after certain criteria is met.]

[Reincarnation Process complete]

Damn seems I can't choose anymore abilities, hopefully I'll get to meet Rimuru from the start so I can meet Veldora with him. I'm feeling very sleepy, this must be part of the process. I guess I won't fight it.

When I woke up I could immediately feel a pressure and the air was almost suffocating to breathe. Looking around I could see that I was inside a cave, fingers crossed this is Veldora's cave and I haven't missed Rimuru. Though judging by this pressure that's gotta be Veldora. Hmmm I want Veldora to give me a name, so I need to wait for Rimuru. I wonder if I can soak up the ambient magicules from Veldora while I wait.

[Affirmative, due to being a "Monster" you are able to absorb ambient magicules if that is your focus. Must be in a meditative state]

Awesome, I'll just trigger Fade to Black and absorb the magicules near Veldora. Great Sage, do you know when Rimuru will reach Veldora?

[Based off your memories he still has another 89 days 23 hours and 58 minutes before he acquires his own Great Sage and meets Veldora]

(Author's note: for anime only watchers, yes he was really in the cave eating the Hipokte herbs for 90 days before he finally got Great Sage)

Uhhhhm I kind of forgot about that. Well I guess I will just have to wait because I definitely don't want him to stop collecting the herbs, since they may save my life one day. Great Sage can you please explain my current skills.

[Affirmative; "Pain Nullification" Host will feel no physical pain.

"Thought Communication": As a result of being a Lizardman you can converse with just your thoughts.

"Fade to Black" is an unique skill that combines "Phase Through" and "No Presence" Host can now Phase through solid objects not protected by barrier and various forms of magic, as well as completely erase their presence unless another with a more powerful skill is there. This also covers complete silence in movement, and invisibility that will work on any being that doesn't have a superior skill that counteracts it. Very few Magic's and barriers will detect you.

"Sticky Fingers" is an Unique skill that allows Host to absorb ambient Magicules from defeated enemies as well as allows host to select a skill that the defeated opponent had and acquire yourself.

Lastly "Great Sage" has "Thought Acceleration": Raise thought process speed by a thousand times. "Analytical Appraisal": Analyze and Appraise a target.

"Parallel Processing": Detach thoughts and analysis of phenomena, also under "Thought Acceleration"s influence.

"Chant Annulment": with magic no chant is required.

"All of Creation": The ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomenon in this world. Depending on the things the user understands and the information the user knows about, additional information can be inferred. In other words, the user needs to see it (the phenomenon) at least once.

"Auto Battle Mode": when granted permission "Great Sage" will take over body functions and use the strategy with the highest chance of success in battle.]

Yikes holy info dump, but very useful nonetheless. "Fade to Black" seems like it will work against anything that's not an Ultimate Skill or an unique that specifically targets it. I'm what every assassin dreams of being. Alright Great Sage how much longer until Rimuru arrives?

[89 days 23 hours and 56 minutes]

Grrrk, ugh this is going to take forever. Great Sage can you put me into a meditative sleep until Rimuru is approaching? I want to gain his friendship before he meets Veldora.

[Understood Host putting you in meditative sleep state until Rimuru nears.]


Great Sage I hope you'll call me Alan from now on, I imagine you will be one of the few that know my real name. So please call me Alan from now on.

[Understood.... Alan]



And with that I went to sleep. I didn't really think about much during this, it was almost like my brain was in limbo. It pretty much felt like I took a quick nap, or had dozed off in class just to immediately wake up again.

[Alan, 10 minutes until Rimuru is set to meet Veldora]

Thank you Great Sage. Ahhh while my mind feels fresh my body feels stiff, no pain just stiff. At least I still get that feel good "pain" that comes from stretching tired or unused muscles. Now lets see I can't call him Rimuru, so I'll just call out slime and hope he responds.

I decide to look for a water source since he first shoots across it hitting Veldoras barrier, so if I catch him before he hits the barrier I can have some time to befriend him before we meet Veldora. Okay plan is a go. In the show they could sense things with magicules, so maybe if I just focus on the ambient magicules and expand my senses...


