
Wtf is quirky culture

*Clap clap clap clap

hello guys and welcome to tea and me .

today we are gonna talk about " quirk culture ", I've seen girls online say stuff like other girls vs me and what other girls look like and what I look like. Quirky culture is supposed to be not bieng like anyone else and you would think that all these people are so different but they are not. Take this conversation as an example.

Cherry : so like I said last week my grandfather almost got hit by a car-

Rachel: did you know that yesterday I stayed at home with sweat and ate French fries and watched NETFLIX all day

cherry : um what-how is that

Rachel: yeah ik I'm so quirky

cherry: wha- huh

Rachel: yeah I mean like who am I I am so not like other girls

cherry: wtf I'm so confused-

Rachel: ok it's weird but dont shame me for it

cherry: what is happening what are you talking about

Rachel: are you even listening to me I'm so quirky

cherry: how is staying at home quirky isnt that just social distancing like we are supposed to, everyone eats fries and watched NETFLIX wtf are you saying

Rachel: girl its okay you are not different like me

cherry: wah wha what

I mean like girls post shit like this every day and its crazy because I'm pretty sure everyone does this so how are you different by bieng a person and not bieng the girly bitch you think you are?

I mean you act like you have some licenses to be quirky or else

Agent: good morning ms cynthia

cynthia: hello ,hi saundra

saundra: hey

Agent: so I've seen this week you haven't done anything quirky why ?


Agent: I cant keep giving excuses for you

saundra: ohhhhhhhh

Agent: you haven't dont anything quirky this week I'm done with this

cynthia: wait I did do something quirky i drank milk from the fridge directly

Agent: did you post about it

cynthia: no


cynthia: I'm sorry I forgot

saundra: oo girl

Agnet: that's it I'm taking away your license of quirkiness

cynthia: what no I'll do something really quirky

Agnet : I'm sorry security

saundra: sorry girl bye

cynthia: no no noooooo

Ethier way you get the point , if you gonna say your quirky actually do something weird.

seial: hey girl

dyle: hey

seial: so what did you do yesterday

dyle: oh nothing I just had my caviar soup with pickles in the sink

seial: omg I love that

dyle: I would have had it on cow shit but I was on a diet

seial : omg me two , toca bell with a mac and cheese sluch doesn't not sit well exactly with fridge ice

dyle : yeah try frying oil and peanut butter with chicken soup

seial : mmmm so good

dyle: so wanna go to the mall

seial : sure

thank you so much for watching this abomination of a show I will see you next time hopefully and goodbye