Who, this is amazing. I can see with the same clarity all over this area, though seeing may be the wrong word. I can feel all the details to a point that they appear as if I'm looking directly at them.

[Extra Skill acquired: "Magic Sense" ability to sense the world through magicules.]

Nice it worked. Now to find a slime. And there he is, he just fell into this huge underground lake. There he goes with the water propulsion skill just skimming across the water. Caught him.

'Hello there slime' I use thought communication to speaks with him

'Uhhh are you the one who caught me?' Rimuru

'Indeed, rather peculiar to see a slime just flying through the air, so I decided catch you.' Me

'Weeeelll, I didn't exactly mean to go flying. You see it turns out slimes don't float, so I had to figure a way out of the bottom of that lake.' Rimuru

'You are actually the first other being I've seen since coming to this world.' Me

'What do you mean this world? Did you get reincarnated as well?' Rimuru

'Yes, I was. I got reincarnated into the body of what seems to be a Lizardman while being brought to this world.' Me

'I see, so you died as well huh?' Rimuru noticeably sags in my arms.

'Ah yes.' If only I could stay that way, good thing i can easily stop transmitted my thoughts.


Ah it's seems Great Sage can still hear me. My apologies.

"You there! Puny ones! How long are you going to stand over there conversing amongst yourselves!"

'Whaaaat was that?' Rimuru is now shaking like crazy, suppressing a chuckle I respond.

'I'm not sure, but it might be that strong presence I've felt ever since I've woken up here.'

The rest plays out like the show, with Veldora helping Rimuru get "Magic Sense" and explains to us how otherworldly work. He gives us his backstory of being imprisoned here by the hero, and now Rimuru is agreeing to help Veldora escape "Unlimited Imprisonment".

I've gotta say I never thought I'd hear a dragon laugh, but it's still not exactly what I would have expected. Veldora is now naming us and having us come up with a family name.

'How about Tempest, slime' Me

'Ya! It even goes with his "Storm Dragon" persona!'

"We decided Tempest, Veldora Tempest!" Rimuru

"Tempest?! That's what you chose?!" Veldora roars

"Is it dumb? He came up with it" Rimuru points to me.

"Ah, I believe agreed on it slime." Me

"No! It sounds fantastic! From this day onward, I am Veldora Tempest!" Veldora roars out once again

"Yeesh, you scared me for a second there." Rimuru

"Now I shall give both of you names. How about Rimuru for the slime and for the Lizardman, Kurai."

With that me and the now officially named Rimuru went into a transformation. My name was now Kurai Tempest, it felt so natural as if it was supposed to be my name all along. It just felt... right.


Author's Note: First I basically google translated and that's how I got Kurai (暗い) <- that's apparently the characters for it if you want to check. It apparently means: dark; gloomy; be ignorant; be a stranger; somber. Which for the most part I feel fits our MC.

Also I doubt it works this way but doesn't "rai" have something to do with lightning and electricity? And "kur" like the first letters of "kuro". Like I said I doubt it works that way but as a naive American it just felt right, especially for a fanfic.

Also sorry for the massive info dump. I'm going to make a skills page as an auxiliary chapter eventually so besides gaining new skills you won't see the descriptions for the old skills unless it's been a while since the MC used them for something.

I'm not sure how many people have done a Reincarnated as a Slime fanfic, or if any have done a "Journey to becoming a True Dragon" but hopefully this will be fresh. I'm going to heavily and I mean HEAVILY follow the anime on basically an episode to episode basis because I just want to pretend be friends with Rimuru.

Also if it wasn't obvious MC will be filling the "assassins, ninja" archetype, so I'm kind of considering having MC name Souei and the Lizardman who decide to follow him. It'll kind of be a Rimuru is the Light while Kurai is the Dark, just not too extreme though. They'll be friends and work together, but Kurai is going to "conveniently" be the hidden spy, assassin that nobody knows about except the inner circle. He'll still help Rimuru with problems though.

I'm so excited for this story. I can't seem to find any good or at least long Reincarnated as a Slime Fanfics, so it's like I get to read it while writing it how I would want it to go. Corny ya, but oh well. If you know of any Slime fanfics please let me know! I'd love to read it.

Thanks for reading
